posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +259 / -1

How do we even begin to describe the times accounting for the present and clearly projecting into the future? Drawing back to December 2016 and fresh off President Donald Trump’s historic election victory, how many folks would have considered; much less accepted as plausible or realistic, this projection: By the end of 2022:

America would be on the precipice of a thermonuclear Armageddon with Russia over Ukraine and China over Taiwan

The United States of America and her full population finally falls victim to generational and widespread Chinese infiltration of the U.S. and her institutions, agencies and departments

America subjugates herself to a proxy U.S. president installed by China and the CCP

America subjugates herself to the CCP’s brand of Marxist communism as brought about by Bolshevik tactics

The tactics include two fraudulent impeachments and

A “pandemic” that is a construct of enterprise fraud and

Medical tyranny as an enforcement mechanism and

A summer of rioting, burning and murder with impunity and

A stolen 2020 presidential election to install the Chinese proxy and

A Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation executed by the FBI and House

Speaker to construct and project onto political opposition a false reality of “insurrection” and [attempted] “overthrow” and

An American gulag for legally entrapped American citizens and Kabuki theater styled Capitol “insurrection” public hearings that weren’t hearings and

A U.S. President in Biden declaring almost 100 million Americans extreme threats, domestic terrorists and threats to our very “freedom” and “democracy” for expressing their First Amendment right to vote and

The weaponization of the entire federal apparatus against political opposition [MAGA, conservatives, the silent majority, etc.] to accomplish the proxy’s objectives and

A coerced, forced and mandated “vaccine” that meets no standard, medical, patent or legal definition for a “vaccine”; is only available by emergency authorization that is irrefutably predicated by enterprise fraud; and which now stands as a thoroughly evidenced bioweapon with a devastating health outlook for its recipients coerced or forced into taking it and

A systemically corrupt and owned Judiciary and court system to hold most everyone harmless while covering-up every granular bit of it

It’s such a long question because they’ve done so much to us.
