posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +35 / -0

How Bad Was Learning Loss During the Pandemic?


The authors carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of learning loss over the first two-and-a-half years of the pandemic. ...

...students typically progress by about 0.4 standard deviations per school year, which means that school closures reduced learning by the equivalent of one third of a school year (a whole term). The authors characterise this as “substantial”.

... Existing research on teacher strikes in Belgium and Argentina, shortened school years in Germany and disruptions to education during World War II suggests that learning deficits are difficult to compensate and tend to persist in the long run.

If you have kids who were affected by lockdowns, seriously consider getting them Kumon or some other enrichment program to make up for what they lost. Mention why you are doing this to the kids themselves, so they know how badly the government screwed them over.