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I'll try to dumb it down while simultaneously going into as much detail as I can;

There's a clandestine group of criminals around the world (who are communists) who have infiltrated the United States over many decades and have slowly poisoned the country from within and have tried to turn it into a communist country in the hopes of completing their plan of achieving and creating a One World Government ran by an unelected bureaucracy with the intention of enslaving the world and controlling how people think. This group basically consists of trillionaires who have gained control of world government, politicians, CEO's, organizations, etc. through the power of blackmail, murder and threats. Their favored use of blackmail is pedophilia. Epstein island is a honeypot for inviting important world figures and celebrities and secretly recording them while they engage in illegal and immoral sexual activities with children and minors. But there are many other islands and many other tools of blackmail. These same people have also bought and controlled Hollywood, Mainstream Media, and many corporations throughout the country (and world).

These same people also assassinated President John F. Kennedy. To best summarize what they are, they are a global mafia, or 'cabal' who believe in globalism, i.e. controlling the entire globe. Much of this mafia operates in Europe (specifically the U.K., Germany, Sweden etc.), China, Canada, and the United States of America. The part of this mafia that operates in the United States has been dubbed the name, "The Deep State" as they are effectively running the country through a shadow government, in other words people who do not follow the law but believe they are above the law and rule through coercion and blackmail.

Just as there is a group of super rich, super powerful, and super evil cabalists/globalists/deep staters, there is also a group of powerful, rich, and good people, called the White Hats. When JFK was assassinated in 1963, these White Hats got fed up and started formulating a plan to take down the entire global mafia, but it was a plan that would take decades to carry out. They probably waited until the Internet was created first to be able to carry out this plan (if you don't think the military knew the internet was possible back then, there's a lot you don't know. Technology made to the public has been known to the military for many more decades).

This plan involved recruiting someone to run for President and expose these criminals, then take them all down with the help of the U.S. military, the only uncompromised/incorruptible group in the entire country.

Q is specifically a group of about 10 people, including the President, and are mostly military, who have perfected a plan that, if carried out, would take down the global mafia and free the world and bring in a Golden Age of Freedom and Humanity for everyone worldwide. An end to terrorism, end to famine, end to cancer and other diseases (Q has said that we have all the cures, but the pharmaceutical industry is a part of the global mafia and aims to keep us sick on purpose), an end to wars, an end to communism/socialism, the list goes on. Q has also hinted that new technologies could be released, free energy, etc. that would change the world. Q also hinted at aliens being real, so the plan might include declassification of aliens, who knows. Bunch of other stuff. You get the idea.

As already mentioned, Q is a group of 10 people who are mostly military, with only a few non-military (President Trump being one of them) and they serve the President. Q speaks through codes on a public internet forum. Q has made 4953 posts since October 2017. Many of them are hints of future events, coded messages, questions written in the Socratic method, and are designed to educate people about the truth of the world and what's really going on regarding all the corruption. Q has asked all of its followers to spread all this information through social media in the hopes of redpilling and awakening the masses. Q's very first posts were promises that POTUS would drain the swamp and arrest all the traitors, save the Republic, and return power and freedom back to the people, and alluded to the plan being Worldwide, that the freedom would spread.

Because all of this sounds very LARPy, many anonymous posters urged Q to provide validity to their claims. Because they are military working directly with POTUS, they cannot outright provide hard evidence due to national security laws (cannot share classified information to civilians), but they could provide enough proof with plausible deniability that they are who they say they are. They do this through coded messages on POTUS' twitter, posting Q posts at the same exact time as POTUS, posting a certain phrase or quote only for POTUS to tweet the exact same thing minutes or hours later, and POTUS would drop many hints showing that he is well aware of Q, like pointing at Q signs at rallies, using the number 17 a lot in speeches (Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet), requesting jerseys with a 17 on them, the list goes on. Basically, coincidences, but the salient fact is that there are FAR TOO MANY of them to be mathematically possible, thus they add a lot of validity to Q's claim of being military intelligence working with Trump. Keep in mind that when POTUS was inaugurated, he filled his cabinet with Generals.

The reason people are angry with Q or flat out deny them, is that many trolls have posted claims suggesting that Q said a certain event would play out on a certain date, and then it doesn't. This is a way of gaslighting and hijacking the Q narrative to paint Q as a liar when Q never made such claims. Thus people regard it as hope porn with no logic or reasoning or evidence. But if you actually do research you'll see that much of what Q has ACTUALLY said over the 38 months of posting, have come true.

Regarding the coded messages and why Q writes in code, it's to communicate with us in a very subtle way. This is not the first time this has happened in history. During the American Revolution, patriots working with General Washington would communicate with other patriots through code to bypass the British. Q is the modern day version of that.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I'll try to dumb it down while simultaneously going into as much detail as I can;

There's a clandestine group of criminals around the world (who are communists) who have infiltrated the United States over many decades and have slowly poisoned the country from within and have tried to turn it into a communist country in the hopes of completing their plan of achieving and creating a One World Government ran by an unelected bureaucracy with the intention of enslaving the world and controlling how people think. This group basically consists of trillionaires who have gained control of world government, politicians, CEO's, organizations, etc. through the power of blackmail, murder and threats. Their favored use of blackmail is pedophilia. Epstein island is a honeypot for inviting important world figures and celebrities and secretly recording them while they engage in illegal and immoral sexual activities with children and minors. But there are many other islands and many other tools of blackmail. These same people have also bought and controlled Hollywood, Mainstream Media, and many corporations throughout the country (and world).

These same people also assassinated President John F. Kennedy. To best summarize what they are, they are a global mafia, or 'cabal' who believe in globalism, i.e. controlling the entire globe. Much of this mafia operates in Europe (specifically the U.K., Germany, Sweden etc.), China, Canada, and the United States of America. The part of this mafia that operates in the United States has been dubbed the name, "The Deep State" as they are effectively running the country through a shadow government, in other words people who do not follow the law but believe they are above the law and rule through coercion and blackmail.

Just as there is a group of super rich, super powerful, and super evil cabalists/globalists/deep staters, there is also a group of powerful, rich, and good people, called the White Hats. When JFK was assassinated in 1963, these White Hats got fed up and started formulating a plan to take down the entire global mafia, but it was a plan that would take decades to carry out. They probably waited until the Internet was created first to be able to carry out this plan (if you don't think the military knew the internet was possible back then, there's a lot you don't know. Technology made to the public has been known to the military for many more decades).

This plan involved recruiting someone to run for President and expose these criminals, then take them all down with the help of the U.S. military, the only uncompromised/incorruptible group in the entire country.

Q is specifically a group of about 10 people, including the President, and are mostly military, who have perfected a plan that, if carried out, would take down the global mafia and free the world and bring in a Golden Age of Freedom and Humanity for everyone worldwide. An end to terrorism, end to famine, end to cancer and other diseases (Q has said that we have all the cures, but the pharmaceutical industry is a part of the global mafia and aims to keep us sick on purpose), an end to wars, an end to communism/socialism, the list goes on. Q has also hinted that new technologies could be released, free energy, etc. that would change the world. Q also hinted at aliens being real, so the plan might include declassification of aliens, who knows. Bunch of other stuff. You get the idea.

As already mentioned, Q is a group of 10 people who are mostly military, with only a few non-military (President Trump being one of them) and they serve the President. Q speaks through codes on a public internet forum. Q has made 4953 posts since October 2017. Many of them are hints of future events, coded messages, questions written in the Socratic method, and are designed to educate people about the truth of the world and what's really going on regarding all the corruption. Q has asked all of its followers to spread all this information through social media in the hopes of redpilling and awakening the masses. Q's very first posts were promises that POTUS would drain the swamp and arrest all the traitors, save the Republic, and return power and freedom back to the people, and alluded to the plan being Worldwide, that the freedom would spread.

Because all of this sounds very LARPy, many anonymous posters urged Q to provide validity to their claims. Because they are military working directly with POTUS, they cannot outright provide hard evidence due to national security laws (cannot share classified information to civilians), but they could provide enough proof with plausible deniability that they are who they say they are. They do this through coded messages on POTUS' twitter, posting Q posts at the same exact time as POTUS, posting a certain phrase or quote only for POTUS to tweet the exact same thing minutes or hours later, and POTUS would drop many hints showing that he is well aware of Q, like pointing at Q signs at rallies, using the number 17 a lot in speeches (Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet), requesting jerseys with a 17 on them, the list goes on. Basically, coincidences, but the salient fact is that there are FAR TOO MANY of them to be mathematically possible, thus they add a lot of validity to Q's claim of being military intelligence working with Trump. Keep in mind that when POTUS was inaugurated, he filled his cabinet with Generals.

The reason people are angry with Q or flat out deny them, is that many trolls have posted claims suggesting that Q said a certain event would play out on a certain date, and then it doesn't. This is a way of gaslighting and hijacking the Q narrative to paint Q as a liar when Q never made such claims. Thus people regard it as hope porn with no logic or reasoning or evidence. But if you actually do research you'll see that much of what Q has ACTUALLY said over the 38 months of posting, have come true.

Regarding the coded messages and why Q writes in code, it's to communicate with us in a very subtle way. This is not the first time this has happened in history. During the American Revolution, patriots working with General Washington would communicate with other patriots through code to bypass the British. Q is the modern day version of that.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

3 years ago
1 score