20-guage 1 point ago +1 / -0

And funny thing, Ivermectin prevents/cures it. (This is getting really boring. The lefties in my Marxist-controlled city are happily putting their masks back on.)

20-guage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, wonderful! And Bravo to you for making this happen!!

If anyone still needs a source for IVM, here's a link to a list of sources (no Rx required) over on Patriots.win. (I'm banned from posting it here on GA.)


20-guage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, similar thoughts here. I'm finding a lot of ponder-worthy threads woven through all this. In particular, I'm sure neither H or M are sufficiently intelligent to orchestrate and spearhead a major plan on their own, but they're ideal as the puppets of other forces.

Lady Colin-Campbell and HG Tudor on YT have some interesting insights -- centered primarily around Markle's pathological narcissism and Harry's low intelligence/psych issues.

20-guage 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you haven't already, you might want to explore the Prince Harry / Meghan Markle rabbit hole. I blundered into it about six months ago, when doing a dig on something entirely different. It's wild.

20-guage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stay strong! (I've added you to my daily prayer list.)

Here's a list of cancer resources (including dosing protocols) built around Ivermectin and Fenbendazole that I've been posting over on Patriots.win. A lot of anons have been reporting excellent results using these meds!



20-guage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whew ...it's a blessing that you can afford this stuff. There are clearly tons of folks who can't. ...Absolutely infuriates me.

20-guage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just heard back from Reynold. He said that to the best of his knowledge, Trelegy Ellipta inhalers are not available for sale in India to the United States.

He said that there's currently no generic form of Trelegy Ellipta available for sale. (His company, and the others on that list I linked, sell only generics.)

I did a little dig on this, and according to this item, Trelegy Ellipta won't go generic until 2030, when it's patent runs out.


I also found this website with info on "Trelegy Patient Assistance" for folks who can't afford their ridiculous price:



20-guage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apologies for my delay in getting back to you -- I put my back out (badly) and haven't been able to be online for a couple of days. I've emailed Reynold to ask about this product. He's checking now and will get back to me (hopefully) by late tonight or early morning (EST). I'll get back to you as soon as I hear from him.

20-guage 1 point ago +1 / -0

For example, IndiaMart is quoting a price in rupees that converts to about $38 US.


20-guage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you might be able to order the Trelogy Ellipta inhaler from India at a much, much lower price.

Check out the med sources from India on this list I post over on Patriots.win. (I used to post it here periodically during the covid years, but one of the mods banned me from posting.)

My suggestion would be to email Reynold Brook (ReynoldMeds) directly. He's become a go-to source for a lot of us here. (I've bought my IVM, antibiotics, and all my heart meds from him since early 2021. My heart meds from him are a fraction of their US pharmacy cost.)


Let me know if you have questions -- or if you'd like me to contact him for you. (He knows me personally at this point.)

20-guage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's a link to the big list of Homeschool Resources I was posting regularly during the covid years. You might find something useful on it.


20-guage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look into Ivermectin to treat this. I used Presearch.com (doesn't seem to censor like the others) and found a lot of research indicating it works.


If you've got the paste on hand, use it. Otherwise, order pill form from one of the places on this list. (The sources in TN ship very fast, but are much more expensive. The places in India take 14 to 21 days, but are cheap.)

Here's a link to the list of where to buy. A link to the dosing / treatment protocols is at the top of the page. (It's posted on Patriots.win because I'm not allowed to post it on GA any longer.)


20-guage 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is great, but it isn't an official Trump campaign video. The rumble uploader added this note:

DREAM ON!!! I do not know the owner of this video. This is not my edit. I felt compelled to share. If I find out who cut this video, I will update you.

20-guage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey gobby! Yeah, I'm still around. Took a break from posting that list because interest seemed to have died down and I didn't want to be spamming the board. I'll get back to posting it tomorrow.

20-guage 18 points ago +18 / -0

May the Blood and Water that flowed from the Heart of our Crucified Lord flow down upon your friend to heal her and restore her to full health. AMEN. +++

20-guage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh gosh, I don't know for sure about the paste. I hope someone else here who knows chimes in. On the chance it might be helpful, here's Dr Z's Protocol:

Symptomatic (sick): 0.4 MG of IVM per KG of weight, Daily, for 5 to 7 days.

Prophylactic (preventive): 0.2 MG of IVM per KG of weight, Weekly, Day 1 and Day 3.

(I've been on the Prophylactic protocol since December 2021.)

20-guage 13 points ago +13 / -0

Here's a list of cancer resources I compiled from posts here and on Patriots.win. (I'll add this one to it for future reposts.) The list includes both Fenben and IVM information.


NOTE: I suggest using Presearch.org to search for info on IVM and/or Fenbendazole and specific type of cancer. It doesn't seem to censor the info like goog, duck, etc.

Misc. cancer resources:


FreeRepublic -- search results for <cancer> [Some junk, but a lot of research and information that seems solid.]


The Defeat of Cancer (in English, Spanish, Dutch, Italian) Absolutely massive trove of information. HT u/ brain_dead.


** Dr. Syed Haider: Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? -- Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vit C and Sodium Bicarb**



https://www.fenbendazole.org [dosages, protocols, lab research papers, and product comparison]


Research showing Fenbendazole prevents/treats/cures cancer -- search results:


Search results for <Fenbendazole + cancer + protocol>


Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol [This place offers Telehealth consultations.]


Conversation with Bing AI about Fenbendazole (See the comments, good info in there. h/t u/ Made_It_So)


Fenbendazole group (on Telegram): https://t.me/Fenbendazolesupport

Hosted by u/ Jessy1

Thus far are over 400 members who share their success stories and other ideas of using fenbendazole and alternative methods to fight cancer and stick it to BIG pharma.


List of IVM Protocols for use:


List of where to buy IVM (and other generic meds):


Research showing Ivermectin prevents/treats/cures cancer -- search results:


Search results for <Ivermectin + cancer + protocol>


Links to board search results for "cancer":




20-guage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course Hamas is in the US...and has been for decades.

Just go to the DOJ website and search for "Hamas indictments".... you'll retrieve a shit ton of press releases. And then look at the locations -- California, Arizona, and Northern Virginia ...amongst others.

Or, do a search for "Hamas" and any city or state in the union that has a large muslim population.

20-guage 18 points ago +18 / -0

This tells me that a lot of Zoomers are seriously mentally ill. So yeah, it definitely undermines society.

20-guage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Man ...what a wild ride it's been (and is going to be) ...I really can't believe it's been that many years...I remember being on 4chan and seeing Q make that post ... and thinking it was all going to happen over the next year or so. LOL

20-guage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for posting this. I desperately needed some encouragement and an outlook-booster. :-))

20-guage 1 point ago +1 / -0

This list of the various Protocols has some additional detox info / links:


Given that the detox protocols are mostly built around IVM, here's a list of reliable places to buy it in pill form (as well as HCQ and most other generic meds):


Side note: For anons with high blood pressure issues -- one of IVM's listed 'side effects' is hypotension -- it's used off label in Africa as a blood pressure med.

I've been taking IVM prophylactically since late 2021 (when it cured my case of covid or whatever the crap was)... the IVM has lowered my blood pressure so much that I've been able to reduce my med dose by 1/2 to 3/4 -- and there are days now where I don't need to even take it.

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