CHIEFW00DY 1 point ago +1 / -0

The last thing Comer said, right after he asked Raskin "What is the crime?" regarding impeaching Biden; Comer said "You're about to find our very soon." It seems to me Comer is telegraphing what is coming and coming very soon too regarding charges for impeaching Biden. If Biden is impeached for committing federal level crimes and removed from office he would then be susceptible to criminal charges and tried in court. That would drag in a whole lot of his family members too.

CHIEFW00DY 6 points ago +6 / -0

Forget the girls arm!! Did anyone notice Epstein's legs are missing? I did. Epstein's missing legs is proof this picture has been altered for the purposes of deceiving the public.

CHIEFW00DY 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree, but sometimes when called upon by God to do certain things for Him doesn't mean it will be easy. I am a 100% disabled Veteran and in 2018 I caused several joint FBI / NH-DOJ investigations started after a Veterans Administration bureaucrat denied me access to care 31 days after I was in a sever car accident. He tortured me on purpose and tried to make me commit suicide, but I survived and documented all the abuse and reported it to the authorities. When I reported this guy to the NH Board of Medicine they sealed the case and committed obstruction of justice. Turns out the Pres and Sec on the Board were adjunct doctors doing volunteer work at the VA hospital and when they did the guy I reported to the Board was their immediate supervisor. See how that works? My case is so complex that the former Acting VA Secretary is involved in the cover up. My case was referred by Deputy Attorney Jane Young for judicial review to the NH Chief of the Crime Div. Geoffrey Ward and Chief of the Homicide Div. Jeffrey Strelzin. Now, let what I just said sink in when I said THE HOMICIDE DIVISION! So far nobody has been indicted and nothing has been done about it as far as I can tell up to this point in time. In truth it doesn't matter because the issue is really between the criminals who did this to me, and God. One day they will all answer to God for what they did. In the meantime I love them all and wish them the best during their Life review one day. Believe me when I say that a Life Review in the Light is ASTONISHINGLY thorough.

CHIEFW00DY 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try breaking up the web address they are banning. Do it like this

https:// qalerts .pub and that way the link is not active and the X algorithm cannot detect it without the link being active. I do this on FB too and it works great.

CHIEFW00DY 16 points ago +16 / -0

Well THAT adds a brand new meaning to the phrase go F yourself. HA!

CHIEFW00DY 1 point ago +1 / -0

If that is true, then there is no way evil wins and the WHs cannot lose and it becomes easy to expose the enemy little by little over "time." I would love to hear other's opinions on this one. Especially since Q only ever mentions TIME TRAVEL once. That makes it stand out even more to me for that very reason as well. Q only said that once. To me that's a big deal and deserves more ANON research. I sure hope so.

CHIEFW00DY 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes!!! I Know that Power, because I have been in the Light! My story was included in this Johns Hopkins Narrative in Bioethics article called "Healthcare After a Near Death Experience." Enjoy the read and always Know that God is always with you and the Light never ever fails. https://nibjournal.org/voices/healthcareafternde/

CHIEFW00DY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Destroying Veterans lives via the corrupt Veterans Affairs system.

CHIEFW00DY 45 points ago +45 / -0

The Light is coming, and nobody can stop It. Nobody.

CHIEFW00DY 2 points ago +2 / -0

The calm before the storm. A storm is coming, and nobody can stop it. Nobody.

CHIEFW00DY 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hi Catsfive. I need your help if you are still a moderator on this site. I can't access my original GAW profile because my computer guy ran a browser cookie clean app on my computer which subsequently deleted my automatic login credentials and I can't remember them anymore. I tried to log in but after a while it said I only had 3 attempts left. I'm not sure what to do now other than to see if you can help me recover my login credentials somehow. I thought I would ask you because you are a GAW moderator on this website. The GAW account I'm trying to restore access to is a similar user name. It's Chief Woody or something similar. I served in the Navy for 22 years and was a flight engineer on the P3 Orion so you will see some kind of airplane photo taken from the inside of the plane at 200 feet above the ocean tracking a submarine. I retired after 22 years of flying back in 1997. I'm older now and not good with technology so if you could please find a way to help me get access to my login credentials for my real GAW account I would appreciate it. As soon as I get access again I will delete this account. I sure hope you see this message and can get back to me. Thank you no matter what you decide to help me or not. Thank you for taking the responsibility of managing this website so that all people can benefit from its collective wisdom being shared. NCSWIC.

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