GODisinc0ntr0l 8 points ago +8 / -0

So what were to happen if as a US citizen I tell them I have no ID and that I'm a migrant, and "No" to the taking of my photo, and oops, I have no alien ID either.

GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

We have migrant workers here, too...from Mexico. But not black ones from Venezuela.

GODisinc0ntr0l 8 points ago +8 / -0

Illinois is another one of those states where 97% of the counties are pro-Trump but counties around Chicago call all the shots. They can't let it be known that they are not as far left as one might think.

GODisinc0ntr0l 10 points ago +10 / -0

They are starting to infiltrate the small towns, too. They stick out like a sore thumb. Had a guy come to my real estate office last week looking for a place to rent... black guy 'from Venezuela'. Barely spoke English. Seemed nice enough, but he's so out of place in small town central Wisconsin. I have no idea why he's here. I'm not sure he knows either.

GODisinc0ntr0l 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which is why I no longer attend church in person… so fake to me. Love my new online church though! Real, fully awake pastor, real messages on current habbenings, not afraid to preach truth, not a sheep, Wish we lived closer to attend in person.

GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is great! Deserving of its own post and sticky! Love it!

GODisinc0ntr0l 4 points ago +4 / -0

My husband is also addicted to Fox News. I watch no news but check in here and listen to x22 maybe weekly. He isn’t an extreme prepper like yours but went from a guy that flew the Trump flag high 4 years ago to somehow believing he can’t win and that Nikki Haley is our best option. I believe that’s all courtesy of Fox News programming. I have no advise but I’m praying that there will some sort of way to wake up these kind of sleepers. Everyone talks about how evil CNN is yet in my opinion FOX is the most evil of all… like their name, they are so sly and are not being detected by people who think they are awake. I used to watch them until I saw them call Arizona; then I knew they were in on it.

GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

What’s happening in 56 days? He just said “remember that in 56 days”. (Sorry I don’t recall what we were supposed to remember..😬)

GODisinc0ntr0l 10 points ago +11 / -1

Agreed. Noticed that and thought the same thing.

GODisinc0ntr0l 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is strange to me as well. I've encountered 3 TDS in the last year that are not liberals AND they ARE people of faith. I couldn't believe my ears. One of them called him an "evil cad". I have no idea where they get their information but they are full on all in on hating Trump. I fear the church has been infiltrated to some degree. It's so sad.

GODisinc0ntr0l 9 points ago +9 / -0

Agree 100%! Also, it was amazing to me that my daughter and I KNEW she had an UTI the nurses even poo-pooed it and they needed proof before allowing her to have antibiotics. Sick!

GODisinc0ntr0l 1 point ago +1 / -0

1/5 tsp per day for 3 weeks extra fine cod liver oil for babies for detox. I’m not a doctor but I read this. https://deeprootsathome.com/do-not-wait-to-do-this-if-your-baby-regresses-after/

GODisinc0ntr0l 3 points ago +3 / -0

My advise is to not push your loved ones. They will wake when they are ready. Subtle red pilling is ok but nothing more unless they ask the questions. Even then, take it slow. Second, take a vacation, both from media and a physical retreat, preferably with a likeminded friend who is awake; but either way stay away from all news, even GAW, for at least a month or even more if you can stand it. You'll be surprised how little things have changed and yet you'll come back feeling better and ready to engage again. I was away for a good 6 months. Things are obviously gaining speed but a break in the action will do you good. Even digital soldiers get fatigued. Third, find solitude with God and open the Bible. He will meet you, and the peace that passes all understanding will be there to greet you.

GODisinc0ntr0l 3 points ago +3 / -0

This does not say how much THE BIG GUY received... only Hunter and his cronies. I'd love to see this implicate Joe as much or more than Hunter.

GODisinc0ntr0l 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nantucket airport is ACK.

GODisinc0ntr0l 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's doesn't specify her ally... probably Hamas.

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