LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

As it looks now, I see Russian control east of the Dneiper and then along the Black Sea coast through Odessa and including the ethnic Russian region of transnitria in Moldova. The Poles, Estonians and Lithuanians have been making rumbles about taking back areas they once controlled in western Ukraine and I think they have designs on a new Grand Duchy which they signalled by declaring that if the Russians made a breakthrough, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland would move into western Ukraine. And then you have regions in the southwest that are primarily ethnic Hungarian.

This area has a long history of armies marching through it to war. For 3 millennia control of different areas have passed through the Greeks, the Ottomans, the Kievan Rus (Cossacks), the Vikings, the Russian Czars, the Golden Horde, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland and the Hungarians. Slavic Europe and the Balkans have been a battlefield forever. They are at the crossroads between Christianity and Islam.

There was never a cohesive political entity called Ukraine until the Soviets cobbled it together from disparate pieces of its eastern bloc neighbors.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im a Civil War buff so I had read about the Dismal Swamp for years but I never would have seen it if my brother hadnt transferred from Clearwater Beach CG Station to Elizabeth City. I live in Michigan. My sister in law is from Norfolk and on one trip through the swamp she suggested we stop at the Visitors Center. It was a pretty cool trip. Well for me. The wife wasnt as thrilled as I was. Ive dragged her to Gettysburg several times and other Civil War and Revolutionary War battlefields and get the same reaction. She did enjoy the two trips we made with the kids to Washington though and she liked the trip to Annapolis. Poor girl, her idea of a fun vaca is at the beach and mine is just so totally different. So I bought her a condo in Florida.

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has ALWAYS been the Dem Party. It is just out in the open now. This is the slavery party, the party of succession. This is the KKK party, the party of Jim Crow. This is the party of FF from the Maine to the Cole. This is the party that has started every war since the Spanish American War.

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

The end game of both communism and fascism is tyranny. Im with you on this one and have used this analogy myself. Two sides of the same coin. The constructs of fascism and communism are merely artificial tools for the death cult to enact tyranny. They dont believe in any ideology other than that. To call a tyrant fascist or communist is to miss the point.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would declass have done any good 8 years ago when most still slumbered under the control of legacy media and censorship? Or even four years ago? This is the pertinent premise in the substack.

LongTimeListener 4 points ago +4 / -0

May be a way to escape accountability and slip out of the National consciousness undetected with her millions in ill gotten gains.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice looking family.

Wonder why Mom is only one not looking at the camera.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a Monday, a day like any other day,

I left the small town for the Apple in decay.

LongTimeListener 6 points ago +6 / -0

In 1805 the Dismal Swamp Canal was opened from Hampton Roads Va. (Chesapeake Bay) to Elizabeth City NC (Albemarle Sound). The Confederates used it in the early years of the Civil War to effect the escape of one of their ironclads. When Union General Burnside heard of this, Union Troops moved to stop it. The Dismal Swamp Canal was an area of strategic contention for the remainder of the war.

You can still see remnants of the canal as you drive the road between Norfolk and Elizabeth City. My brother was stationed at Elizabeth City Coast Guard Station for a few years and Ive made this drive several times. George Washingtons company was an investor. Digging was all by hand and began in 1793.

Today the Dismal Swamp is a wildlife refuge. There is a Visitors Center with a lot of interesting history to share.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

Think we need to look at the 2000 election to determine this.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

I graduated HS in 1982. My history teacher was a huge Teddy Roosevelt fan. He even had us memorize 'The Credit Belongs to the Man who is Actually in the Arena" portion of his "Citizenship in a Republic" speech given in France in 1910. I can recite it to this day.

So he spent an unusual amount of time on the Spanish-American War for a HS History class, which was fine by me as one of my grandfathers had fought in Cuba and the Philippines and returned with a pearl handled Navy issue Colt 45 that the story says he took off a dead Spanish officer. (I still have that gun but have no idea if the story is true -- that great grandpa was dead before I was born -- but it lives on in family lore). I can remember him using the term False Flag for the Maine incident. It was the first time I learned of that concept.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a long history of false flags being used to bring a country into war.

Remember the Maine, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Pearl Harbor to start.

LongTimeListener 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ill read Loomers stuff but trust her about as far as I can throw her. Or is it him?

And Tim? LOL

Same as with people like Ariel on Twitter.

Do not trust, but some useful truth can leak through.

LongTimeListener 4 points ago +4 / -0

Loretta Lynch was the Attorney General. She met with Bill Clinton on a tarmac in Phoenix. They discussed the grandkids. Yea right. Suuuuure. I think they discussed her getting a SCOTUS nod if she didnt prosecute.

Funny thing happened to the reporter who broke the story. He died by suicide. Uh huh we really believe that one.


LongTimeListener 8 points ago +8 / -0

The bird flu pandemic psyop doesnt seem to be gaining any steam with the public. Without the fear the psyop doesnt work.

What if the real play here isnt the pandemic aspect but using bird flu to destroy our food supply? How many millions of chickens have already been destroyed? How many other mammals do they say the bird flu now infects? Has anyone here ever seen a flu that attacks so many disparate species? The science to this point, whether it is fake or not, has always shown that a virus doesnt hop from species to species so easily. But this one does?

So is this pandemic stuff simply misdirection so that we dont notice this destruction of our food supply?

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why didnt anyone say that in the first place for those like me that were asleep at the wheel. lol

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im looking on my phone at his timeline and his last post on Twitter is the mugshot. And the last one before that is from 1-8-21.

This was posted here 12 hours ago and the first comment was 10 hours later. Dont you think if Trump posted on Twitter that there would be dozens of posts each with dozens of comments here?

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