MaruQ 8 points ago +8 / -0

If Ukraine think that this a truce offer...lol Thing again, this is definitely not a truce offer. This is WARNING from Putin. Putin absolutely knows that Ukraine is not going to take this offer, but he wants to show the world that he had good intentions. The stupidity of the West and Ukraine thinking like Oh Yeah Putin is afraid of us. Their heads are big thinking that this is a weakness from Putin. What they don't know is that this is the last warning from Putin, before he takes over Ukraine.

Keep eating your popcorn! God loves you!

MaruQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

MAGA University "Study shows that N95 mask, and any other mask, does not block airborne viruses. Thousands of MAGA individuals, can testify that MASK are irrelevant".

Just like that, we have another authentic study, from a real university...

MaruQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am IN, let's bet and all the proceeds goes to rescue children charity. Drinks will be for free from AOC ..LOL

MaruQ 11 points ago +11 / -0

You are absolutely RIGHT! I am one of those Salvadorean who left the country due to the gangs infestation. A lot of family members, and friends die during that time. My choice was leave my country or die, so I left. I had severe PTSD. Thank God due to my faith, my husband and my kids I am successful. This country were I live now, is my country. I have been to El Salvador and it is day and night. Beautiful people, great food, good camaraderie, incredible surfing. But like I said before I am not running away from the US, I am staying here with all of you to fight until the end. GOD Love YOU!

MaruQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

The interesting thing about the "Deplorables" word is, where does it come from and who used it first to address the enemy. Well, that person was no other than Hitller. He used the word several times on his book "Mein Kampf". I am sure that Hillary took that word from his book, thinking that it was going to be an offense to all of us. LOL. But like anything else with the deep state "Mirror, Mirrow, on the Wall.." PROJECTION.

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ritter has been critical of the Bid Administration. He is very popular on Judge Napolitano YouTube channel and speaks his mind. He has important information that you can not find anywhere else. This is how I keep myself informed.

I am very concerced for his safety since they did exactly the same thing to Gonzalo Lira. Who is next Coronel McGregor? Let's keep alive this story.

Keep praying for all these patriots! God Loves YOU

MaruQ 22 points ago +22 / -0

A lot of patriots keep asking how, and when justice is going to be done. Justice can not be done with all these deep state parasites all over the place. As much as we think we know who they are, there are a lot of them pulling the strings from behind. Then the question is how can we remove them? My humble opinion is that once the plug from where they eat, breath, and do criminals things is cut, they will be automatically eliminated because they will not have any $$ for extortion. The name of the plug is "FIAT".

Buckle up this is getting interesting. Market Crash and the petrodollar will be gone. We are almost at the summit of the mountain. Please be ready! God love all of us!

MaruQ 16 points ago +16 / -0

I do believe that this is a marker. One of those situations "look here not over there", that the deep state has created. The war overseas is getting crazy by the minute. Go and look at The Duran or Judge Napolitano Youtube videos, they tell you exactly what is going on. Biden is about to give the militaty the go to "protect" Ukraine. I believe the stock market is about to take a dive in the next weeks. So yes, the next four months are going to be extremely crazy. Get ready and BUCKLE UP. More than anything be safe and keep praying. God Bless you All!

MaruQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

CRUXIFICTION DAY TODAY. I am not trying to compare Trump to Jesus in any way, shape or form. Jesus was wronglully cruxified, and he resurrected on the third day. Trump has been wrogfully convicted, so what is next...THE BIG AWAKENING!

I am sad and have tears on my eyes for what this country has become. However, as a Christian I believe that reckoning day is upon us. The deep state are going to celebrate non-stop thinking that they are in control. Look weak when you are strong. God is in control, we are his soldiers, and we won't give up on our country. Let's keep fighting and let's be patience. Let's keep our heads high and keep praying. God Bless you ALL

MaruQ 8 points ago +8 / -0

Purkiss all my prayers are with you and the SA people. I have a great friend in SA that is keeping me informed of what is going on.

You do so much for us with your Class A journalism (you do better than the ones who call themselves that) and so we want to support you and SA in this very important election. Please keep us informed.

God Bless the SA people!

MaruQ 8 points ago +8 / -0

Take a look at De Niro's body language. He look terrified, his voice/throat is shaking. He look like he is going to be mardching to the death chamber soon. I am sure he is wearing double DEPENDS. There is nothing like feeling afraid, guilty, knowing that your days are over. TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK, is suicidal weekend around the corner?

MaruQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Klaus is DEATH! Remember a few weeks ago, he was taken to the hospital due to an emergency? After this incident we never heard from anybody saying that he had recovered, or that he was doing good, it has been silent. Then all of the sudden he is stepping down? Of course he is stepping down, he is in HELL.

I do believe that he is death, but they do not want to say anything about it,. The deep state is falling apart and making his death public it will create chaos. I found information from Europe news stating that in fact he is death. Sorry I couldn't attach the link.

MaruQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

And just like that! Germany is going to HELL again. There are no coincidences, history is repeating itself. Even though I have good friends and Germany, I will pray for them. But NO WAY, I will visit that country. God will not have mercy.

MaruQ 12 points ago +13 / -1

Nothing is done without divine intervention. Call me crazy, but ever since the pandemia, I do believe that God is not only protecting all these patriots (including us) but there is communication between God, celestial angels, saints, and white hats. To me there is not other explanation. Nothing can be done without God's hand. I am sure this is going to be part of the Big Awakening. We will see God's divine intervention, is going to be amazing. Let's keep praying for all those God's soldiers who are fighting for us. God Bless YOU all!

MaruQ 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Ascension of Jesus Christ is meaningful for several reasons:

  1. It signaled the end of His earthly ministry. God the Father had lovingly sent His Son into the world at Bethlehem, and now the Son was returning to the Father. The period of human limitation was at an end.

  2. It signified success in His earthly work. All that He had come to do, He had accomplished.

  3. It marked the return of His heavenly glory. Jesus’ glory had been veiled during His sojourn on earth, with one brief exception at the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9).

  4. It symbolized His exaltation by the Father (Ephesians 1:20-23). The One with whom the Father is well pleased (Matthew 17:5) was received up in honor and given a name above all names (Philippians 2:9).

  5. It allowed Him to prepare a place for us (John 14:2).

  6. It indicated the beginning of His new work as High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16) and Mediator of the New Covenant (Hebrews 9:15).

  7. It set the pattern for His return. When Jesus comes to set up the Kingdom, He will return just as He left-literally, bodily, and visibly in the clouds (Acts 1:11; Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7).

MaruQ 13 points ago +13 / -0

I am proud to be a catholic/patriot. But at the same time I am not in denial of the Bergolio Agenda, I can't stand him and his clan. I am a rebel catholic. I am staying catholic to safe our religion from all these p..dos. I am sure all you know that Cardinal Victor Manuel Fermandez ia a P..do. We catholics have to stay together to fight for our church. Like the government, our church has been infiltrated by all these corrupt individuals.

Are these "Marian Apparitions"??? at their convenience, to make us believe that we have to be humble, to listen and follow "GOD". Wasn't Bergolio using his "POPE" mask to tell us to get vaccinated. Catholics be aware, always use disernment and prayer. Don't take face value the Vatican narrative. Jesus does not want us to be afraid. Do not comply with Bergolio and his criminal staff. MAKE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH GREAT AGAIN!

MaruQ 10 points ago +10 / -0

I am so sick and tired that people still think that this money comes from the pocket of Soros, Rockefellers and Rotchields, get a grip. Do you really think that this money come from their pockets??? The answer is NOOOOOO. This money comes from all of us the taxpayer.

Tax Money - Congress - Ukraine - Soros - BLM/Protest/RInos and Democrars electtions.

MaruQ 27 points ago +27 / -0

Mis queridos amigos: I am so grateful for this site and for all of you. I am Salvadorean, I came to this country running away from the Salvadorean war. I have been in this country for more than half of my life. I still have nightmares and deep wounds from the civil war. A lof of my friends and family die from the war, I was lucky to come to this country. I have lived in CA ever since and felt safe and free. When I became a USA citizen I cried and was so proud to be part of a "dream" country. For almost 28 years, I did not want to go back to El Salvador due to the pain in my heart.

Even though I have been diagnosed with PTSD being in this country helped me to forget about all the trauma. I believed in this country in Democrats. I went to the University and studied Political Science and Economics. I defended Democracy. Until.....approximately eight years ago. Before Trump came down on the elevator, I have read all his books and became a fan. By the time Trump was the candidate I was all in, no question about it. Then all my troubles started. People started making fun of me, calling me idiot, stupid every name on the book. I stick to my guns and started to read. All the reading and research took me to the rabbit hole, so I have been awake for approximately 10+ years. Imagine all this time that I have been waiting. I knew Trump was going to be the President the first time, and I knew he was going to lose the election the second time.

Immediately I was awake. It got worse for me, I was not only an idiot but the stupid Salvadorean worse conspiracy theorist ever. I lost friends and family because of my Trump support. Being Salvadorean and a woman I felt isolated for my beliefs. Really I don't give a sh*t. After years without PTSD, my symptoms are back again. I feel the same way when I was living in El Salvador during the war.

I have been back to my country several times since Bukele, it is day and night. Going to El Salvador feels like freedom, like when I came to this country the first time. However, this time I will not run away, I will stay here with all of you fighting, and doing everything I can to fight for our Constitution, this is my country now. I will not let these globalists to take it over. The fight is on. Thanks frens

MaruQ 11 points ago +11 / -0

Well, well, well, This is very interesting. I am one of those individuals who follows the Harry and Meghan drama. You might think WTheck are these two morons have to do with all this. Well, there is a lot of noise lately that these two morons are CI* operatives. They have links with Democrats and of course Bidin, who is paying millions for their security, and protecting Harry with his Visa.

The bottom line is that I heard in a video today that these two morons are visiting Nigeria next month. Nigeria is next to Niger. I am convinced that they are going to Nigeria on an official US tour to find out where Nigeria is standing on this situation. Who knows maybe to find out if Nigeria can put a fight with Niger, so they can prevent the alliance with Russia? For some reason I am starting to believe, like a lot of others that these two are spies. Since Democrats can't go and visit Nigeria they are sending these two to do a ??? visit. Let's keep an eye on these two morons, I believe they are up to NO GOOD.

MaruQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been saying this for a long time. In prior wars the enemy will kill a soldier with a gun. Why do it the old way..? if people is allowing to put a bullet in their arm. Why to pay the pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars for a vaccine when they just can put cyanide on a vaccine? Sheep will not know the difference. There are millions of sheep that will continue to put bullets in their arms. BULLET=VACCINE=DEPOPULATION GOD HELP US!

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