Pray for Your Okie frens we have huge storms tonight


I just wanted to Thank You all for Digging in, no matter the subject we have all run full force to find the truth. I feel like so much has been habbening just in the last few months and it is mind blowing to see do many things coming out to the masses, but there are still horrible things that need exposure. I feel like Elon is about to blow the lid off a few things. My hope is we can shake awake a lot more people. I know there are going to be a lot that just cant or refuse to deal. Praying we all put on the full armor of God daily and we are kind to the lost. Even if we get aggravated with them we know the truth and the way! BRAVO TO YOU MY FROGGY FRENS 🐸! BE BLESSED TODAY! ❤️🧀


Yesterday was hard on a lot of people. There was a lot of negativity, anger and frustration. I just wanted to remind all of you we are not alone, we are just one site dedicated to making our world a better place. There are many like minded frens across the globe in this fight. We have come to far to plug back in and listen to the garbage. David as a boy stood up to take on Goliath, not only did he pick up a stone for him but one for each of his brothers. Have faith my frens, be encouraged, they wouldnt be fighting back so hard if we werent on target. Here is a good listen to start the day. Be blessed today ❤️🧀



For many years before I found Q, I researched things outside of what we were being told,taught, shown etc. Finding Q solidified not only my thinking, but the proofs of what I was finding but it solidified my resolve. I believe after the struggles we have endured we are finally here. I believe things are going to start picking up quite quickly, Ive felt the quickening in my spirit friends! No matter the hate, anger, sadness, frustration, loneliness you have been exposed to remember please YOU WERE CHOSEN FOR A TIME SUCH AS THIS! For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life [his blessed life in the kingdom of God]? Or what would a man give as an exchange for his [blessed] life [in the kingdom of God]? Matt. 16:26. It has always been about The Children. We are fighting against The evil trafficking, sacrifice etc. Hang in there, keep fighting and red pilling! I love you all and one glorious day we shall all meet with honors!! ❤️🧀


I just wanted to express my heartfelt Thanks to all of you here. For helping me get through the last couple of years with my sanity. The amazing knowledge shared here has guided me through some difficult decisions. The strength and guidance in certain times has been spot on! I thank you for reminding me that we do not fear man and we win!! Be blessed today my wonderful frens!!

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