OffGridGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Obvious ambush is obvious. They can cut microphones. Since there is no studio audience if Biden starts babbling incoherently they just cut to a closeup of the moderators who then ask a question to Trump. Although having Trump not able to interrupt as easily will probably make him appear less hostile.

OffGridGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was wise to the corruption that power, the focus on it, and earthly possessions could cause. He was a Carmelite and was skeptical of any non-mendicant order and lived his vow of poverty quite strictly.

He slept on the floor with only a blanket over him. And stopped wearing the clerical garb because he felt it no longer fit with how the poor dressed. His only real earthly possessions besides his simple clothing were books and some means of writing. He was most pleased when I told him if he expressed some of his opinions aloud 500 years ago he would have faced an inquisition and been imprisoned at the very least.

OffGridGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't either, but surely the nation's highest Court factors into the plan somehow, either in what they're ruling one, or avoiding ruling on, or even the timing of the ruling. And it seems bizarre we've had some good wins, but utter inaction on the election integrity front.

OffGridGuy 6 points ago +7 / -1

They're not, the 30% of Americans that still trust them are the stupid ones and the media is just going to run with the story that Trump's the one with memory issues and is a hypocrite for saying Biden is cognitively impaired. They're not suddenly going to suggest an independent doctor evaluate both candidates or anything.

OffGridGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

If he purposely used the wrong name thinking that somehow he'll trick the media into reporting that and bringing the cognitive ability thing out into the open and reveal Biden is the imparied one, then yes, I think that was a mistake. The media are biased hypocrites and the headlines show you exactly what one would expected to happen. "Trump says Biden is cognatively impaired, but then show's he is the one impaired, hur, hur, hur." If they haven't done that already you're not going to trick them into doing it, because they're not fair, they're biased hacks in the pocket of the deep state.

OffGridGuy 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm guessing they think he's "tricked" the media into talking about cognitive ability and now that cat is out of the bag it will have to relate to Biden too, because you know how non-hypocritical and fair the media is, right?

It's like how some think by Trump going on trial there has been some precedent set that's somehow going to lead to Obama and Biden and other past Presidents having to face the music for what they did.

OffGridGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, but one's approval of Congress doesn't matter, because you can only vote for three members of it (two Senators and your district's House member). So really only your approval of those people matters.

OffGridGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Misleading, Congress isn't up for re-election, only individual members of it, and 41% of Americans rate THEIR district's House member's as good or very good, compared to just 21% that rate them very bad or somewhat bad. Or said another way, none of them is as awful as all of them.


OffGridGuy 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wouldn't that mean Trump is willfully allowing the continued invasion of our nation by cartels, terrorists, and large numbers of military aged males of unknown affiliation? Resulting in the deaths of Americans now and likely increasing numbers later? Sorry, I don't believe that.

OffGridGuy 3 points ago +4 / -1

Exactly, this doesn't help Trump at all, it merely gives his opponents an opportunity to accuse him of the same failing their side has.

OffGridGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sorry, I don't think they're being played. The media KNOWS Biden is cognitively deficient. They know anyone who actually watches Biden speak knows he is cognitively deficient. But the media isn't playing to those people that know and care, they're playing to their base and the uniformed masses and all those people are going to take away from this is that Trump got confused. They've once again transferred their side's failings onto their opposition.

They haven't been tricked into anything. This isn't going to result in a cognitive test as part of the debate or as some requisite test to be on the ballot.

OffGridGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still a substantial upgrade from Jill, in case you haven't seen that washed up prostitute recently:

https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230104195310-jill-biden- file-010423.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_653,w_1160,c_fill/f_webp

OffGridGuy 6 points ago +7 / -1

However the cabal was able to strike back at both Giuliani and Trump in a way the mob never could.

Giuliani got sued into bankruptcy, barred from practicing law in New York State since 2021, and was recommended for disbarment in D.C. and awaits an appeals court case on that matter. He's also facing felonies in multiple States.

Trump is now a convicted felon thanks to some charging trickery of elevating a misdemeanor into a felony coupled with a biased jury and biased judge. And has had to cough up a nearly $200 million bond in his other case.

OffGridGuy 2 points ago +3 / -1

How does the Supreme Court factor into this? On the surface Roe v Wade and the latest action against arbitrary ATF classification powers in regards to a bump stock ban SEEM to be winning for us, but from a timing perspective they are horrible riling up the leftists in election years with a wedge issue to help them draw voters despite them sucking in terms of execution on real issues.

OffGridGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny story, the priest that married my parent's was a Latinist at the Vatican. I think a lot of people here would like him, he refused to put a picture of the Pope in his office. Every time maintenance would go in to fix something they'd put up the picture and every time Fr. Reginald came back in he'd take it back down. He also didn't like the Jesuits.

OffGridGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be perfectly honest at this point I think most working class Americans view most of what the government does as an irrelevant, dysfunctional soap opera that isn't responsive to their concerns.

Do you think people struggling to put food on the table after years of large scale inflation gives a flying fuck about Merrick Garland or what the House does over some documents they want? It's political theater. Anyone sane knows he isn't getting charged with a crime so this is all just grandstanding.

OffGridGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spending didn't fall under Trump the first time, so I don't know why I'd expect it to be different this time around. The Senate isn't going to pass any budget that kills the Department of Education unless some radically different kind of Republicans get elected in number we haven't seen before.

OffGridGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

For convenience sake currently I am not. For water, sewer, and power I mostly am.

But, I use about 250 gallons of propane a year for cooking and hot water (most usage is in the warm weather months when the wood boiler isn't running, but also anytime the thermal storage tank drops under about 130 degrees some temperature boosting happens from the instant water heater).

By the third cloudy day in a row I may have to burn a gallon or two in the generator depending what is going on and what I can postpone.

And I buy all my food, except sweet corn. I earn enough in three weeks of work to feed me for the whole year, and could actually live on half that if I had to (swap out ribeye or sirloin for pork, chicken, or hamburger). Anybody subsistence farming 100% of their food intake is spending more than that amount of time gardening and feeding, watering, and cleaning up after animals. I do have a number of years of food stored (a crazy friend stocked up for Y2k for his family of 4 and needed to unload it to fight his drug addicted wife for custody of his kids, so he sold it to me for half off and I add to it a bit each year and eat some of it so it strays rotated and never gets too old).

And I currently do my firewood the lazy way too. There is a timber industry up where I live so rather than stomping around in the woods trying to avoid getting killed felling trees I just purchase a truckload of hardwood logs from one of the timber companies (they don't care if they deliver to the sawmill's wood lot or the end of my driveway). Then I use the tractor to load them onto the deck of the wood processor which feeds, splits, and the conveyor fills up a modified IBC tote which the tractor moves into the wood shed for seasoning. I have the saws and mauls and COULD do it all manually from my acreage, but it's so much easier to do it the way I do it.

OffGridGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good luck with that given Trump wasn't even able to get his own Attorney General to do anything about this the last time he was President.

In my State they prosecuted an election worker who tried to show the system is insecure by MAKING UP THREE FAKE NAMES and Social Security numbers and then mailing the three unfilled in absentee ballots that were granted for those nonexistent votes to a member of the State Senate or House to show the problem. Meanwhile, the DA declined to prosecute the person who voted for a mentally incompetent individual in the nursing home when one of her children noticed she was shown as having voted.

OffGridGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to the polls they're still very much asleep. Trump is leading Biden by a mere 1.1% in an average of polls (which is smaller than his 2% back at the beginning of March). Yeah, yeah, biased polls, I get it, but a truly mass awakening would be harder to hide than a bit of sampling methodology monkeying to keep it close.


OffGridGuy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wouldn't a deep fake of her shit talking Biden and endorsing Trump be amusing right about now?

OffGridGuy 7 points ago +10 / -3

Look into it a bit more closely, she was already the world's top selling artist three times before she criticized Trump.

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