Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good. Let them eat cake.

I still think Nixon was a good guy, and was destroyed by that publication.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes WW2 was a horrible war but

Approximately 141,000 American ground troops (no US civilians) were killed in Europe



The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war, including 8.7 million military and 19 million civilians.


Much as US fought some, in WW2, they have no idea IMO.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Erm. Who dey gonna send? Are they going to do a draft? That will be fun. Checks Big Wednesday.

Sadness 4 points ago +4 / -0

Was that a Japanese troll?

201 types of diseases - means they know the thing was planned - i.e referencing event 201.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

This has happened before, when a major Ukrainian Twitter guy was hypersonically sent to his maker. The comms were down for a whole week.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Further to 1)

The people in Donbas and Crimea were not allowed to vote in the 2014 coup 'election'. So further to 2) Crimean tatars had been deprived of their right to vote, so had their own emancipation vote and decided to rejoin Russia. Put it in context: What would Texas do, if the Federal goverment said one day that Texan votes do not count, or Texas is not allowed to participate in the presidential election? The cheating is bad enough.

Also, if a country starts 'punishing' whole states for voting wrongly, or depriving them of votes because they'll probably vote wrongly, then that government loses all rights to govern those states, IMO.

Not only that, the Western Ukrainians doubled down and started a wee genocide as in point 4). So, yeah, nah. Stop bleating about 1991 borders. It ain't gonna happen.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but I think he conveyed that via body-language.

Now that he is a PoW, I guess he will be learning Russian.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess he has done his 60 days? One would have to see why they rejected the case, but my guess is: a swift rejection like that means there is a technical glitch.

What are the Supreme Court going to do? Their main mission is to tackle fundamental constitutional issues. And sure, Free speach is the First one. But, overturning the conviction won't really achieve anything apart from smoothing down a few ruffled feathers or inflaming things (depending how you look at it), and I believe Shroyer is still on air, so is not suffering material loss. If anything he is using it to gain more attention. Don't get me wrong - I have huge respect for him, but he is not suffering an Assange-level incarceration. He is relatively free to do whatever he wants.

It is a worrying trend, because the government appears to be targeting a journalist ...again. But, he also appears to have breached a previous court order to not say naughty things in public - which is a free speach issue as well. And I guess "Death to traitors", through a bull-horn, at a 1M person event, could be construed as naughty words - in some people's eyes. Of course, one should be able to not have to self-censor something like that. But even when trying to draw a line between supposed hate-speach and free speach (which some are wont to do), it will be a fuzzy one. So, it boils down to:

Maybe the Infowars team, or Shroyer himself, should try again, and frame the issue differently, if they have the time and money. Or they could just get back to doing their job. Or perhaps, Owen should hit the campaign trail and exercise his rights that way - i.e. not as a journalist, but as a politician.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL them yelling at each other in different languages.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0


Hunter brought his mommy with him to Court for jury selection on Day 1 of his trial in Delaware on gun charges.

#Trial #Biden #Hunter

What would the basis for a Trump appeal look like? Democrats hyperventilate over a jail term while the Former President calls for the Supreme Court to step in and address the guilty verdict in New York.

#Trump #Trial #NewYork

Sadness 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wuhan was the fall guy - the obfuscation - the LIE.

But they were trixy, they said it couldn't possibly be Wuhan lab, it was the wet market. So we all dutifully pointed out that it MUST have been that lab, because reasons. So it was a lie within a lie.

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

So striking Poland, Baltics yep.

Netherlands Gas fields (and they gave F16s to Ukraine, so fat target)

Setting up proxy forces in Mozambique to stop round-Africa shipping.

Rousing 1.5 mill armies from China and Korea.

And yet, the premise is correct. Currently, the West wants to kill russians and dismantle Russia. What do?

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK since you asked, re. paradigm smashing:

One of the Early Soviet doctirnes was to eliminate religion altogether. The idea was that the state would replace it with science, technology, higher education, and use any moral fervor to make people more patriotic for the communist ideal. This back-fired, because people did not want to give up their precious (gold-leaf embossed) icons, customs, and of course there were clandestine meetings with similarly-minded folks - i.e. their neighbours and relations.

Anyway with the fall of the Soviets, there were several countries that reclaimed their religion, because it was deemed necessary. And guess what? It was very popular. So, even as Westerners were flooding their countries with Big Macs and Jeans, and rainbow dildoes, in a chaotic world of collapse, people realized they needed a compass. And this is at the core of my argument. It means the leaders now openly say that they are Religious. They reject anything that is anti-human that they see coming from the West. And they have good reason to be suspicous of the West, since hundreds of years, at the cost of millions of lives. For example, Larry Johnson mentioned very recently, that St Petersburg, where he is right now, lost 800 000 people because Hitler starved them in a siege. But the ugly raids from the West stretch back hundreds of years, as Putin pointed out to Tucker. So, that memory induces self-preservation.

Now compare this with Trump, and Q, and the Great Awakening which, in the past would be called a Revival. USA has seen revivals before. But I'll warrant this revival will be a big one, because that MArxist/Maoist idea of killing religion? Well that was done softly in the West, from the top down (Yeah I remember those edgy guys wearing berets with stars on them at university). And now there will be a popular backlash. People refuse to accept atheism, or agnosticism or whatever they prefer to label themselves as. (It is foolish to debate them because they DO have a religion). Anyway, It is wrong to kill innocents. It says Thou shalt not kill for a reason - and that first principles approach, without all the medieval stuff of indoctrination and coercion, has worked for thousands of years. When an atheist starts talking they come across as stupid and selfish.

But there is that other thread: Even as they rejected the church, Soviet Communism modelled itself on Christianity. There's that meme that declares that Jesus was the original communist. That is because the Soviets were trying to replace Christianity, so they had to use the 'useful' bits, such as workers being housed; very cheap medical care, bomb shelters underneath low-rise buildings, high employment, clean streets and advancement opportunities through the military-related industries etc. And guess what? Patriotism is much higher now. In the end the country found it better to just have religion back with all it's pomp and rituals.

In Russia there are now intellectuals who espouse communism, for all the good things it brought to a feudal society - and those that despise it for its repressions. But there is no argument about the benefit of people going to church. The tables have turned and the paradigm has been smashed.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even though most people find Ukraine completely a non-subject, according to a guy who has his ear on the ground (so he is effectively gathering intelligence for his father), I feel that this country is one of the Earth's hotspots of corruption and filthy lucre, and the Bidens are neck-deep in it. So, I have made it a mission to watch it.

I agree with Tucker that there will be no Ukraine (in 50 years time). Anyone with half a brain has already left. The ones left behind are the poorest ones who are victims, and the richest ones who are trying to squeeze the last drop out of the Western teat.

I disagree about the timeline though. Ukraine's demise will be less than a generation (25-30 years) away. I say this, because a huge hole has been carved into the demographic, and it's a double whammy that will become a positive feedback loop. That means that the problem will rapidly worsen. No men = women have to go look for husbands somewhere else. They will marry, have kids that will highly likely remain somewhere else. Who could blame them.

There are no military-aged men left in some villages. What are those places going to do? Will the orphans look after the babuskas? This is beyond sad.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

London and Switzer land don't deserve it.

London is a Sh*thole

Switzerland is no longer Neutral, so has lost all credibility,

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