Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yap, I believe that is what I'm trying to recollect.

Totally paraphrased, but of the 100 watchers God sent to watch Earth/Man, the highest ranking of them Shempderp decided to lead the rebellion and disobey God's orders, thus they slept with man & beast and gave man knowledge of metallurgy, pharmakia, war, magick (including divine mathematics).

So in short they created the Nephilim, mythological beasts, corrupted Man's mind & morals, etc... Hell, in a way the cause/effect also laid all of the groundwork for Name Stealers to start their whole spirit cooking pedo craziness.

And that's why God sent the Archangles to bury the 3 or 5 head honcho Watchers in the Earth until they be released at the End of the final Age and all their "offspring" were essentially sentenced to purgatory or limbo.... being without body but able to be manipulated via the same forbidden knowledge that helped create the Fallen Man.

Idk, that's my understanding of it. It's been a while since I've read all of the various Apocrypha and other religious texts. I just tell my frens: look, all the mythological deities from various ancient civilizations, these were literally the spawn of the fallen angels and man and survived after the antidiluvian period in the form of mythological history we know today.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aye, that is one location... someone might recall the name, but that's where God ordered the highest ranked Watcher to be buried alive.

The book of Enoch gives some hints as to where on the Earth they were buried alive and many of the "alien/demon" entities of today are the literal spirits of the long deceased Nephalim made manifest into physical or corporeal via blood-sex-magick ritual.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow! That's incredible anon! He also mentions serving on the Maddux (sp?), involved in the Gulf of Tonkin. What are the odds of being stationed on both of those fated vessels?

o7 Thank you for your service fren!

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Vēl divas nedēļas! /s

Seriously though the window shrinks everyday. We're just about to reach the station!

Strelnieks 1 point ago +2 / -1

Even some MSM pundits are using GAW lingo after yesterday's happening. Gutfeld mentioned setting precedents and that were watching the last part of a movie yesterday.

Eat it up normies and get yer popcorn. The end of the movie(s) ain't the credits!

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

SS: Just another spoke in the wheel of the Great Awakening. Former liberal Jimmy Dore hosts Philip Tourney, survivor of the USS Liberty attack, discussing historical accounts, America First policy, and other related talking points.

Copy/Pasta Description Below

In 1967 the USS Liberty was attacked by the Israeli military during the Six Day War between Israel and Egypt. Philip Tourney was a petty officer who survived the attack on the Liberty and today he’s speaking out about the U.S. government’s complicity in the attack and how Israel got away with a planned assault on an American ship.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger speak with Tourney about his experiences in the Navy, the attack on the Liberty, the later coverup and what needs to be done to expose the truth about why Israel really attacked the Liberty that day.

Philip Tourney on Twitter:

/ philliptourney
USS Liberty Veterans Association: https://www.usslibertyveterans.org

Strelnieks 14 points ago +14 / -0

Correct. Their main objective is always self gain and perpetuating the DS/Globohomo agenda.

Strelnieks 7 points ago +8 / -1

How do you unbake a hundred year old cake? Sweep up the crumbs after everyone has had their bite?

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0


Bring the heat. Gotta generate a warm front to help build the coming storm.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's hard to deal with witnessing the effects of the brainwashing propaganda perpetuated on our loved ones via decades of social engineering.

Be strong frog! Here! Take my energy! 🐸 NCSWIC 🌩 The storm is going to get much rougher in order to break the normies conditioning.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thou dost Doom too much anon.

Trust the plan.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct. Uniparty doesn't care who gets in so long as it's the uniparty.

Doesn't matter though... NCSWIC!

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Decades before that. The uniparty DS has been running the show for over 60+ years... and that's a vastly conservative estimate considering global control & history crumbs/data as best as we can bake with.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, a critical thinker and judgemental of paytriots that sully the truth movement for their own self gains.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

DS has already been doing this since the SMO began. Local N.E.Euro news in many countries parroting 4am talking points and rekindling old hatred from Soviet era. The public manipulation is extremely obvious.

Strelnieks 4 points ago +5 / -1

Exactly. He's an opportunistic sophist, no different than one of the Righteous Gemstones. Giving his audience exactly what they want to hear: long-ago recycled bread, scripture analysis, and bogus predictions.

Don't forget to buy his book, movie, or pay hundreds of dollars for VIP access at his next freedumb tour!

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well said! To that note, it's all circular like many of our own domestic political woes.

DS/Globohomos have control of arming, funding, and mainstream media coverage of both sides. I look forward to a foreign isolationist policy in the new multipolar order.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ahh sweet sweet clarification! All good fren, ya just confused what few grey-matter cells I have rattling around the ol' brain-case. 😉

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Heh, could be.

Not recently, but in years past Ive noticed on mobile after I clear my cache/history it can reset my site settings here.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

AFAIK there's a deadline for a reason. Didn't we have a similar dilemma in 2016 with the R convention deadline? Trump's the R candidate for the race this far through the movie.

As for the "what if?" IDK fren, sure sounds like something that may cause millions of pissed off people to go pitchfork & torch mode. Could be the catalyst for the MIL reaction to go public.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

45 did not submit the paperwork to be on the libertarian ticket, he said as much during his speech at their nomination convention.

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