Thothbag 2 points ago +2 / -0

Surely there is one name that when we bag them then we know hillary and such are next. Who is that?

Thothbag 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a website where you can fake txt messages (change the battery percentage, Android or iPhone, name of contact, etc to look like you screenshot it), wouldn't it be horrible if there was 1 that could make it look like legitimate a.i from Google etc and troll with that?

Humans faking a.i in a world of a.i everywhere... be pretty interesting results...

Put these a.i companies on their heels trying to explain how these fake a.i people are fake and how they know. Could play as when someone tried to sue Pepsi or coke for a rat in their drink and to win the lawsuit coke or Pepsi proved that a rat wouldn't last in a can of coke it would dissolve. They showed their hand.

They would have to show their code ot intent etc, if it is trolled correctly.

Something to think about :D

Thothbag 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm worried they may use they as a trojan horse to avoid people being able to squat on their property when banks and stuff try to take "the banks property back". Careful cautious winning gorgeous

Thothbag 1 point ago +1 / -0

No winning this one in my eyes. Either he knew and should be convicted or didn't know and can no longer be trusted to tell us the science...

Thothbag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look, we have no guns so I'm doing what I'm allowed to do! Haha

The dingo taking the baby is a divorce headline

Thothbag 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be funny to just yoke the red heifers they have, maybe lean on them a lil bit before they sacrificed

Thothbag 1 point ago +1 / -0

They'll probably put women and children in there to "keep.it safe"

Thothbag 4 points ago +5 / -1

My question is, why are these companies failing at even the smallest of shit? Fortnite can't load things properly. Google gives billions of results but they repeat after like page 3. Any of the streaming things just up and stop working or load the wrong thumbnail etc etc. These are small things that wouldn't have fallen through not... 5 years ago. They are scared.

Then the "security" reaching. Everything is 2fa, new email, new password, we monitor your whole device for your safety and if you dont let us you dont get the app, that hasn't had a problem up to now....

Thothbag 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sure I can fuck a kangaroo but I can't hunt and eat one without being aboriginal or have land to hunt them on or to own the gun to hunt with...

Australian government and such is fucked

"Dog cunt" was supposed to be an insult not a bloody suggestion

Thothbag 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just don't get why its the west's problem that the east can't keep its shit together. Let them bomb each other, monitor if they go outside of the accepted areas and only intervene then. Imagine for a teacher to stop students fighting the teacher joins in, swinging on the kids... thats what this shit is

Thothbag 3 points ago +3 / -0

She look like a crack whore who managed to keep her teeth

Thothbag 1 point ago +1 / -0

How long does this train of abuses need to be? Where did theirs end?

People are dying in the streets, basketball courts, comedy clubs etc now.

At what line, it could be me being impatient but it could also be a reasonable expectation. Making the cancer comparison, if you took action at the beginning you could mimimise it (diet and such) but when it is at the level it could be surgically removed before moving to a more dangerous place or level you remove it with surgery.

Finesse and professionalism is still possible... I'm not asking for a back alley operation, I want a well planned and done surgery with people who are the best for the job in the place for the job with the right tools for the job, whatever they may be.

You make good points tho I'm not fully persuaded

Thothbag 1 point ago +1 / -0

But now we have a censored version of that too... Can't speak to the action that should be happening without getting banned and shit.... should not be able to make the comparison here... those patriots did actual foot on ground work

Willing to hear opposing thoughts

(I neither condemn nor condone action against anyone who deserves it etc etc (for mods))

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