catsfive 13 points ago +13 / -0

Before anyone says, "Why is catsfive sticking his own stuff?" PDW had this first! I am just copying it over. Are you not embarrassed? Will they're coming time when we should just disband GAW and merge with PDW? Why am I copying their posts and then sticking them here on GAW? This is an elite research board. Be elite. LFG, frogs!

(Sorry for the rant, love you guys much)

catsfive [M] 4 points ago +4 / -0

It would indeed count as 'moving the goal posts' if Trump or Q had specified which Olympics they were talking about

But, wholly unsurprising for a low info, low effort faggot

See you next week

catsfive 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's true, that's how it works, however, just wanted to let everyone know that "summer" It's not always the default. You are required to say hockey, which means winter, which automatically means ice, and every other form of hockey must have a pre-qualifier :

  • Field

  • Table

  • Tonsil

  • Underwater

(The Dallas Stars play the Edmonton Oilers tonight, go Stars! Lol)

catsfive [M] 5 points ago +5 / -0

We still give short vacations to doomers around here, but, believe me, the mod team understands your pain. It makes sense how long this has taken now, here at this time, but, my goodness, when Trump said that, I would have 100% bet that the action was going to come after the Beijing Olympics

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Posted earlier today, please check for dupes, OP! Thank you

catsfive 3 points ago +3 / -0

Granny? I don't follow. It's a whole meme is a shitpost as you know

catsfive 6 points ago +6 / -0


Damn it, I also posted this on PDW and somehow I managed to include the source. I thought I did. Thanks for your work frog

catsfive 80 points ago +80 / -0

Tell me you were involved without telling me you were involved.

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, Russia is an energy export country, basically, it makes sense that their industries are too old by the best the West has to offer. For instance their BMP production really suffered from sanctions from Germany when they weren't able to get any controls from companies like Bosch, for instance

I'm just saying that it's not much of a criticism recruiting for people with talent in these foreign machinery and tools

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, the t14 doesn't really bring any significant advantages to this conflict, as it's basically had a relatively stable frontline for 2 years, there's not really a requirement for mobile artillery and Ukraine isn't throwing any tactically trained or well equipped armor units at the front line, so the requirement for many copies of Russia's most expensive to produce tank like the t14 aren't needed.

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good comment. Russia has its own deep state, and the war against these criminals is also happening over there too

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nobody is giving Russia back. We kept the receipt, here, I think I have it in my right front library of Congress pocket... 😅

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it repeating? Or is it consistent? From the first hour of Tucker's Putin interview, I took it to be consistent

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