mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I was in clinical practice, we used to provide services contracted with the county to see young people that were incarcerated. They were all young men probably under 20 that were more or less in some kind of supervised youth rehab job core type of program and not hard core criminals - more like wayward youths. They were escorted on their day trip, all loaded in a couple of vans, by only a few supervisors that were not dressed in typical law enforcement uniforms. Their attire was more in line with what you described. These young men all wore shorts, white crew socks, and flip flops. The short sleeved polo shirts were all the same. None of them were cuffed like other more hardened inmates that we saw that were from the jail.

It was winter at the time and it had snowed. I asked one of the officers if they were worried about the kids bolting. They did not seem worried and said that if they did bolt, they wouldn't get far - their clothing gave them away and flip flops don't facilitate running in the snow very well. From what I understand, getting out of their facility for one of these day trips, even if it was to go to the doctor or the dentist, was a privilege and they usually didn't cause trouble. Typically we had several of these groups of youths come in during the year and we never had an issue with them. They were always well behaved and polite. My point here is that there could be another explanation for what you saw.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ritter is a Russian mouthpiece and anything he says should be taken with a huge grain of salt. He spent a lot of time in Russia and still makes trips there. I would not be shocked to learn he is also on their payroll. Did not know about the other stuff which adds more suspicion about his character. Thanks for the info.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am right there with you fren. All this division over this group and that group makes my heart hurt for humanity.

You can also tell a lot about a person by how they treat animals - even if the relationship with them is commercial in nature. They should still be taken care of and respected. I am always a bit hesitant about someone that does not have animals by choice. I have a little pound rescue and he is a jewel. They add so much to our lives and I can't imagine it any other way. There is something special about relating on a soul level with another creature.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. History has demonstrated that much suffering was done under the banner of Islam and is still occuring today. Yet no one wants to speak of it to any meaningful degree - unless it serves a particular agenda. At Islam's core lies conquest and struggle - just as it states in the Bible about Ishmael. The same holds true regarding the Chinese communists.

Many atrocities were perpetrated under the banner of Christianity - but those atrocities are the only ones allowed to be discussed openly. Christian misguided actions are part of history unlike Islam and Communism. Christianity itself changed its course and determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Current and past Islamic and CCP aggression on the other hand, is minimized, misdirected, concealed, and gaslit. Human failings need to be spoken of and not censored. All the warts of humanity need to be exposed if there is to be any hope of change in behavior for the benefit of mankind. Any time there is an organized assault against a particular group of people versus another, rest assured there is an agenda under foot. No one is willing to discuss the massive infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood and the CCP within our government, but Israeli infiltration is fair game. All of it needs exposure - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Thanks for your reply. You said what needed to be said.

mac1221 6 points ago +6 / -0

Amen! By forming opinions about someone and demonizing them based upon a generalized group stereotype has led to much suffering throughout history. As long as the people continue to be manipulated and divided over these kinds of distinctions and divisions we will continue to be abused by those individuals that do demonstrate malevolent actions against the people.

mac1221 19 points ago +19 / -0

Why is this kind of thing happening? Because this is what happens with the moral and ethical degradation of a godless society - money and power becomes more important than people. This degradation has become widespread and has infected everything. Even houses of worship are not immune. People have become just a commodity to use in order to achieve political or financial gain.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Both the NEXRAD and the communication towers are using microwave electromagnetic radiation. Radar systems years ago operated in the radio wave part of the spectrum but have since made the shift to microwave because it gives them better detail. Microwaves can either reflect or penetrate depending on what is needed. To track weather or other things in the atmosphere, the signals need to reflect and not penetrate in order for the antenna to read the signals. All the geoengineering that is being sprayed into the atmosphere contain metals that can expand the reflectivity and it also gives them the ability to conduct - thereby enhancing their ability to tweak the weather. There are a number of tools they have at their disposal to modify the weather. "He who controls the weather controls the world." LBJ

NEXRAD is a joint operation between the FAA, NWS, and the Air Force. Anything that has ties to the military is suspect and is all tied together in the big picture. So much that is used by the military is classified as dual use technology. That means commercial technology can also concurrently be used by the military - and often is covertly. The clot shots also fit into that dual use classification. Therefore, the possibility exists that elements in the clot shots can be affected by electromagnetic radiation given the right parameters. Whether this is what is actually taking place is anyone's guess - but the possibility cannot be ruled out. Any of this technology has the capacity to be weaponized.

The problem with microwaves is that they don't travel as far as radio waves, so you need more stations to get the coverage. Microwaves also have a greater ability to penetrate and be absorbed by biological systems. Real 5G uses millimeter wavelength instead of the micrometer range. I have noticed that some of the towers designated as 5G are not actually emitting millimeter signals. They are actually using a lower frequency band of Sub6 5G that is not in the millimeter range but still faster than 4G LTE. I wonder if that is part of a slower rollout before they fully engage and move to a ubiquitous millimeter system. The public is less able to distinguish the differences in their environment and thereby make the connections. It has not been a sudden shift, but more of a slow incremental shift to smaller and smaller wavelengths.

Millimeter signals require a greater number of towers, because the shorter the wave length, the less distance it can travel. Areas that have masts installed all over the place, like in some larger cities almost on every corner and lamppost, are more than likely dealing with actual millimeter wave length signals. Therefore, if a person lives in one of these areas where there is a high concentration of masts, they are at much greater risk due to the exposure. The bottom line is that the electrification of our environment is not healthy and we are paying a heavy price for our technology.

What scares me is they are trying to move into the terahertz range, which are even shorter wavelengths that can travel even less distance. That means we would have to be completely surrounded by the crap to make their internet of things work. This is where LiFi comes in and LEDs are involved. (I was shocked when I metered the microwaves emitted by a simple LED lamp.) Terahertz waves rip through living tissue and can be extremely disruptive at the cellular level. This will not end well for any of us.

mac1221 7 points ago +7 / -0

These are NEXRAD radar stations - either fixed or mobile and not microware 5G towers. Been watching it for years. They do some bat shit crazy stuff with the radars. More likely they are synchronizing atmospheric heating for weather modification. 5G towers are zapping us in addition to what they are doing with the radar stations. Check out what they do when weather systems are moving through - like with the latest series of storms that ripped through the middle US in the last week or so. NEXRAD radar map of the US

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

If there is no taxable income there is no need to file - Social Security under a certain threshold for example. Retirements can be taxable, but if it is very low income level you might even get a tax credit. Disability retirements you would have to check.

Ignoring them is not an option. With no input they will assess what they think you owe based on what they have. It takes them forever to assess and by the time they send you the notice you could be in the hole for thousands in interest and penalties for only owing a couple hundred of dollars in original tax debt.

I know that tax revolts are making the rounds again. Every so many years this movement gains traction again and people don't file. They have all the power and we don't - so until the IRS is abolished, anyone that doesn't play by their rules gets screwed. It sounds like you need to file the returns for the years in question and hope you didn't actually owe anything beyond a penalty for non filling. Otherwise you could continue to ride it out as long as there is nothing for them to levy. I think they have 3 years to assess a no file return from the date the tax was due. If they do not assess in 3 years, which it sounds like that is what they did, it is dead in the water. After they assess they have 10 years to collect from the assessment date. Once the 10 years is up they have to drop the collections. That is a long time to try and outrun them. It used to be 6 years for collection but they increased it because there were too many people trying to outrun them. You could also negotiate if you are in a hardship situation and can't pay it.

So find out where you stand and decide what to do from there. If all you get as far as income is disability or social security it should be easy. If you have a more complicated return that needs to be itemized, now you are in some difficulty. All the tax forms are available online for the tax years in question. I would start there. If you are low income enough you may even be due a earned income credit that would offset the late filling penalty. You could break even or owe very little. Good luck.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Praying that the time passes quickly and most productively for all concerned. Yes, He is good all the time. Keep your positive attitude which comes through your faith in the one who is faithful. Blessings. Mac

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

My grandfather always said the same thing. Never give the government your guns. My mother's family came from Russia and managed to get out prior to the Revolution and the first world war. It was expensive and they had to grease a lot of palms to make their escape. They talked about how the Russians had started to seize all the guns "for public safety." That is when they knew things were going to get really bad and made the decision to leave. Too many simply handed their weapons over. When confronting other family and friends about what the government was trying to do, my family heard the response, "You are crazy. That could never happen here." Sound familiar? All other members of my family never made it out and they either died in the Revolution, ended up in gulags, or died in the war.

The proudest day in my grandfather's life was the day he became an American citizen. My mother says that it was the only time she ever saw her father cry. He died as a proud American gun owner.

mac1221 10 points ago +10 / -0

Looks like Putin is going to balance the scales due to the West seizing Russian assets.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Buffers? These people are so out of touch. Since when did low income people have savings? How is it that these these morons think that people are still living off a couple a stimulus checks that happened 3 to 4 years ago? For many people that money went pretty quickly to pay their overdue bills. You know, for things like utilities, gas, food, and other necessities. You can't make this sh*t up.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remorse? She kind of blew through that one and tried to soften it. Not to mention she seemed scatter brained and did not deliver a well thought out presentation. She just wanted to get through the half hearted apology.

Why would anyone trust her as a doctor when she was sooooo wrong on this? Many of us knew it was BS from the beginning and information was available for anyone that took the time to look. At the very least, there was enough information out there that any reasonable clinician should have put the breaks on recommending something this questionable. I just pray that none of her patients died or is suffering from permanent disability because of her gross negligence and lack of due diligence.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Auto insurance didn't change, but the homeowners went up - but not by much. Medical insurance also went up. My mother got hammered on her medical and car insurance. She ended up getting new policies for both.

From what I understand, homeowners insurance went up primarily because of increased costs of construction materials and labor due to inflation. As far as auto insurance, the outrageous cost of EVs when involved in accidents was an unintended consequence of another not well thought out green agenda scam. Any EV involved in an accident is usually totaled because there is no way to test whether the batteries are compromised. Even simple repair costs of these EVs are not cheap. Included in that premium increase are losses from the rollout of the jabs that have led to an increase in accidents. Of course they are baffled as to why. Not to mention that around 30% or more of drivers are pharmacologically impaired. Add to that a few million foreign drivers either legally or illegally behind the wheel. Most car insurance now has a dual liability agreement between the carriers meaning they often don't care who is at fault - they both pay for their own policy holder.

I have my home and auto insurance through my state's farm bureau. The rates are good and the service is excellent. I try to stay away from major carriers that try and spread their losses across all their policy holders. The only way to get the auto insurance from the farm bureau is through the home insurance - which for them is probably a better risk than offering auto insurance to the public at large.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

My understanding is that both ends of the bridge were shut down to traffic after the ship's junior pilot sent out the distress call. They did not have to wait for dispatching to outside authorities to shut down traffic since there were already police stationed at both ends for traffic control due to work crews on the bridge. My understanding is that the 6 missing were from the work crew. It could have been worse.

It seems to me that if this was an intended terror attack they usually seek to maximize casualties. Therefore, the bridge would have been hit during rush hour in the morning. In addition, many trucks hauling hazardous materials are not allowed to use the tunnel so they transport across that bridge. So from a pure terror standpoint, this event underproduced.

Here is an excellent breakdown of events by a shipping expert. Dali Timeline from Data Recorder in Striking Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, March 26, 2024

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Besides, I think under asylum status they cannot be deported so easily. There was a reason the lefty's did it that way.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have one of those individual desks from back in the day with a sturdy metal frame - just like when I was a kid. By all means, teach them the old ways. They will hate it now but will thank you when they get older. The teachers however, I think are a lost cause.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. I was helping my great nephew with his math homework one day. I have several science degrees and I had to take about 10 minutes to figure out what the exercise was trying to achieve. Since he was only a first or second grader, there were no written instructions. His instructions were whatever his teacher had said. How any parent is supposed to help if they are unable to know what to do. Of course when you understand common core, that is exactly the point - to further alienate parents from children. It puts parents at a disadvantage and too many are just willing to abdicate to the teacher and the system.

These kids don't learn how we learned by rote memorization of basic math functions, so right away there is a disconnect between parent and child unless they too learned the same way. A smart parent steps in and still teaches their child the old way even if it conflicts with how math, or anything else for that matter, is being taught in school. In addition, these kids are told they can use calculators. Why? Because they don't learn math. All they know how to do is punch the right keys and trust the answer is correct. They don't actually learn how to do a math problem and come up with the answer on their own. There are already far too many people that cannot do simple math without a calculator.

I read large parts of common core when it first came out and a huge part of it involves data collection. Why? To identify how children learn and use the system to create elite drones. The majority of children will be left behind as a common drone class that will not be required to do anything beyond the most basic tasks. People are much easier to control if they are uneducated - something our founding fathers understood. What I noticed with the math assignment that could be extrapolated on a larger scale was identification of those children with a particular aptitude to think a certain way - at least where it concerns mathematical ability. This identification is meant to tag certain kids to channel them into STEM education. This was one of the stated goals of common core. Everyone else can just remain illiterate and unable to think for themselves.

As you stated, it is that crazy tens system - an attempt to jettison another piece of what has made the US and our system unique. They don't like the fact that other than within the scientific community and some manufacturing, we are not using metric. The common core math is an attempt to get us shifted into metric. It is bizarre in its approach. What would take us a couple of seconds to come up with the answer to a simple math equation, common core makes a child try to learn a complex series of steps to round up or down to get to a more workable number to finish the problem - or so some educator thinks it should be in order to justify their paycheck. As you stated, no wonder none of these kids can do math.

Believe it or not, my father taught me that system when I was a child. My brother and sister never grasped it. So I was the only kid that learned both ways. My father was a journeyman machinist that could do calculations in his head with very strict tolerances and be nuts on. That is how I was able to recognize it when trying to figure out the homework. They are looking for certain kids. To what end, is anyone's guess. The rest can just fall to the wayside as far as they are concerned.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw deportations on the Texas El Paso border. The person was simply told to walk back across the border at the port of entry. Mexico had no say in the matter. They go out the same way they came in.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have an extensive library of paper books on a wide variety of topics - some dating back decades. I figured they would come in handy one day when people realize they need to actually learn how to do math, read, write properly, etc. You know, those basic educational skills that are not taught anymore.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you see this one about the E-bikes? Millions of E-bikes, Motorcycles, EVs Forcibly Confiscated by Police, Forcing People to Buy New Ones

The CCP recently announced that they were going to encourage the Chinese to upgrade manufactured products to stimulate economic growth. Reading the tea leaves, there is no doubt the CCP will take the scheme to confiscate E-bikes to force sales and expand it to include other equipment and consumer products.

There are huge graveyards of electric vehicles all over China - thousands of them. EV cars are made, registered, and then abandoned - all a scam to collect government subsidies. The battery fires are spectacular. There are many fires in high rise apartments due to E-bikes. Despite efforts to censor the news, stories do manage to make it out of China - at least for now. China wants to dump their excess capacity of dangerous and crappy EVs to the rest of world.

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