patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

that's what I did, it still sends you to winred, they do the collecting.

patriotic_legend 13 points ago +13 / -0

John Bolton must be one hell of a raging pedoohile.

patriotic_legend 3 points ago +3 / -0

My donation made it through. Send a signal to the cabal donate today www.donaldjtrump.com.

patriotic_legend 41 points ago +42 / -1

This statement by Clot ignores the underbelly of the beast. deniro and these people are likely pedophiles that will do or say anything to keep this from the public eye. This is what it looks like when you were at the top and are being systematically destroyed, they are flailing.

patriotic_legend 5 points ago +5 / -0

back of the hat strap has some kind of rainbow. they may just be going for something less flamboyant.

patriotic_legend 16 points ago +16 / -0

I believe I read that gen x is the most conservative gen out there. I believe we are more awake than most age groups.

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

hot realative to congress, maybe. If she wasn't famous, I dont think many of us would even notice her.

patriotic_legend 10 points ago +10 / -0

The fact that the demonic left treats this Pope with such love and praise is proof alone that this Pope does not serve Christ.

patriotic_legend 3 points ago +3 / -0

there are leftist that will never not support the dems, it is their religion.

patriotic_legend 5 points ago +5 / -0

He listed the question about all vaccines, then acts as if it is about mrna jab.

patriotic_legend 4 points ago +4 / -0

To be fair the proper study would compare suicide rate for "trans" who have gender affirming surgery and "trans" who don't have gender affirming surgery.

We already know that trans have higher suicide rates in general, so comparing them to the general prop doesn't make sense.

Maybe I am not understanding the terminology in the data sets.

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

he was in a red county in NC, I was not. It was red county sherrif's that told the govnah to pound sand.

my gym closed, I build a home gym, workout more at home than I ever did at the gym.

patriotic_legend 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow, great pereverance. Cases like yours will make schools and businesses think twice next go around.

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

I prefer transvestite

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

The royals seem to be part of something, the old money, the elites. prince andrew and epstein. They may have more involvement than we know.

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

why, meme's with pop culture references are what normies relate to.

patriotic_legend 3 points ago +3 / -0

wow great clip, I haven't seen the movie, will watch it. I believe our job is to show the world our love for God through our existence and how we interact. We can't save everyone, but if some are brought to Jesus through our actions, we have done great things.

I have a friend who remembers what I went through with my middle son. Stroke at birth, mental and physical damage. Brain surgery at 6 years old. My friend asked me how I got through that, he mentioned I seemed to handle it very well and just kept going. I told him faith in God, that is why I don't stumble when hit by obstacles of trauma. We have had many discussions some on God, he grew up in a Christian home, but not really practicing. But, I think the door is open just a little bit more for him now.

The way we carry ourselves and the little things matter. Brings me back to a memory when I was 16, filled up with gas went in to pay, paid. Got outside realized I was undercharged, he had me pay the wrong bill. I went back in and paid the right bill. He had an african accent. He asked me right then if I was Christian. I said yes, he said God Bless you and my name. While he was obviously Christian as well, in that moment his beliefs were reinforced.

I don't always act as I should, but I am trying to do better.

I ordered a chronological version of the Bible for my and I the other day, plan on reading through the entire Bible in a year maybe a bit longer.

God's Blessings to you. I hope the ordeals of our society bring more people to Jesus.

BTW, if you are ever looking for a good book, I enjoyed the CS Lewis books. Mere Christianity (a philosophical proof of our God), The Great Divorce (A look at what idols people can't let go of to enter heaven) and Screw Tape Letters (Letters from a demon to his mentor about turning people away from God). All are great books. I really liked the one about the demon. These books are not scripture and CS Lewis discusses this in prologues, but they are helpful in seeing Christianity from different perspectives.

patriotic_legend 7 points ago +7 / -0

Interesting take. I didn't mean to be dismissive of the issues of the day. I realize not everyone had the same situation that I did. But, there is always a way, depending on one's priorities.

  1. I grew up Christian continue to be Christian. I believe that is a huge part of what "made it work". I don't look at life as finite. In China, not many Christians. I can see how demoralizing that would be. And in the US Christianity's influence is diminishing, to me this is the root of our problems. I am not a weekly church goer and don't read the Bible often (trying to do better). But, my faith is strong and I pray daily.

  2. I watched my Dad work, and work a lot of hours. But, he still found time to coach our little league teams. As we got older he had less time, but I have 2 brothers and had a great Mom. My Dad is great too, but he traveled a lot and worked a lot.

  3. I had a pretty massive trauma in my early teens. I don't want to go into huge detail, but spent weeks in the hospital and years of post hospital surgeries. I made a dumb decision that caused the trauma. I learned perseverance through this. I learned what family is through this. I don't wish anyone to go through what I did, but for me it was well worth the pain.

  4. I will admit that something that always made it easier for me to take chances in my career was my family. While I never asked for any money, I always felt it was an unspoken thing that if I needed help, they were there. Most people don't have this luxury.

Probably too much information, that is the first time I have ever written this much about myself.

You are 100% right life skills are passed down. If one's family isn't loving and strong life will be much more difficult. Life is all about balancing. I always wanted to have kids of my own and did. It hasn't always been easy. Marriage and family are rarely easy.

Hope this is in any way helpful. Part of me is unsure of hitting post, but I will do it any way. The key to life is just to keep moving. Regrets happen when you wait for life to come to you.

patriotic_legend 8 points ago +8 / -0

I had my last child in 2013, my first in 2005. I am not that far out. Yes things are more expensive, but people can survive on less than they think. They can also move to less costly towns to live in.

The worst part is the housing market. My first house was $150k in 1999, that same house is now valued at $500k. That coupled with higher interest rates makes owning a house unattainable for most.

That being said if your goal is to build a family, it can be done. Especially if you have a trade skill or tech skill, then you can move to a smallet town.

patriotic_legend 14 points ago +20 / -6

those type of people are to enamored with comfort, consumption and lack of responsibility.

My wife and I decided to have kids and have her stay at home with them on a modest salary. We made it work.

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