seernewday 3 points ago +3 / -0


Since the early 2000’s, outfits like Goldman Sachs have been trying to trade air, or specifically carbon without much success. Their 2005 carbon exchange staggered along until it was quietly discontinued, and their Climate Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is now facing delisting. “ESG” was the next attempt to monetize the un-monetizable, with the “E” part of that acronym standing for Environment, ill-defined as that was. Now ESG is failing. Market leaders say it is facing “a perfect storm of negative sentiment” and its U.S. investments fell by $163 billion in the first quarter of 2023 alone.Wall Street’s Wa...

Its stepchild, Net-Zero, is so loathed, it looks like it might blow up the entire carbon scam. Says Australian senator Matt Canavan, “Net-Zero has absolutely carked it. It is a soundbite and totally insane. Almost everything we grow, we make, we do in our society relies on the use of fossil fuels.” Vanguard has pulled out of Net-Zero funds. The British government too is backing out of Net-Zero, saying “we won’t save the planet by bankrupting the British people.” New Zealand’s new government revised the country’s Net-Zero plans in its first week in office. In the hard hit Netherlands, the Farmer-Citizen movement is now the dominant party in the Dutch senate and every provincial assembly. Sweden has abandoned its 100 percent Net-Zero plans and Norway has announced another $18 billion in oil and gas investments.

The Wall Street Journal reports Europeans Ditch Net Zero, While Biden Clings to It

seernewday 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the right with God and MAGA people power are kicking their asses! More to come!!

seernewday 3 points ago +3 / -0

China’s new knock-off passenger jet is waiting for approval as a replacement for the Boeing 737, and the Biden administration is only too willing to help the Chinese by demonizing an American manufacturer, with national security implications. As major media report, “Boeing’s crisis may open a gap for Chinese jets to fly through.” With a Trump presidency, this would not have happened, and it’s another reason why the DNC and its China-first allies want Trump permanently sidelined. To an unusual extent, the major media are reporting what seem to be a nearly unending series of mishaps involving U.S. commercial airline aircraft made by the Boeing company. Whether it’s a window blowing out in flight, a tire falling to the ground after takeoff, or a sudden “nosedive“ in cruising flight, it seems the Boeing jet, especially the 737, can’t be trusted anymore, and the public is being conditioned to think so.

I suggest that these irregularities may not be random. Allow me to explain. Little known to the general public and air travelers is that China has made an exact duplicate of the Boeing 737 and wants to see it in service as a replacement, worldwide (with a convenient “firefighting” tanker model as well). This Chinese “knock-off” costs a fraction of the Boeing model and is waiting for U.S. regulatory approval. What better way to accelerate its introduction than to engage in a classic “disinformation” program to discredit the safety of the current competitive model? Who stands to win in such a scenario? A number of parties, political, financial, and commercial. Airline management care about cost, and they will pursue cost reduction in any way they can.

Unknown to most Americans is that airline major maintenance is largely done outside the United States, in such countries as South Korea, Singapore, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador, with China next. A Chinese passenger jet that costs half the price, and is financed by the Chinese, would be welcomed with open arms. Airline executives are also ideologically captured to an unusual extent by the current White House, based in part on billions of dollars in COVID rescue funds, along with regulatory pressure to comply with White House narratives including the promotion of minorities and the adoption of racial identitarian themes in labor practices and hiring. This also includes Biden “biosecurity“ programs involving passenger compliance and controls. Source: americanthinker.com

seernewday 3 points ago +3 / -0

Full article below:

The terrible events of the past few days in Rafah have inflamed the world. On X/Twitter the theme of "all eyes on Rafah" has commentators condemning Israel for the fiery deaths of 45 Palestinian Gazans. The evidence shows the Israeli airstrike was far from that location. None-the-less the human tragedy is horrible.

As reported by the Canadian Press on May 29, “ICC's chief prosecutor requested arrest warrants last week for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence minister, as well as three senior Hamas leaders.”

Now 375 lawyers and various public citizens, former diplomats are calling on the Trudeau government to provide "unwavering" support of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) position, which Trudeau had rejected as a "false equivalency."

After watching “The CCP’s Invasion of Israel: How Xi Set Fire to the Middle East – and Why "published Monday by The Committee on The Present Danger: China, alarming geopolitical angles on the Israel-Gaza conflict come to light that have implications for you, for Canada and for these international criminal court actions versus national sovereignty everywhere.

Guermantes Lailari, a retired lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force who lives in Taiwan revealed that China’s involvement in the present Middle East conflict is significant. According to him, Western nations had just established a competing trade route to China’s global Belt and Road – one we rarely hear about in the press.

It is called the India, Middle East and Europe Economic Corridor (“IMEC”) that would have trade go from India through the UAE, Saudi Arabia, maybe Jordan, and through Israel’s port of Haifa, to Europe. This fateful Oct. 5, 2023 Frontlinearticle touts the “passage to possibilities.” According to the author, “this would have opened up a channel that would have not depended on anything to do with China.”

Two days later, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, killed 1,200 citizens and took 240 people hostage.

The last thing China wants is for democratic India, which, as a Commonwealth partner, shares so many Western values, to gain a lucrative trade corridor to Europe.

Lailari revealed that China signed a 25-year deal with Iran in 2021 that promised Iran special military technology and sharing of intelligence, and that included $400 billion in oil and gas exports from Iran.

According to Lailari, two Peoples' Liberation Army tunnel engineers were found in the Gaza tunnels by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF), and — under international pressure — they were returned to China. Is that why so many Western foreign ministers were demanding that the IDF not go into Rafah? Many Western nations’ pension funds and many major Western corporations have significant investments in China and could easily be pressured to comply. Canada Pension Plan has $52 billion invested there.

Canada’s McCain Foods has a large state-of-the-art French fry plant in Harbin, China, established in 2004. Just sayin’ …

Are there more geopolitical surprises to be had?

Lailari notes that the tunnel system under Gaza is very advanced. The tunnels are built with special air pressure systems designed into them so that if one part the tunnel is collapsed, the rest will stand. Lailari reports that advanced Chinese intel technologies were found in the tunnels.

And of course, so were the bodies of dead hostages.

Lailari said that Mohammed Deif, head of the military wing of Hamas, has two Chinese wives and that he had lived and learned in China in the 1990s. The subject was ordnance and artillery “rockets, explosives and everything that has rained down on Israel in the 1990s.”

**But the most alarming revelation in the webinar was the “three war concept.” The title says it all: “CCP’s 3-Battle Scheme: Eroding U.S. Power Before Taiwan Strait Clash.” The article seems to document exactly what is happening on the ground — the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, meant to drain the US and the West and ultimately destroy NATO; the conflict in the Middle East, meant to destroy the Abraham Accords, which were described as a “major strategic threat to Iran” and re-empower Iran — and ultimately destroy Israel; and then a third front, to destroy the Island Alliances the US has in the South Pacific, for the ultimate take over of Taiwan. Part of the plan is the demolition of the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

Webinar commentators made it clear that China has ongoing efforts worldwide to diminish national sovereignty.**

Everywhere. Israel is just the test case.

It is interesting to note that South Africa sponsored the Application in the International Court of Justice against Israel for the prevention of the crime of genocide in January. Iran signed a deal in Aug. 2023 to build and equip five refineries in South Africa.

Part of the webinar addresses how the nebulous International Court of Justice statement effectively removes national sovereignty in terms of self-defence.

Another aspect discussed in the webinar is how China has infiltrated global institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO) which these commentators say had a tremendous role in funding Gazan hospitals and in their view, may be more compromised than United Nations Relief Work Agency (UNWRA) in terms of collaboration with Hamas in Gaza.

Foundation for the Defence of Democracies was reporting on UNRWA-Hamas collaboration as early as Oct. 28, 2015. In January 2024, Israel accused the WHO of collusion with Hamas, based on the evidence found by the IDF.

The WHO is in the process of establishing a global pandemic law. As moderator, Frank Gaffney said: “The World Health Assembly, as it's called, is trying to figure out whether and in what way they will give vastly greater power to the director general of that organization, the WHO. In fact, I think it's irrefutable that if given the authority to declare public health emergency of international concern anywhere in the world on his sole authority and to dictate what must be done in response, that would reflect a concentration of power in a single individual, unlike anything we've seen in the course of human history, and all the more remarkable because it would be obtained without firing a shot, being voluntarily surrendered.”

All of which brings to mind that famous quote by Sun Tzu — “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

While all eyes are on Rafa, everyone is missing the big picture.

seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

From the creek to salt water... we need to be able to debate with free speech and we need to be ungovernable with those that do not honor the Constitution!

seernewday 5 points ago +5 / -0

Prosecutors across the country who have received financial backing from political action committees funded by George Soros are losing elections and facing recalls as crime continues to plague America’s cities. In just the past few months, the district attorney overseeing Portland lost his reelection bid, while Los Angeles’ district attorney faces long reelection odds. These prosecutors received campaign cash from Soros-backed political action committees, with their troubles building on a pattern experienced by Soros-backed prosecutors across the country. Voters have, in recent years, rejected Soros-backed district attorneys in Loudoun County, Virginia, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. St. Louis prosecutor Kim
Source: dailycaller,com

seernewday 3 points ago +3 / -0

Freedom Piper 🇺🇸 @FreeThinkerInc · Apr 20 Patriot Roy Rogue has posted the prior decision from the appeals court, which SCOTUS has overturned. In particular, the assertion that any “materially significant harm” must be proven. By lowering the standard of proof, SCOTUS has now opened the door. 💪🇺🇸 Quote Roy Rogue @rogue185263 · Apr 20 https://x.com/FreeThinkerInc/status/1781688729783988638?t=eJiWnsdrgptPjhmrCL233A&s=09

seernewday 7 points ago +7 / -0

Stormy Sunset 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @stormysunset97 · Apr 21 Although it’s great that the Supreme Court has weighed in, there is already a law in place that protects workers from discriminatory practices. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act does NOT exclude white people or, specifically, white men. 🇺🇸 Freedom Piper 🇺🇸 @FreeThinkerInc · Apr 21 Right, this was a ruling on Title VII…specifically that the appellate court interpretation of the standard required to bring a case was too high. So this ruling allows Title VII cases to be brought with a much lower standard and without a need to prove specific violations of Show more

seernewday 10 points ago +10 / -0

What you sow: A bunch of far-left writers are whining after being fired from leftist nonprofit blog Media Matters. ( @mmfa publishes misleading and deceptive content to lead campaigns to shut down conservative media and get conservatives fired.) Some of those who were fired mocked me when I was in the hospital after being beaten by Antifa in 2019 and suffering through a brain bleed.

The jobless Antifa-allied propaganda writers are blaming @elonmusk for being fired. Musk is suing MM for allegedly using dishonest and illegal practices to try to shut down X. Those fired are now seeking work via posts on X. https://x.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1793749535426228250

seernewday 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here are the paragraphs that capture the importance essence of things in my humble opinion...

The media drumbeat notwithstanding, the ordinary people are beginning to see the same thing. They, too, resent seeing a presidential candidate undermined through tyrannical power plays, they oppose having their children exposed to the insanity of a bazillion imaginary “genders,” they are appalled that their children can define those genders but can’t read or do math, they are angered that we are experiencing a slow-mo invasion replete with freeloaders, criminals, and terrorists, they are horrified to see Bidenflation impoverish them, and they know that it’s morally wrong for America to support a terrorist group (Hamas) and a terrorist nation (Iran), both of which are dedicated to murdering Jews, women, gays, Christians, Hindus, and Americans.

The media can’t hide these things anymore or paint them in pretty colors. Increasing numbers of Americans see what’s happening, and they hate it. So, when Donald Trump is shackled in Manhattan, the ordinary, normal, and truly good Americans will come to the Bronx to cheer him on.

Something profound is happening here. This is bigger and deeper than Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016. The sleeping American giant may finally be waking up.

One of the most important things in politics is momentum. Once it builds, it’s very hard to stop. Biden is stagnant, while Trump is the most exciting game around. No matter what happens in that New York courtroom, Trump has the mojo. If he walks out a free man, he’s a winner. And (God forbid), if he walks out a convicted felon on a still unidentified, totally bogus charge, he’s also a winner because the American people have finally woken up.>

seernewday 6 points ago +6 / -0

Portland voters fire Soros DA Mike Schmidt by a landslide margin.

He infamously declined to prosecute the BLM and Antifa riots & allowed crime to flourish in Multanomah County.

Soros DA Chesa Boudin (San Fran): Out Soros DA Kim Gardner (St. Louis): Out Soros DA Kim Foxx (Chicago): Out


seernewday 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the poop causing the pain in the ass

seernewday 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ian Smith, co-owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey, has achieved a monumental victory. A New Jersey court has dismissed all 80 charges against him, charges that stemmed from his bold decision to reopen his gym in direct defiance of Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s tyrannical COVID-19 lockdown orders. The saga began in May 2020, when Smith reopened Atilis Gym, challenging the Murphy administration’s mandates, which he and his supporters argue are unconstitutional and detrimental to small businesses. The confrontation escalated in July 2020 when police officers forcefully arrested Smith after he continually violated the state’s shutdown orders.

The state’s aggressive response did not end with the arrest. In a controversial move, Governor Murphy and his administration seized $165,000 from the gym’s accounts—funds that Smith claims were amassed through donations and apparel sales to support the gym’s legal battles. This act was a punitive strike meant to cripple the gym financially and serve as a stern warning to others who might consider similar defiance. Smith released a statement on X:

seernewday 6 points ago +6 / -0

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey today signed a bill that removes all income taxes on capital gains from the sale of gold and silver, enabling the state to take an important step forward in reinforcing sound money principles. With this move, Alabama joins a growing number of states prioritizing the protection of citizens against the deleterious effects of inflation, currency debasement, and mounting federal debt. Enactment of Senate Bill 297 makes Alabama the 13th state in the nation that does not impose capital gains taxes on sales of gold and silver. Source: moneymetals.com

seernewday 4 points ago +4 / -0

The GOP-controlled Louisiana Senate passed legislation Monday prohibiting the use of ranked-choice voting (RCV) in elections. But Republican Gov. Jeff Landry won’t say if he’ll sign the bill into law.

Under RCV, voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of first-choice votes in the first round of voting, the last-place finisher is eliminated, and his votes are reallocated to the voter’s second-choice candidate. This process continues until one candidate receives a majority of votes.

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