tweety51A 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you...important info I have never seen...Linus Pauling was a medical superstar...glad to hear how effective this is...I take both these supplements but I will change the way I take them...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never trust the RDA...it is government...and faith is ESSENTIAL...

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

I am currently being challenged to always trust God in all things...it is harder than it seems...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the link...I eat raisins also...and prunes...my favorite dried fruit besides pineapple...I am glad to know this...I actually have a dehydrator and it is so easy to dehydrate...need to utilize it...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am so proud of you for going down the path your heart tells you...your children are such precious gifts and there is NO ONE in this world that loves your children as much as you do. Your role is to love and protect them. I just want to say I am a book person so usually when I learn something I have a reference book...I have two bookcases full of reference material...I used to only read non-fiction alternative health books. So if there is any modality or info you want, I have probably read about it. You really sound like you both have it together...when you stay away from doctors and hospitals you miraculously become more well...isn't life funny...my question about well baby visits is...if a baby is well...why do they need to go to a doctor???? Especially if you don't vax????? Good health to you all...you will LOVE the book...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, I decided to quit mammograms and I haven't been to a gyno for a long time...but I am 73 and still have everything I was born with and have never been on hormonal birth control...so I am healthy in the female department. I am recommending my daughters quit mammograms also even though my sister died of breast cancer at 39. After successfully treating my husband with prostate cancer, I no longer fear cancer...especially since we know of SO many cancer cures. I take IVM once a week prophylactically, so I am good...I believe castor oil could dissolve any cysts or tumors. There is a product called TumoRid that a friend developed that also dissolves tumors.

As far as a pap smear, unless you have no problems like STD's or endometriosis...I am really not sure what they are looking for and what value they have...I think they worry these can lead to cancer. Even if me or my daughters had cancer, I would NOT do radiation or chemo...so I suppose it can be a diagnostic tool...but for tumors or cysts I would still use castor oil to dissolve this type of tissue...I guess it is up to you and how well and healthy you are...you know your body...I would think if anything was wrong your body would tell you...I don't like most doctors and I definitely don't like hospitals now that they have shown their true colors.

I am lucky that I have a doctor that lets me do pretty much whatever I want...but I know that the powers that be at Medicare want XY and Z and he suggests these things...but says ultimately it is my decision what to do. I am blessed to be on no medications and I truly try to treat anything that comes up alternatively. I bought a Rife machine lately so I have something new to treat things with.

So I am not sure if there are any holistic routes to any of this other than treatment. Perhaps if you have a homeopath or a functional doctor as your main doctor they would know better than I as to what is available alternatively. I know that I have been made aware of gladolinium which is used in contrast MRI's and the danger that utilizing that poses. I have never had a contrasting MRI...so I am at least safe from that. I am sure you will make the right decision for yourself. I do fear that so many diagnostic tools are used to make everyone think they need more drugs or surgery...but perhaps there is benefit to use diagnostic tools sparingly.

As for the book, I ordered it online...I do not know if it is available used...it is a bit pricey...but well worth the cost...I use that to make homemade salves, and he gives combination EO suggestions to take internally and he actually has some homeopathic information in the book. It is my go to EO book. I like that it utilizes EO safety as you choose treatments for yourself and your children. I know Robert Tisserand wrote the definitive book on EO safety, but I doubt the lay person wants to muddle through that...this doctor does a fantastic job of incorporating this in his recommendations. If you are into EO's you really need to check out Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt's Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy site...he has the definitive treatment for shingles that I have used the one time my husband got shingles. His information is amazing.

I also use homeopathics and Dana Ullman has some of the best resource books on homeopathics. I have to say I would take the kids to the doctor for a diagnosis and then I would just come home and treat it alternatively. I have used homeopathics since 1980 and a serious homeopath would benefit from Boericke's Materia Medica. I use a multitude of other healing modalities that are safe and have great benefit. I usually throw everything I have at something as quickly as possible and I find most things heal within a day or two, unless it is something chronic...but early treatment often prevents chronic conditions. I have collected a wealth of home remedies...with 5 kids I have seen most everything. I always utilize echinacea/goldenseal or extra vitamin C at the first sign that anything is off...very often that is all I need.

I did not mean to overwhelm you with all this...but with your growing family you have a wonderful opportunity to keep your kids healthy and happy without drugs and all the trappings that Rockefeller medicine wants you to believe is essential. You sound like a very conscientious mom and I applaud you for that...I pray that God bless your family...I have spend most of my life studying alternative healing and by my age, I have either a home or alternative remedy for just about anything...it has been interesting, if nothing else...and covid really challenged me beyond what I thought I already knew...best to you and yours...

Truly if I can ever be of help let me know...just DM me...

tweety51A 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well...ALL our healthcare is based on Big Pharma dangerous meds and useless, high priced treatments...if the sheeple fall for all that...it is on them...

Chemical imbalances in the brain are not a theory...it is a fact, whether or not it has been used to make money...AND it was not invented...it has been around a lot longer than psychotropic drugs have existed...they only proliferated after the Rockefellers hijacked the medical establishment...so you are partially correct...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I already posted the video on X...but I really don't have many followers...but there was a good discussion there about MTHFR so maybe someone will pick it up that has a better following...people on GAW don't like to listen to long videos very much...the quick blurbs are the most popular...I haven't seen any information previously posted on MTHFR so maybe I will try to find some introductory info and then post the video within the post as optional material...I like for people to learn important, impactful things and i truly believe this is one of them...

I have Methylene Blue but haven't used it yet...you can only keep track of so many new things or therapies...although it appears really easy to take...also have a book that I didn't finish reading...a day late and a dollar short often...here is Dr. Berg on Methylene Blue...interesting it mentions depression...


tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is one thing I don't have...I have some natural deodorant...but don't use...will probably last me the rest of my life...I thought it was because I was getting older, but it very likely is because I am not deficient in magnesium...interesting to know...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much for the book suggestion and for the product suggestion...personal testimonies of success are the best...

I read the book, "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy" by Dr. Mark Sircus, which started me on my understanding of the importance of magnesium to the body...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you I have watched the video and I am so glad that you shared this. My daughter was diagnosed as having the MTHFR gene deficiency and truthfully I wish I had known about this years ago. I love the completeness of what he has shared...many things I knew...we have all corrected our Vitamin D deficiency with great success and benefit. We all take zinc and NAC since covid with much success also. One daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease at 19 and we of course have corrected that...however this seems to be the missing, underlying link to many of the negative conditions that our family has dealt with. I use alternative treatments so I have been able to improve many of the health issues, but I can see that I am still missing the root cause...so I am very grateful for this information. Dr. Brecka is so knowledgeable...it is quite refreshing to hear what he has to say...

My sister was schizophrenic and we treated her in 1976 with orthomolecular psychiatry (mega doses of B3) that was very effective...per the research of Dr. Abram Hoffer. He identified that there were high amounts of adrenochrome in the body of schizophrenics, but could not identify why, however, found the high dose B3 was effective in mediating this condition...she never flipped out again, after flipping out twice in one year. He maintained a successful clinic in New York that helped many people to overcome medical conditions with megavitamin therapy.

Dr. William Walsh has continued the work of Abram Hoffer and they have come upon the methylation anomalies...he treats people at the Walsh Research Institute in Illinois and has written the book Nutrient Power...that has been life saving for many people. Our entire family needs to be tested for the MTHFR deficiency, as we have dealt with depression, Bi-Polar, ADHD, PTSD and alcoholism...and believe me we are just a normal family...and I think this is a good place to start to be able to get at the root issue of these things that have impacted our lives...with rare exception we have been able to get through life with the many alternate therapies that have been beneficial in treating the symptoms of what is most likely MTHFR anomalies...thank you for sharing what is very likely the root cause of depression...knowledge is power, after all...

Have you thought about posting that link so that others could learn the importance of the MTHFR gene...about 45% per cent of the population has this...thanks again for sharing...

tweety51A 0 points ago +1 / -1

I do not take or recommend SSRI's so Big Pharma loses...you are barking up the wrong tree...sorry...your knowledge will be much enhanced by watching this video...


tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients to take...every cell in our body has a Vitamin D receptor...be sure to take Vitamin K along with this so that your calcium ends up in your bones and not your blood vessels...I take Super K from Life Extension...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely...that is our 2nd brain...when you improve gut health you improve brain health and vice versa...so many studies bear that out...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always say he/she/it...giving the proper pronouns is SO important...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

She/he/it didn't deceive me...I have known for a very long time...they only THINK they are deceiving us!

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have not...but my husband used it in his Tippens protocol for prostate cancer and my daughter and her family have utilized CBD oil...I truly have so many successful things to utilize for depression that I have not felt the need to expand my repertoire...my understanding is that these are very useful for many different disorders...there were some excellent posts on X about CBD oil that I need to get around to posting...have you had some good experience with this?

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well...who stays out of the sun? I used to because I was allergic to the sun, but I don't anymore and I do not know anyone that doesn't enjoy the outdoors. I think the success of utilizing magnesium supplements speaks for itself. If it requires mitochondrial water production to be utilized, then people must be getting exposure to full spectrum sunlight. There is also red light therapy that is very useful and can be used, but sunlight is cheaper...I never wear sunglasses so my eyes get maximum sun exposure where the sunlight is utilized by the body.

Also, magnesium can be utilized homeopathically in BioPlasma, 12 cell salts, or in the different homeopathic formulations. If magnesium is required by the body then the body must be able to acquire and utilize magnesium...I think the testimonies to the efficacy of that is proven over and over....I personally don't waste my time or money on things that don't work. One thing you learn when you do self care is how to read and understand your body...

Depression and mental disorders have existed long before junk light environments were a thing bu it does contribute...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well...that is a good question...I would be very comfortable with using this with the 7 and 9 year old...you could cut it in half or even a quarter perhaps to try it out...the biggest thing is to make sure you are using essential oils that are okay for their age. I utilize the book, "Evidence Based Essential Oil Therapy" by Dr. Scott A Johnson to determine what oils are allowable for what age group. Externally oils have to be greatly diluted for babies (birth -12 mos.) and then at different dilution for toddlers (1-5) and 6-11, 12-17 and 18+. These lists are in this book ...so I base my answer on that...especially which EO's are acceptable for which age groups. By the 6-11 age you can use all EO's except birch and wintergreen. For the baby you can choose from lots of good oils ie. chamomile, lavendar, all the citruses, frankincense, melaleuca, myrtle, etc. Believe me if you use EO's that is the best book to get for safety and usability of oils. I don't think there would be a problem with the other ingredients...but like I said...dilute to try to be sure...these are great if the kids are sick...

Let me know how it works out...I have grandchildren in that age range, so I would be curious...my family uses this but I never thought about it for the kids...I just usually topically use EO's on them diluted with coconut oil or a carrier oil...

And thank you for the compliment...I am always glad to share my knowledge with people...everything I know I learned from others...or through trial and error with my 5 guinea pigs...bless their hearts...we did some strange stuff...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting...perhaps it is like a detox...some have said the carnivore diet does similar things as fasting in terms of detoxing...so maybe you just needed to push through to get to the feel good part....

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