posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +230 / -0



Regarding pseudo-mRNA vaccines for livestock and pets.

"First, do not harm" is the first rule of being a physician. It is unfortunate that proper testing and evaluation of was not done for the pseudo-mRNA human C-19 "vaccines". The large adverse event profile is a five alarm fire that is not being addressed. Without proper testing (including as a gene therapy product), they should not be used for anything in the future, IMO.

Without transparency for how these are being tested for the livestock and pet market-just no.

We can no longer trust the gov. to ensure safety without transparency.

There are a host of safety and transparency issues that have not been resolved. The government and big pharma (who are jointly developing these pseudo-mRNA vaccines) must be transparent. The data on safety must be made available. They must be tested as gene therapy products. The meat must undergo evaluation. And this is just a start. The safety of our food supply is of paramount importance. There is no way that these products should be used in animals, until this is done. Yet- Merck already has these products as custom formulations on the market now for swine (Sequivity). How did THAT happen? Where is the safety data? Where is the labelling?

We deserve a government that has the best interests of people, farmers in mind.

Congress needs to step in.

Just because we "can," does not mean we should.

I have a lot more to say on this - so stay tuned.