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Several gold mines in northern Niger managed by a Chinese company were ordered to temporarily close after dozens of animals died from drinking wastewater, local authorities told AFP on Sunday.

Chinese-Owned Gold Mines Temporarily Closed: Several gold mines in northern Niger, managed by a Chinese company, were recently ordered to temporarily close. The decision came after dozens of animals died from drinking wastewater near the town of Tabelot. The company involved is Sahara SARL1. Artisanal Gold Mine Collapse: In November 2021, an artisanal gold mine collapsed in southern Niger, near the border with Nigeria. At least 18 people were killed, and seven others were injured. The incident occurred when artisanal wells collapsed at the Garin-Liman mine site in the Maradi region. Rescue operations were ongoing to search for trapped bodies234. Previous Closures and Industry Modernization: The Niger government had previously closed several artisanal gold mines in 2017 as part of efforts to modernize the industry. Accidents at these sites are frequent due to soil instability and outdated mining methods employed by the miners2. Industrial Mine in Niger: Since 2004, Niger has had only one industrial gold mine located at Samira in the Tillaberi region2.