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Flemish Left Meltdown Over Vlaams Belang’s Pro-Family Policies | Increased assistance to young mothers framed by media and socialists as ‘forcing women to have children’ and ‘return to the 1950s.’


... In the past ten years, the number of live births in Flanders dropped from 1.81 to 1.53 children per woman....

Vlaams Belang party proposes a relatively generous "baby bonus" to encourage births.

... The newspaper quotes socialist Vooruit MP Freya Van den Bossche, who in a recent interview decried the “very conservative revival” our time is seeing, in which “more and more voices are calling for sending women back to the hearth.” She labeled as “creepy” the Vlaams Belang proposal to grant women who opt to have “many children at a young age” more financial assistance, i.e., doubling the one-time birth premium (from €1,200 to €2,400) when the mother is younger than 30 at the time of her child’s birth.

In its party program, Vlaams Belang notes that “encouraging earlier births is a legitimate objective as it corresponds to biological reality, and thus contributes to the health of the woman and child.”

The article goes on to describe protests by the Green Party including dressing up as characters in Margaret Atwood's Handmaids Tale.

A study done in Canada (fertility rate 1.4 children per woman, thus even lower than that listed for Flanders) found that women actually wanted to have more children (the desired number being 2.2) but for a variety of reasons including feeling the need to save money and not having a suitable partner (see https://www.cardus.ca/news/news-releases/backgrounder-she-s-not-having-a-baby-why-half-of-canadian-women-are-falling-short-of-their-fertility-desires/ )

It can be argued that the idea of the Government (rather than civil society) rewarding births is perhaps problematic. Back in the day, when a man's wife had a baby, the man's boss gave him a raise. This was to recognize that (a) he probably needed more money and (b) having children is a net benefit to a society and he was being compensated for that. So the idea of a "baby bonus" is not groundbreaking in itself.

The left is very anti-woman and anti-fertility.