posted ago by Nehemiah ago by Nehemiah +74 / -0

From The Washington Times (April 2024):


Things are going from bad to worse for President Biden.

The 81-year-old Democrat notched the lowest approval rating, 38.7%, of any president at this point in their first term in office, according to Gallup.

“None of the other nine presidents elected to their first term since Dwight Eisenhower had a lower 13th-quarter average than Biden,” Gallup said, referring to the period between Jan. 20 and April 19. “From a broader historical perspective, Biden’s most recent quarterly average ranks 277th out of 314 presidential quarters in Gallup records dating to 1945. That puts it in the bottom 12% of all presidential quarters.”

The findings come as the Biden administration wrestles with how best to deescalate tensions in the Middle East.

The violence there has sparked pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across the U.S. that have put a spotlight on Mr. Biden’s relationship with Israel and raised questions over whether young voters are turning on him.

Meanwhile, inflation continues squeezing working-class families and the poor and generating sticker shock in the supermarket aisle.

The poll showed just 1 in 3 independent voters approve of Mr. Biden’s job performance.

Former President George H.W. Bush owns the second worst rating over that same time in his presidency, coming in at 41.8%, followed by former Presidents Obama, 45.9%, and Trump, 46.8%.

For Mr. Biden, it is yet another warning sign about his reelection prospects.

The findings come a day after Decision Desk HQ, a nonpartisan election tracker, said Mr. Biden’s 38.6% approval rating is “the lowest it has been since we began tracking polls in February 2023.”

The June 27 debate will be an ABSOLUTE SLAUGHTER of Biden. Biden’s polling numbers will plummet further. NCSWIC.