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The Canadian State Is Euthanizing Its Poor and Disabled


Canada boasts one of the world’s highest assisted-death rates... However, this suicide program increasingly resembles a dystopian replacement for care services, exchanging social welfare for euthanasia.

Disability and other advocates have been warning us for years that MAiD puts people at risk. They warned that the risk of people choosing death — because it’s easier than fighting to survive in a system that impoverishes people, and disproportionately does so to those who are disabled — is real.

Indeed, last year, Jeremy Appel argued that MAiD was “beginning to look like a dystopian end run around the cost of providing social welfare.”

In Canada’s most populous province, Ontario, a recipient of disability support receives about $1,300 a month... Ontario Works — the province’s welfare program — pays a current maximum of $733 a month. Meanwhile, rental costs for a one bedroom apartment routinely push toward an average of $2,000 a month in many cities. In April, in Toronto, a one bedroom apartment averaged almost $2,500 a month. ... In 2022, Global News said the quiet part out loud: poverty is driving disabled Canadians to consider MAiD.

... it is plainly indefensible when state-induced austerity and mismanagement leads to people choosing to end their lives that have been made unnecessarily miserable. In short, we are killing people for being poor and disabled, which is horrifying.

Article goes on to show how advocates for the disabled were warning FOR YEARS about this, even before MAiD was legalized. And the Trudeau government continues to ignore it, even when the data is plainly shown to them.

"Culture of death" is a very good expression.