13Buddha 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks, Uncle Fester. Laughter is truly the best medicine.

13Buddha 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would really like to see the full video.

13Buddha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love it, Uncle Fester!

13Buddha 4 points ago +4 / -0

Awesome, as always! Thank you, Uncle Fester.

13Buddha 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep, it can be done. This article 2020 explains it well.

According to the 1934 Communications Act, the Executive Branch may shut down wireless communications in case of a broadly defined national emergency. Specifically, if the President declares that the United States is at war, or there is a threat of war, or a state of public peril, disaster, or emergency; then the Executive Branch may shut down wireless communications, including the Internet, in order to preserve the neutrality of the United States.

That may now change, however, as a bill with bipartisan support has recently been introduced that would amend Section 706, which grants the Executive Branch such powers. Congresswomen Anna G. Eschoo (D-CA) and Morgan Griffith (R-VA) have penned the Preventing Unwarranted Communications Shutdowns Act, which would limit the ability to shut down the Internet. While the Executive Branch may still shut down the Internet, the new bill would require that the Executive Branch also notify the Pentagon, Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission within twelve hours of the proposed shutdown. The bill also limits the circumstances for a shutdown to be limited to specific threats to human life or national security.

BILL PROPOSES PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENTS AND SAFEGUARDS If no such notice is given as described above, the shutdown would automatically terminate. If notice is properly given to the Pentagon, Congressional leadership, and the Federal Communications Commission, the shutdown would automatically expire in forty-eight hours unless an extension is approved by a 3/5 vote from both the House of Representatives and the Senate, with an added requirement that at least ¼ vote from the minority party from each chamber is secured.

In explaining the bill, the authors rationalized that the extent that the American public relies on the Internet and wireless communications today could not have been foreseen in 1934, and as such, the power to shut down the Internet, which has become a necessity for most in everyday life, needs to be reevaluated.

Many in support of the new measure want to make clear that this has nothing to do with politics and, instead, is merely an important safeguard to protect internet shutdowns that may be arbitrary or decided upon without consulting knowledgeable parties. Moreover, many supporters of the bill note that studies have shown that limiting access to communications is often seen as a negative by the general public. In fact, for many, shutting down the Internet is seen as authoritarian and against the ideals of democracy.

KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM NEW BILL REGARDING PROCESS TO SHUT DOWN THE INTERNET A bipartisan effort by Congress is proposing to limit the Executive Branch’s ability to shut down the Internet. While the Executive Branch will still maintain the ability to shut down access to the Internet and wireless communications, the new bill proposes:

  1. Notification be given to the Pentagon, Congressional Leadership, and the Federal Communications Commission;

  2. limiting the circumstances in which a shutdown may occur;

  3. Extensions of a shutdown to be voted on by Congress; and

  4. A required number of votes be secured in each chamber of Congress before a shutdown can be extended.


13Buddha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perfect, Uncle F!

13Buddha 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL, you're the top, Uncle Fester.

13Buddha 7 points ago +7 / -0

Happy Easter, Uncle!!!

13Buddha 1 point ago +1 / -0

No worries, you are welcome. 😺

13Buddha 2 points ago +2 / -0

I couldn't find any literature whatsoever to support banning. It appears that they will no longer be free beginning in April.



13Buddha 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow, this is the best yet. I am in no way equipped to fully understand the excellent, detailed pathogenesis presented in this study. A microbiologist I am not, but the message is 100% clear - these vaccines wreak horrific havoc on our God-given miraculous immune system.

My husband and I say quite often - "We dodged a bullet." There are very few people that we know who did. From that group, we have certainly witnessed a noticeable uptick the past 3 years of terminal illnesses and sudden deaths.

13Buddha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Puts a huger smile on my face every Sunday! Thanks, Uncle Fester!

13Buddha 2 points ago +2 / -0

Always a Sunday Winner! Thank you, Uncle!

13Buddha 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welcome aboard, and hang in there, fren! You wrote a very thoughtfully written story.

We have all been "new," and I understand exactly where you're coming from. I first started this journey on a different forum called "Voat" which was permanently shut down on Christmas Day 2020. I had been a member for 3 years and didn't know "my ass from a hole-in-the-ground" when I joined other than discovering WikiLeaks a few months prior and devouring so much info and wanting more and more. Then I found Voat - by accident. It was all so very intimidating at first, but eventually, I was acclimated but always did my very best with researching and using diligence whenever posting, as I do my very best today on Great Awakening.

Not very long after Voat shut down, I found Great Awakening by accident as well, and here I have resided for 3 years. There is so much information to digest, but start out slow, and do not let it become all-consuming. Do I read every post? Hell, no. I focus primarily on what is interesting to me but also make a conscious effort to become familiar with the unfamiliar.

Baby steps, ease into it, give it time, and you'll discover that this is a great place to be.

13Buddha 3 points ago +3 / -0

I admit to my addiction - the Sunday Funnies.

13Buddha 1 point ago +1 / -0

WPATH is no different from any other medical organization. They are hypocrites, and everything in these leaked files reveal that carrying out medical malpractice is AOK.

And, btw, since around 2007, activists are the ones who have been shaping WPATH's policies and decisions.

As evidenced in these files, WPATH"s clinicians work with “clients who identify as non-binary, agender, and Eunuchs who have wanted atypical surgical procedures, many of which either don’t exist in nature or represent the first of their kind and therefore probably have few examples of best practice.”

They speak about "non-standard" procedures - "top surgery without nipples, nullification, and phallus-preserving vaginoplasty" with no evidence-based backup. There's the revelation about testosterone in these files regarding its carcinogenic aspect and patients who have died as a consequence of it...and much, much more.

WPATH has ZERO concept of Hippocrates' attributed quote - "First, do no harm."

Bottom line - these files 100% reveal that an ongoing medical scandal of catastrophic proportion iis occurring with which WPATH is fully compliant in maintaining.

13Buddha 5 points ago +5 / -0

Spring is in the air, the sun is shining at 11:35 am, it's 58°, and I'm sitting on the porch reading the Sunday Funnies. Who could ask for a better morning? Thanks, Uncle F!

13Buddha 2 points ago +2 / -0

My Sunday is now complete. Thanks, Uncle Fester.

13Buddha 5 points ago +5 / -0

ALWAYS a winner!!!

13Buddha 3 points ago +3 / -0

A jolly good show!

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