BakasEverywhere 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly. Look at all these times that we've claimed a precedent was set:

1.Trump's first impeachment

2.Trump's second impeachment

3.The fraud trial with Letitia James

  1. This trial

5.The presidential immunity ruling

  1. When Trump was arrested

  2. All the times Trump was indicted

  3. The Supreme Court rejecting his request to prevent his tax returns from being investigated

  4. Every time he was subpoenaed to testify for various committees

  5. Having search warrants for his home

All of those examples are just what I found after doing a search here for "precedent" and scrolling through the results. I'm sure there are plenty more that I'm missing.

But where have any of these events been used as a precedent against anyone else?

Has Biden been impeached? Then impeached again? Has he or any of the other former presidents gone on trial for fraud or felonies? Have any of them been arrested for anything? Found guilty in a court of law? Been indicted for anything?

But any time Trump has some sort of legal problem happen, everyone starts up with the "It sets a precedent!" stuff.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +3 / -1

Now when the Trump 24 administration goes after every deep state swamp rat, the democrats can't say shit about political persecution. They drew first blood.

Lol, of course they're going to say shit about it. You act like Democrats play fair or something.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +2 / -1

I really don't get this. They've always been able to be charged, prosecuted, and convicted. It's not like Trump being convicted passed some sort of law that changed their ability to be put on trial or convicted of crimes.

BakasEverywhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

I fully expect the Satanic Temple to sue the district to have the seven tenets of Satanism to be displayed right along side the Ten Commandments.

And they'll probably win it.

I think this is just not the way to go. Does anyone really believe that having the 10 Commandments displayed in a school is going to change anyone?

I think this push to "put God back in the schools" is going to really cause more issues than it will solve. Parents or religious leaders should be the ones to instruct their children about religion. Not some teacher who most likely will have differing beliefs than theirs.

I'm sure Baptist parents would be pretty upset with a Catholic teacher telling their kids they need to say the rosary. Or a Calvinist telling them that predestination means there's no free will or something along those lines.

And then there's the issue of Non-Christian religions suing to have their religion given equal standing to Christianity in the schools.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sorry to hear about your friend dying.

May I ask if he had heart problems or serious health problems before he got the shot? What was listed as the cause of death?

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

So how and when are we going to address that problem?

I'm not trying to pick a fight, just concerned about this new (at least to me) issue that we're going to have to fix before we can get true results for elections.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Metal money is not a good thing for everyday use. Heavy physical use damages and eventually wears away the metal as it's used, decreasing its value by weight.

Ever seen heavily used gold and silver coins from the 1800s? It's not pretty.

BakasEverywhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. If they did preside over the cases against them, everyone would have a shit fit.

An obvious case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, this I don't understand. They have a system that we in the US are fighting to get, claiming its the only way to get true results, yet you're saying that you still don't trust this system?

How will it be any different in the US if we ever get laws changed for exclusively hand counted paper ballots?

What else are we supposed to be doing here to finally get trust worthy results? I don't want to have been fighting for this change for more than a decade just to have it be corrupt like voting machines.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think it's that new or noteworthy. Many places have always given a discount for cash. Most notably gas stations.

Credit card companies charge businesses fees for processing credit card payments, so businesses pass along this cost to customers. And then use discounts for cash payments to attract more customers.

If this was part of the plan to ween people off credit cards, it's one slow acting plan, because it's been pretty common at least since I first learned to drive and started buying my own gas for the past 30 years.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't execution of people like HRC one of the main beliefs about The Plan? That they're all going to be rounded up, shipped to Gitmo, put on trial and then executed?

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think most diabetics have type 2 diabetes. The kind that is completely avoidable by eating a healthy diet and exercising. I feel badly for those people who were born with diabetes and truly can't help it, but I'm not thrilled by the idea of subsidizing someone's lazy fat ass by buying them insulin. Instead of maybe them, you know, exercising and not being a pig.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

The issue I have with Ivermectin is why was it created in the first place.

One of the 2 people who developed it worked for Merck at the time. Merck is at the top of the list for evil practices done by Big Pharma.

I think people forget that Ivermectin is a product made by Big Pharma just because it's relatively cheap.

Why would Big Pharma put out a cheap cure for everything from ringworm to pancreatic cancer (according to claims I see made here) when it's proven that they are in the business of making and keeping people sick in order to drain them financially by selling them the "cure" for what Big Pharma did to them to start with?

Are we supposed to believe that Big Pharma is going against their own agenda of keeping people sick/killing off a segment of the population by making and distributing a cheap cure-all for whatever ails you?

It simply doesn't make any sense to me that people are trusting Big Pharma in regards to this one medication when they know Big Pharma's agenda.

BakasEverywhere 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ok. Do you think your remote workers are not doing their jobs well? If that's the case, why do you continue to employ them?

Look around, the job market is very competitive. If you can't employ people who will do their jobs no matter where they are, then that is you failing at your job.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +2 / -1

And the majority of people working in offices aren't like me, either. But you're not complaining about them jumping on the computer during their workday to get online to argue with strangers, or play solitare, or just constantly click "refresh" on their email so they look busy.

You're penalizing people who are able to work without a nanny and who are intelligent enough to figure out how to do their work more efficiently so it takes them less time so they can get some fresh air and boost their vitamin D during the day.

I really don't get the hostility towards them. The more responses I get, the more it seems that the people arguing with me are all either retired or close to retirement and are angry that they didn't have the opportunities people have today.

It's silly.

You all would rather people be miserable, holed up in some florescent hell hole, pretending to work instead of just doing their job and having time left over to enjoy a nice sunny day for an hour or so.

Again, it's silly

Edited to add: It's also rather telling about your work ethic when you assume people working remotely aren't doing their job.

When people don't have a point of reference for something they automatically apply their own principles to what they imagine others doing.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's shitposting. That's all it is.

I don't understand why so many people take Twitter/X posts to be gospel straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ himself.

The guy that posted that is a frequent shitposter and has made an art of it.

Here's an article where he explains how and why he shitposts.


But look at how many people are getting upset because some stranger is sitting outside at 2pm on a Tuesday getting some sun. It's ridiculous.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +2 / -1

Does it hurt your feelings that I'm a responsible adult and am able to get my work done without some middle manager drone staring over my shoulder all day?

Or are you angry that people are screwing with your precious 9 to 5 ideology?

Again, if the job is getting done, what business is it of yours that someone is taking an hour or so in the middle of the day to get some fresh air and get their vitamin D levels up?

And if the job isn't getting done, it's because the middle management drone isn't doing his job.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

And many people don't do an honest day's work sitting in an office. If they're not getting the job done, they should be fired. No matter where they work.

But that doesn't seem to be the case here, when people are still being employed. Their bosses are either satisfied with their work, or are horrible bosses who aren't doing their job.

As to this story about this guy paying an analyst to walk around asking people where they work and all that, it should be filed under "Things That Never Happened".

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +4 / -2

What does it matter as long as the job gets done? People aren't more efficient at their jobs when they sit in an office surrounded by other employees. They just become creative at pretending to be busy.

The only people I really see pushing to get people back in offices are middle managers. Those people who don't have much of a job other than babysitting grown ass people.

I've found that my productivity goes down when I work in an office because of all the Chatty Cathies who want to gossip, or want me to sing Happy Birthday to Bob, or ask me for help fixing their printer (ffs, just turn it off and back on. Problem fixed.) And of course there are all the meetings called by middle managers to go over what we did last week, what we're doing this week, and what we will do next week. All of which are either pointless or could be covered in a brief email that takes 2 minutes to read rather than the hour scheduled to suffer through it.

It's weird how I see people arguing against wage slave mentality here and then something like this pops up, which is the epitome of being a wage slave.

BakasEverywhere 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not sure why Trump having a large rally in New Jersey means that the world is now awake.

Not everyone at that rally is from New Jersey. There is a large group of MAGAs that go to almost every rally Trump has, no matter where it is in the US. But let's just say they're all from NJ. There are almost 10 million people living in New Jersey. So 100,000 people would be 1% of the population.

It's not being willfully ignorant. It's just not placing value on to the same things others are.

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