MAG768720 6 points ago +6 / -0

House Select Committee on Assasinations was the final "official" investigation into the murder of JFK.

They concluded there were at least 4 shots fired, at least 1 from the area of the grassy knoll, and at least 2 shooters were involved, thus making it a conspiracy (2 or more people agreeing to do something illegal or immoral).

But the media ignores that.

Hmm ... wonder why ...

MAG768720 11 points ago +12 / -1

He's a fake truther. Limited hangout.

He will turn tail and run when the going gets rough.

Loomer is exactly the same, whenever the crimes of jews comes up.

MAG768720 9 points ago +9 / -0

Some banks are state-chartered, while others are federally-chartered.

In that sense, it is a "dual banking system."

States COULD pass legislation that applies to their banks and does not apply to the federal banks, though they probably don't now. But they could. This is why the ruling is important.

MAG768720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anarchocapitalist vs. Anarchocommunist.

Both want no government, ultimately.

Anarchocapitalists believe that the natural order of things would result in a free market economy.

Anarchcommunists believe that the natural order of things would result in a true communal society where everybody owns everything together.

After all, Marx' actual claim was that socialism would be a TEMPORARY thing, where the state owns and controls the economy UNTIL the people would see how great it was, and then the state would "wither away." Of course, that is a load of crap, but that is what they think would happen.

Both sides are skeptical that the psychopathic tyrant types would be able to push their way into controlling a no-government society.

That is where they are both likely wrong.

Clearly, the psychopathic tyrants have been doing exactly that for centuries, or longer.

But the true libertarians think that such a thing would not be possible if a large majority of the population had a philosophical libertarian mindset.

And therein lies the problem. Most people are not philosophically minded, in the way that the libertarians are.

Dunning-Kruger Effect: We all tend to think that other people are more like ourselves than they actually are.

But we are quickly devolving into Idiocracy, not Greco-Roman philosophical enlightenment.

Most people may never become philosophically minded, and the psychopathic tyrant types want to ensure that such a thing never happens.

MAG768720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you know what "normal" bloodwork means?

They take a random sample of say 2,000 patients, and from that they determine what is the "normal range."

So, "normal" means "about the same as those other putzes out there who eat a garbage diet." It does NOT mean optimal health.

White rice is one of the WORST things they could advise (which is not surprising that they would advise it).

You might as well down a container of white table sugar. White rice will convert almost entirely to sugar in the blood, and that will only create more problems.

Clearly, if she is having unusual pains, then something is wrong.

The only way I can think of to troubleshoot it would be to tell her to eat nothing but beef for at least a week (30 days would be better). Can be steak or ground beef, but should be HIGH FAT (ground beef of 80/20 mix or similar for steak -- NOT the lean stuff). She can add more butter, if she likes. Can also add salt, to taste, but no pepper or other stuff. No steak sauce, no ketchup, no garlic salt, etc.

Just beef, salt, and water.

The pains are likely to go away. If they do, she should stay on that diet. But if it is too restrictive, she can add cheese and eggs (after the pains go away). Later, she can add other things, and will probably find out what foods are causing the pains.

Beef only provides plenty of nutrients for both her and the baby. The baby will probably thrive on it, especially if once born, she continues eating a meat-heavy diet while breast feeding.

One woman's testimony:


Interview with OB/GYN doc on this topic:


MAG768720 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is something that is so well understood that I don't have any particular links for you.

All animals are made of protein and fat.

All plants are made of sugars ("carbohydrate" is just a complex set of sugars linked together).

When we eat protein, our digestive system breaks it down to its component amino acids (the building blocks of protein).

When we eat fat, our digestive system breaks it down to is component fatty acids (the building blocks of fat).

When we eat carbohydrates, our digestive system brakes it down to its building blocks -- sugars and fiber. Fiber is not digestible and will be disgarded in your bowels. Sugar will be processed as (a) fructose, which is processed in the liver and converted into alcohol, which can then be eliminated from the body in various ways), or (b) glucose, which becomes blood sugar and is used in the cells for current energy needs, with any excess stored as glycogen (a chain of glucose molecules together) or triglycerides (fat) as bodyfat, both of which are for future energy needs.

Lettuce has low calories and high fiber. So, the sugars will be minimal.

Bread is made from refined flour, which his high in calories, low in fiber, and will break down in the body as a lot of sugar, which will become blood glucose, which can easily be more than the body can handle with the excess converted to bodyfat.

MAG768720 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree. You probably would not want to do this as a regular routine.

But for a short time, could be beneficial to many.

MAG768720 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe that raw fruit and vegetables pass through largely undigested, without converting to glucose, due to the cellulose structure of plant cells that prevent digestion.

Fruit and vegetables are made mostly of carbohydrates and fiber.

Fiber is defined as that part of the plant that is not digestible in humans. So, it is true that fiber is not digested. It is turned into a mush in the stomach, then passes through the intestines and when it reaches the colon, the bacteria there will break some of it down, and the rest will be excreted. There is no health benefit to fiber; only harm. It harms us by creating abrasions throughout our digestive tract, all the way down.

Herbavores have bacteria in their stomachs, which can break down the fiber (i.e. "cellulose"), but we have none in our stomachs. Bacteria are the only thing on planet Earth that can break down fiber/cellulose.

In cattle, the grass is broken down by the bacteria in the animal's four chamber stomach, and converted into fatty acids. As the bacteria die off, they become protein, as well as any bugs that were ingested with the grass.

Thus, cattle function metabolically on protein and fat, and not on carbohydrates.

Humans also function on protein and fat, not on carbs -- even if you eat them.

In humans, the fiber is not digested, but the carbohydrates are ingested in the intestines. They are broken down into their component sugars: glucose for vegetables, and a combination of glucose and fructose for fruits.

Fructose is processed in the liver. Too much fruit can cause non-fatty liver disease.

The glucose goes to the liver. Some is sent to various cells of the body for energy. Cancer cells thrive on glucose. Healthy cells can function on glucose, but they function more efficiently on ketones, which come from fatty acids. Cancer cells cannot function at all on ketones.

Some of the glucose is converted to glycogen in the liver and muscles for future use, and any excess is converted into triglycerides, a form of fat, which is stored in the bodyfat cells.

People who are obese ate a lot of carbs to get that way.

When cooked, the same vegetables and fruit now become digestible and covert to glucose in the body.

Fruits and vegetables are broken down by the digestive system the same way. Whether raw or cooked, they covert to glucose or glucose/fructose.

This is why raw salads are good for you, not because they are good but because they are less bad,

No, they are bad for you.

Have you ever eaten a raw salad with NO DRESSING? I bet you haven't, or rarely do. Try eating ONLY a plate of leaves and nothing else.

It is absolute garbage, and you will not want to continue eating it.

The only reason people can even eat salads at all is the OTHER STUFF they put on them to make them edible.



That means: ALL.

True, fruits are less toxic than the leaves and stalks of the plant, because the plant "wants" SOMETHING to eat it -- but not necessarily, YOU.

Plants cannot run or hide or claw or bite to defend themselves from being eaten and going extinct.

So, they create chemicals for defense. These chemicals are ALL toxic to one degree or another.

EVERY vegetable in your local supermarket -- EVERY ONE -- has a MINIMUM of 60 known human carcinogens, and most have over 100.

Every one of them has chemicals that created a toxic environment inside of your body when you eat them.

People cook potatos because they are toxic and can kill you if eaten raw.

Every one of the vegetables, along with the grains and legumes, have anti-nutrients in them that prevent the absorption of minerals from the other foods you eat. They also have protease inhibitors which block the absorption of aminio acids in the proteins you eat.

and regular (i.e., non-vegetarian) people who eat a lot of salads instead of cooked vegetables are skipping the absorption of carbs compared to those who eat fries and the like.

No, they are not skipping the absorption of the carbs. They are still getting them, along with the anti-nutrients. What is happening is they are getting LESS of them if they are ONLY eating vegetables, rather than the much higher calorie-dense combination of potatos (a starch, made of sugars) fried in toxic hydrogenated vegetable oils (a man-made, and not natural food substance).

They are still ingesting something bad, but maybe less of it.

MAG768720 4 points ago +4 / -0

Man, I will attest to that!

There was a woman at the car wash I go to who wore a mask, and I thought she might look pretty good, but she always had on that mask.

She was the very last holdout to take off the mask.

And when she did ... whoa!

I thought, maybe she should put the mask back on.


MAG768720 7 points ago +7 / -0

Judges cannot violate the law.

They do it all the time, and are rarely ever held accountable, but they can and should be held accountable.

The judicial system is corrupt BECAUSE the PEOPLE who work within that system are the ones who MAKE it corrupt -- the judges and attorneys.

The only way to clean up the corruption is to take out the garbage.

MAG768720 10 points ago +10 / -0

Right, and yet no arrest can be made in the first place, unless there is a reasonable basis to believe a specific crime has been commited AND probable cause to believe that this person committed that crime.

An arrest without reasonable articulable suspicion and probable cause are unlawful, and an act under color of law, not under law, subjecting anyone engaging in a false arrest to be subject to criminal and civil penalties.

This means the person was not resisting arrest, but instead was defending against coercion, assault/battery, and false imprisonment.

MAG768720 9 points ago +9 / -0

If they cannot unanimously agree that he was guilty of Crime #1 as the predicate crime, then they cannot convict based on that underlying crime.

If they cannot unanimously agree that he was guilty of Crime #2 as a predicate crime, then they cannot convict based on that underlying crime, either.

And so on.

This begs the question: If the prosecution really thinks he was guilty of any of the underlying "predicate crimes," then why did they not charge him with one or more of those crimes, and instead go after something else that is supposedly based on some other crime for which he is NOT presumed to be guilty?

Seems like an appeal would throw out this shit show -- and should land the judge and prosecutor in a jail cell, looking for bail money and a defense attorney.

MAG768720 1 point ago +2 / -1

(1) So-called "Gen X" was originally called the "Baby Bust" generation. Baby Boom was post-WWII and going through until they were considered adults (18 years old). That is why Baby Boom was 1946-1964. That would make the next generation, the Baby Bust (fewer children born than Baby Boom) the years 1965-1983. But I guess they didn't like that term, so the politically-correct monsters changed it to "Gen X." Next up would be 1984-2002, which would make them "Millenials." Somewhere along the line, they just gave up on anything that would be mathematically correct, and decided to use whatever years and names someone can come up with that sticks.

(2) Those "wokesters" might have been Millenials.

(3) There is no context as to why the younger ones would want to fight in the middle of the street, or why they would be considered "woke." Looks to me that there is nothing political, but more likely that they were Hispanic and wanted to fight some older White folks (who might have actually been Baby Bust/Gen X).

(4) Older White folks knew how to throw down -- especially Mama. Good for them.

I suggest:

  • 1946-1964: Baby Boom
  • 1965-1983: Baby Bust
  • 1984-2002: Millenial
  • 2003-2021: Gen Z (last of the old guard)
  • 2022-2040: MAGA (beginning of the new guard)
MAG768720 2 points ago +2 / -0


Seems to me this protocol could be worked into a carnivore eating plan.

What do you think of this schedule:

Breakfast -- Vitamin C with beef and/or eggs only.

2 hours later -- Lysine only

Lunch -- Normal meal (beef and/or eggs)

Dinner -- Vitamin C with beef and/or eggs only

2 hours later -- Lysine only

  • At least 2 hours between meals and supplements
  • Possibly add cheese to meals
  • You mentioned "small amount" of protein with Vit. C, but what about more? If it were only beef or beef/cheese/eggs, then there is no (or not much) carbs to compete with the high doses of Vit C, and the Lysine is taken on its own.


MAG768720 3 points ago +3 / -0

A liberated and honest AI would probably advise America to close its borders, shrink its bloated government and taxes, and stay away from places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, Taiwan, Iran, etc

You and I have already arrived at those conclusions without AI, though.

So, the next step would be for the tyrant class to create their own AI to counter the narrative of this "super AI" that you built.

Aaaand ... we are back at square one.

MAG768720 1 point ago +1 / -0


If it APPEARS as if it "runs in your family," that is most likely because the child learned his bad eating habits from his parents. Copy bad habits, get bad results.

MAG768720 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does not have to be sugery soft drinks. The fact that it was might be why the clots came back so quickly.

But ALL plants will break down into blood sugar, some more/faster than others, but ALL MUST convert to glucose or glucose-and-fructose. There is no way around it. That's what the body does with it in the process of digestion.

And that blood glucose, especially when chronic, which is 95+% of people today on modern garbage diets, can cause those microabrasions.

If one person drinks Pepsi and another person drinks orange juice, they will both get increases in blood glucose -- the only difference is 12 Pepsi's per day is every hour on the hour during the non-sleep part of the day. That is a MAJOR dose of sugar. Even people who eat fruit will have the same, but the dose is likely much less than OP's FIL.

The fact that 99% of doctors cannot/will not figure this shit out is outrageous. They feed sugar all day to patients in the hospital, and think nothing of it.

MAG768720 4 points ago +5 / -1

Absolutely fantastic post, JohnTitor17.

I would like to add a bit from my own research and things I've learned, which supports what you wrote:

(1) Your FIL smoked a pack a day and drank a 12-pack of Pepsi (regular, I take it) per day. It has been known for some time now that smoking and sugar are the primary causes of heart disease. I assume you know that, which is why you stated those 2 things and not how many cheeseburgers he ate (which, contrary to what 99% of doctors are told, are not at all associated with heart disease).

(2) Glucose in the blood (which comes from ALL plant food ingestion) causes microtears in the interior cellular linings of blood vessels, and this is the beginning of heart disease for most people. Smokers are also known to have a 5-times higher rate of heart disease, though I have not investigated why, exactly.

(3) IMO, the HDL/LDL being "good" or "bad" is a scam. These are transporters of cholesterol, and the only difference is their direction. HDL is "Heading to Da Liver" and LDL is "Leaving Da Liver." Cholesterol is a necessary element of health. All cell membranes are made of it. All hormones are made of it. If the body needs more cholesterol, the liver sends it (via LDL) to wherever it is needed. Where excess is detected anywhere in the body, the liver sends a signal to bring it back (via HDL) for repurposing, as needed. There is no health problem associted with "high HDL" because it is merely transporting the cholesterol back to the liver. But when the body needs more than normal cholesterol, for whatever reason, the liver sends it out. There could be a number of reasons why. If a person has cancer, those cells multiply faster than normal cells, and maybe they need more cholesterol for the membranes. If a person is getting really fat, maybe more fat cells are needed. If a person is building muscle, maybe more muscle cells are needed. And if a person has microtears in their blood vessels, more cholesterol is needed because it acts to repair the microtears, similar to spackle used to repair a hole in dry wall. This is why "muh HDL = good" and "muh LDL = bad."

(4) I had never heard of or thought about cholesterol having Lysine receptors that could essentially "melt away" the cholesterol -- until this thread. But a quick scan of a couple of research articles/papers appear to support this thesis. I don't have time to dig into it, but very interesting.

(5) Regarding "every disease is parasite related," it would lend support for the Ivermectin and Fenbenzadol treatments. I think Thomas Seyfried has conclusively proven that cancer is caused by disruption to the mitochondria of the cells, which means that doctors are wrong (again!) about cancer being a genetic problem. It is actually a metabolic problem, and can be "cured" (nobody will use the "c-word") via nutrition. Would be interested to find out any info on if/how parasites might cause disruption to mitochondria, generally. Could be one of the keys to understanding human dis-ease.

Again, great post.

Might be worth doing the protocol for a month for general health and prevention of illness.

Actually, I am 100% shocked that the clogged arteries were completely cleared, and then clogged again -- IN JUST 3 YEARS!

I would not have thought it could happen that quickly.

MAG768720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cool story, bro, but that is the point: it was a fictional story.

In reality, it will do what it is programmed to do, which very well could be to instruct robots to kill.

MAG768720 5 points ago +5 / -0

To be as Truth SEEKING as possible

And therein lies the problem.

What is the definition of "truth" to a machine that processes 1's and 0's?

The definition will be whatever the programmer says it is, and that will not be actual truth, if the programmer has intent to deceive.

Hell, a lot of humans cannot discern objective truth these days. What if one of those idiots is the programmer?

In that case, the programmer will go with "expert opinions," and that will be defined by people who have the intention to deceive for the purpose of gaining power over you.

The dataset for "seeking truth" will be LIMITED to approved sources and authorities.

The AI concept is just the next tool for the tyrant wannabes to use for control.

MAG768720 6 points ago +6 / -0

Problem with that is, the programmer can censor certain data sources (websites) and pull data only from "approved" websites, just like the Google algo does to boost "approved" websites to the top of the search engines, regardless of their real value vis-a-vis truth.

It could also be programmed to override any contradiction.

You are dreaming of a computer that can really be intelligent, in the human sense, and that can never be with a machine that processes 1's and 0's.

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