I've not been able to find any news reports to link. These stations are located in tidy bowl blue Albuquerque New Mexico and appear to share the same facilities. The electric company reported no outages in the vicinity. Heard from a fren that one of the hosts said this has happened before. Like before the election.


at about T -5:00

You may have heard:

Glasses make your eyes weaker.

Don’t sit so close to the TV. You’ll go blind.

Don’t read in the dark. You’ll go blind.

Grandma was right. It’s not a myth that your eyes get worse. It’s the process of progressive myopia.

Myopia is commonly called nearsightedness. It is the condition of seeing near objects clearly but having difficulty or blur when seeing distant objects.

Minus lenses make the light rays appear to come from a closer source, allowing your eyes to focus them sharply again. A lens with -1 diopter will take rays coming from infinity and make them appear as if they were from 1 meter away. -2 diopters for an apparent source 0.5m away. And -3 diopters for a source 0.33m away, which is about 1 foot.

Most animals spend their time looking off into the distance. So it would be good if the eyes could focus on distant objects while at rest. The consistent strain of focusing eventually leads the eyeball to elongate. Then, the light is able to focus on the retina without compressing the lens for more focusing power. Unfortunately, humans spend lots of time reading books, phones, and doing other visual work at close range. So eye’s adaptive processes may overshoot.

Most people are told to wear their glasses all the time. But chances are whatever situation caused mild myopia in the first place is still present. This is the perfect setup for progressive myopia. Which leads to annual eye exams and new glasses every year or two. Cha-ching!

RX, focus, Snellen chart

-1 D 3.2 ft. 20/50

-2 D 1.6 ft. 20/120

-3 D 1.0 ft. 20/300

Once your eyes pass -2 diopters, you are dependent on glasses for daily living. It’s one of the worst addictions in the country. Yes, myopia can be reduced but it could take years. High myopia has other risks as well, like retinal detachment.

Without glasses it is unlikely that anyone would develop more than -3 diopters of myopia.

https://endmyopia.org/ An excellent resource. Explains how to measure your vision at home. And has suggestions for reducing your prescription over time.

https://myopia.org/ An older site, but still excellent. Promotes the use of plus lenses for reading.


If you know of other jurisdictions with Voting Convenience Centers, leave a comment.

Bernalillo county to home to Albuquerque, New Mexico's largest city. The county has a potentially unique feature called Voting Convenience Centers. If you are a resident in the county, you can vote at any voting center whether it is your precinct or not.

  1. You give the poll worker your name, address, and birthday.
  2. ID is only checked if your voter records say it should be. Nominally you would only need to show ID the first time. Obviously strictly enforced.
  3. The ballot is printed right in front of you. This way you get the ballot for your precinct.
  4. You take the ballot to a privacy booth to mark your selection. These are like school desks with panels around 3 sides.
  5. There are felt-tipped pens and magnifiers at the booths. You choose the booth.
  6. You take your ballot to a tabulator and insert it when the poll worker says you can.
  7. The machine dings increases the count.
  8. The poll worker hands you an "I Voted" sticker.

Now, the steal.

  1. The districts for US congress were gerrymandered after 2020 to include parts of Bernalillo county in 2 congressional districts. The remaining congressional district includes Santa Fe and the large Navajo reservation.
  2. Bernalillo county was basically the last county to finish reporting. That’s suspicious.
  3. All fraud could originate from a single Voting Convenience Center. There seems to be no publicly available data to indicate which Voting Convenience Center votes came from, short of pulling voter records one at a time by name and birthday.
  4. Blue cities ruin red states even without fraud. The welfare machine at work.
  5. Fake votes could be cast under the names of deceased or those who have moved. Or maybe fraudulent registrations added entirely. There are plenty of illegals who could vote these names.
  6. The machines are Dominion, so algorithms go brrrr.



These sickos would like showing off the ashes. It doesn't infringe the "mother's rights" other than making them a little uncomfortable. It's just common sense abortion control. Unless a bunch of abortion centers close because of the loss of funding from baby parts...


javascript:(function(){ const collection=document.getElementsByClassName('timeago'); for(i=0;i<collection.length;i++) { console.warn(collection[i]); collection[i].nextSibling.textContent=" "+collection[i].title+" "; } })();

The one I posted previously had an issue that while the dates were displayed, they would not copy into a office document. It seems that the content in a <time> tag doesn't copy.

Tested on firefox.


javascript:(function(){ const collection=document.getElementsByClassName('timeago'); for(i=0;i<collection.length;i++) { console.warn(collection[i]); collection[i].innerHTML=collection[i].title; } })();

It may not work on all of scored. GAW and PDW are good. C.W has issues.

The timestamps will change back after a little while as other scripts update the X ago values.

It's possible that GAW will mess up the code.

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