BigMikesSaggyBaggins 5 points ago +5 / -0

I butchered my last response lol, but yes, if they're claiming "dozens" then they have barely anything left LMAO. They must be almost out of BS cards to play that somebody may fall for, and this is the best propaganda they can come up with now.

We must be getting VERY CLOSE to that special tweet we've been waiting on. The forewarning of the DS' final card to play.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +1 / -0

I tend to check in on the other side from time to time to see the narrative being pushed. This shouldn't come as a surprise that they already plan on blaming MAGA for any June violence that may occur during pride month.

Here is the thread link if you want to read through the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1d4xvz3/trump_supporters_call_for_riots_and_violent/

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 14 points ago +14 / -0

Well stated fren. Once we reject their world/game, they lose, and we get to rebuild the brave new world.

You are witnessing the destruction of the OLD GUARD

Enjoy the movie

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 24 points ago +24 / -0

This was one of my favorites, as it's a great reminder, and gives it to you straight without any mental gymnastics on how the WH can seem supernatural in their countermoves:

"Game Theory is a mathematical framework used to analyze strategic interactions among decision-makers. In military planning, it helps predict an enemy's moves and develop effective counter-strategies, almost giving the appearance of supernatural foreknowledge.

Key Concepts

Players: Adversaries in conflict.

Strategies: Possible actions each player can take.

Payoffs: Outcomes resulting from the chosen strategies.

Equilibrium: A state where no player benefits from changing their strategy while others remain unchanged.


Conflict Simulation: Models potential conflicts to anticipate enemy strategies and prepare responses.

Deterrence: Illustrates the mutual benefits of cooperation and costs of conflict, informing strategies to deter aggression.

Resource Allocation: Optimizes distribution of military resources for maximum strategic advantage.

Cyber Warfare: Models attacker-defender interactions to devise protection and response strategies.

Supernatural Foreknowledge - When done correctly, game theory allows military planners to predict enemy actions with such accuracy that it can seem almost supernatural. By understanding the likely moves of adversaries and preemptively countering them, planners create a strategic advantage that feels like foreknowledge.

Sun Tzu famously said, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." Game theory embodies this principle by providing the tools to deeply understand an enemy's potential actions and plan accordingly."

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 7 points ago +7 / -0

They won't. They don't fly American flags, they burn them.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 9 points ago +9 / -0

I cannot wait to see Trump go scorched earth on them now. It's going to be a very spicy June after this my frens.

I saw a few anons already touch this yesterday, but is today THE Friday??


And if so, will this be the message?

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 19 points ago +19 / -0

If Q drops ever do return, now is a great time for it to happen.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember how much support he gained just from his mugshot alone? This will be on a whole new level and the new few days will be interesting to watch.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd ask him why he doesn't want to do it first. This will give you a guage on if it's something he just hates to do, or something else.

If he has great command of the zone, I'd have him watch some videos of the modern day greats, Nolan Ryan, Greg Maddux, Randy Johnson, etc.. and inform him that these are the guys who control the entire game. A single person can indeed dictate the outcome of the game.

Is he very serious, and takes losing hard? Or does he just enjoy the game? How is his hitting? Shohei Otahni is a great example that even pitchers cam be great hitters. If I wasn't pitching, I was playing center/right field because of my arm and hitting.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed, and right about the same time, we may see Biden send off more of our military fleet, and would be the perfect timing for Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 to occur.

That to me may be a part of the US Scare Event... most all our firepower across the globe, while a nuclear sub pops up by our shores with nobody to do anything about it.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think it would be him. I know the DS would love to replace him, but I think he benefits the WH being in office at this time so he gets buried under the house of cards once it comes crashing down. His time will come though, Trump has always hinted at the 25th coming back to bite him in the ass.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm looking forward to it, and I hold honesty dear to my heart, so I will be a straight shooter with them. Even though my current job has given me an "office body" i'm still in pretty good shape all considering. I do plan on getting back into better shape very soon. I'm leaving this job next week, and it will finally give me time to do this. I'm still lean, but I've lost over 20lbs of muscle over the last few years doing this job. I miss my old body lol.

One more very important thing to remember. As you raise your hand and take that all important first oath is an oath that you will not be relieved of until you release your last breath. Club DD214: protector of the Constitution.

ABSOLUTELY! Trump has put up his life to defend this Country, it's my time to do the same, and I can only hope to fill a portion of his shoes that he's walked in the last 8 years alone. He needs more Patriots he can depend on, even long after he's out of office. My heart will be in the right place for this.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for this, and for your service! You too u/eagledriver

I think it's been in my life path for some time now. I have never really felt like I've belonged in all the jobs I have had, including my current. I actually get a little "giddy" just thinking about it!

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 11 points ago +11 / -0

To me, this is the most plausible answer I'd take from this. I would easily consider this trial to be a marker being met.

This makes me believe we may see a major boomerang coming right after this trial ends. The question is, WHO is going to be the first domino?

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 15 points ago +15 / -0

I was foolish whenever I was younger. I was a solid pitcher in baseball and had many offers across the country. One of them was for the Navy, and I would have gone straight to the Academy to play for them and come out as an officer. If only I could go back in time!

I won't go fight for the DS, or Biden, but this is something that's been on my mind for many years now. Once Trump started Space Force, my light bulb went off.

I'm going to do it, I plan on going in Friday!

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can call it that, but that's not what I'm seeing. Not to mention, the skin tone difference in where the red circle is at, from the earlobe down to the jaw line in an awkward line. It wreaks of latex to me. Masked actors aren't high up on my priority list right now, but I've seen enough credible evidence to know we have been seeing Central Casting actors throughout this movie. Him also wearing a mask makes more sense, as they could have seen these errors and tried to cover it up.

BigMikesSaggyBaggins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Max just said the debris field could now be close to 30 miles in radius... I pray that everyone is ok 🙏

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