Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

At that transision we become Useless Eaters

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm old enough to remember. When he wasn't called 'sleepy joe' but 'creepy joe'

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope not. If he were to be picked for the vp position that I would seriously consider not voting. I don't like him or Kash.

Ddrake517 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in south central Michigan and we usually have tons of "vapor trails" crisscrossing the skies. I have been outside almost every day over the last month and the skies have been blue. No vapor trails. Remember how blue the sky was on 9/11? Brilliant blue and very few clouds.
However we are experiencing a very early spring and unusually high temps. We all think that is HARP. What is your opinion on this phenomenon?

Ddrake517 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be honest with you, I have a few young women in my circle. My daughters and the girls she grew up with (I'm still friends with the parents). Add in her some of her current friends and co workers and thats quite a few. All in the mid to late 20s. Then add in those with separate relationships with my son and or direct family and you have Maybe 25? Anyway i see two trends. One: Usually there is no marriage. This doesn't stop them from having kids. Multiples if the family has less money or prospects Two: Those that are successful with school, marriage or work avoid kids. When you get down to it this same group of woman have a total of 5 children with two on the way. Make of it what you will. What is your experience?

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

My late husband did this to me. I think it was just because he was a terrible gift giver.

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

What upsets me is everyone thinks Michigan is blue. We aren't! If they knew what was going on here they would understand that the voters of Michigan literally hate big Gretch and the other Stigeon Witches, I pray we can undo the damage when Trump gets back in. 🙏🏼

Ddrake517 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was working outside at my Dads house. Upscale lake community in MI. Dad lived on the same dead end road his entire 87 years. My brothers and I were raised there. So I'm working in the yard and I see two teenaged Muslim girls walking down the street. I didn't think much about it. I smiled and waved and went back to work thinking 'well thats something you don't see here...ever. They must be visiting someone.' About an hour later my sister-n-law comes outside and asked if I had seen them. She had noticed they walked past 3 times. Now I ask you. This area graduates less than 100 kids a year. Its small. What are young Muslims walking back and forth three times in an hour? It not so much they were there but that why the back and forth?

BTW we are almost 2 hours away from Dearborn.

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Congratulations! You must be very proud! It is a great opportunity! My oldest did a semester in Japan many years ago. I was scared then too. Worse that happened was she lost some weight because the food was so different. The world gives us so much more to worry about these days.

Tell her to be prepared for treating a medical issue such as a cold. My daughters BF woke up today with a horrible head cold. Terrible sinus pressure. My daughter packed Tylenol but nothing else. They went to a local pharmacy and they basically had nothing we would use here in the states. No OTC cold meds at all. Not even Vicks! She ended up with a Benadryl equivalent after discussing with the pharmacist. He is still miserable but he git some sleep.

Prayers that she is kept safe and has the time of her life.

Ddrake517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sent this to my youngest daughter. She and her BF are in Copenhagen for Eurovision. Between Boeing and the flares, I'll be glad when they set foot back in the US.

Ddrake517 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mine was a AMC Matador. Rust colored. Was driving to a friends wedding with another friend and the engine fell out. Literally fell out! My Dad came and got it while my friends Dad loaned us his Caddy. My friend picked a guy up at the wedding and she wanted to ride with him to her house about 15 miles away. Just so happens the road was being repaved and was closed. I drove the caddy off the road into the construction zone. Got it stuck and had to walk to the local pig farmers house for help In the dress I wore to the wedding. The farmer put me on the tractor and drove me back to the car. He pulled it out the caddy and sent us on our way. I still beat my friend to her house with the guys friend and the two of us sat about an hour on the front porch until she showed up. Lol I tease her about it all the time. Even though it been like 45 years. Oh and Dad got me another car... a1980 Olds omega. No more engine falling out for me!

by sol7
Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you!

Ddrake517 7 points ago +7 / -0

What does one call an EMP or a nuke? And what have millions been buying in self defense? Seems the opposition realizes their importance in this fight. Calling someone a fool for pointing this out is the height of naiveté.

by sol7
Ddrake517 3 points ago +3 / -0

My son just announced that we will have a new baby at Christmas time. Thank God the nation will have a new beginning by then.

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been working since I was 14 and before that babysitting. I was a systems analyst for 40 years. One would think I made good money. Not so. I was working against the failing economy of my state and country.

I've always lived pay check to pay check. One divorce, one widowhood, three kids later and I face retirement on SSDI. I don't have a pension and multiple layoffs stripped my savings. I need just two more years to get my 1300 sqft house (that I've had for 40 years) and 7yo used car paid for. If I didn't have my BF helping me I couldn't make it. He has cancer and I'm petrified of what this world holds for us.

I hope and pray the the "return of the diamonds" will give me a bit of financial security. I fear that we those that have been screwed our entire life will be overlooked in any new economy. All this arguing over Soc Sec and Medicare is scary. Not everyone has a clear cut future. I don't have money to invest in gold, silver or cryto.

Where do I fit in at 62?

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

One if the reasons we are discussing getting a small flock

Ddrake517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Make that three of us. I believe he is valuable to the plan. I just think he is a people person.

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