Donny_Fiasco 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh my, the precedent.

Let me count all the precedent that has been laid bare for the past 40 years and let you in on a secret.

Precedent doesn't mean shit if you control the complete corrupt system. It only matters in a neutral setting.

What's precedent today will be null and void tomorrow when they change "laws" to circumvent said precedent.

Also, said president rhymes with dead presidents

Dead precedent

Donny_Fiasco 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hate to piss on his parade, but they'll just change the rules of the game.

That's what they do .

Donny_Fiasco 2 points ago +2 / -0

It absolutely should get overturned. Of course it shouldn't have been brought in the first place.

That's my point. There's no recourse in a corrupt system

Donny_Fiasco 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's absolutely real.

There is a Majik that they are clued into.

Remember when The Secret got real big for a few years? It was basically a form of the law of attraction. It's real, but they purposely put stuff out there in half truths, like the secret. They leave enough out so that it will never work.

They can use a type of hive mind method to force events to come to fruition.

But there are triggers and steps that must be taken. Ancient words and phrases, blood and shit mixed and eaten... The depravity is endless.

This is how they retain power in the physical realm. Only they know of it, passed down for generations. And they won't step out of line because they know they can be killed via this method as well. Nowhere is safe.

And let's just say they aren't into dying because they know what's waiting.

This is why everything seems to be entwined.

Donny_Fiasco 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not getting overturned.

Scotus probably won't even hear it.

He'll still win but that's a very tenuous situation about to pop off

Donny_Fiasco 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with this

Trump has said the same

It'll never be outlawed unless it's used against them. Sadly that's the way of the world right now because we let it go on for so long.

Donny_Fiasco 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's certainly a clown show.

But the audience is a at Edwin Gacy level clownship

Donny_Fiasco 1 point ago +1 / -0

It sure seems to me they're trying to sway a few holdouts to go guilty

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