Gold_is_money 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did the cabal send a message or are they panicking? Or is this ”a coincidence”?

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +3 / -1

My first thought was that this could be linked to chemtrails.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sound money would make most of the corruption impossible.

E.g. In gold standard, if government overspends, gold flows out of the country. People are forced to hold the government responsible when there is no ”third way” meaning money printing.

Gold_is_money 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, love of money is the root of all evil.

Straight up bartering is not very efficient and money can make it much more efficient. You can ”barter” first with one person who gives you something that is widely valued, etc. silver. Then you can ”barter” with that silver with someone else. I don't think that honest use of money is sinful or harmful. The problem is human nature: greed, hunger for power, etc.

It's much like guns, imho. With the power of owning a gun (or money) comes a greater responsibility to use that power wisely. Guns are not the root of the problem, neither is the money itself. But the love of money is another matter.

Gold_is_money 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, that’s true in a sense. In practice, there’s always something to buy.

On the other hand, money itself needs to have value. Otherwise no-one would accept it as a payment.

Gold_is_money 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes, money does not create wealth. However, I don't think that money is an imaginary construct. Money is the tool for co-operation (division of labor). It enables people to exchange goods and services efficiently.

Current system has created a corrupt form of money. The last real money was - and still is - gold (and silver).

Gold_is_money 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to real economics (Austrian school) the root cause of business cycles is the central bank and artificially low interest rates.

F.A. Hayek even won the nobel prize in Economics (before the Nobel price became totally corrupt) for his work in the area of Austrian Business Cycle Theory.

That is not to say that the bankers and ”elites” don’t also utilize psychological tools to maximize their profits from the cycles they themselves create. They do, and this image is good illustration of that.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, my posture is certainly one thing that needs improvement. Maybe hydration also. My diet is mostly ok. I’ll have to think this through when I get headaches again. Thank you again for taking time to answer! Bless you! 🙏

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, God created everything that we need!

I haven’t found a working natural remedy for my occasional headaches. Can you recommend something?

(I know that the best solution would be to avoid stress and life a well-balanced life, but sometimes that’s difficult.)

Gold_is_money 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is an important point!

Plus getting rid of inflammatory foods (processed foods, excessive amounts of sugar, wheat, milk) AND adding a good quality omega-3 supplement. Getting too few Omega-3 fatty acids is a very common reason for inflammation. There needs to be a balance between omega3 and omega6 fatty acids in order to restore body’s healthy inflammatory process. Modern western diets have WAY too much omega6’s and very little omega3’s.

Imho, getting rid of constant inflammation is very important, since it blocks body’s own healing processes.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, this is key. Re-hypothecation has multiplied the fraud. It’s impossible to determine the rightful owner of many assets.

That’s why everyone should consider having assets in one’s own posession.

btw. I believe that blockchain’s (could also be other form of shared ledger) real use case will be to eliminate re-hypothecation.

Gold_is_money 1 point ago +1 / -0

Argentina has had devastating inflation of up to 200% per year. That explains the huge growth in all peso nominated prices. But rents went up even more.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

The government shouldn’t have billions to spend on anything, imho. It’s all wealth that individuals should have and they should be able to spend it the way they see fit.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +3 / -1

Is it possible that it is a lie? That you cannot actually sign away your soul. You can invite the devil to your life. But you can also invite Jesus. The lie being that you have made an irreversible contract. When in fact you can always turn to Jesus to save you.

I don’t know what’s the truth but that would fit devils m.o.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had a thought about these sealed indictments a few days ago.

They will hopefully help with normie cognitive dissonance, because they provide a time perspective. Some of them are many years old and they are proof that the coming indictments are not ”made-up on the spot”. That is important because normies will feel as if it all happens at once or at least too quickly.

Gold_is_money 10 points ago +10 / -0

What is the ”use” of ”the elites”?

It’s laughable how these parasites give lectures about usefulness. Ultimate pride. And pride cometh before the fall.

Gold_is_money 3 points ago +3 / -0

He’s not highly respected.

FWIW, personally, I don’t like his style. He’s too Russia-leaning, it really hurts his credibility.

In a bigger picture, I have to say that imho Russians are not very good in the info war. They often have the truth on their side, but they seem to lack the ability to convince people.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prohibition created profit potential for organized crime. The same happens nowadays e.g. in narcotics.

If the market is open for competition, there’s usually no huge profits to be had. Big pharma, for example, profits from government regulations that act as a barrier for new competitors. I believe that big pharma is making more money and has more control now.

To say that there should be freedom of choice, does not mean that there won’t be problems and that we could not condemn some choices as individuals. And speak the truth.

Freedom comes with a price, but I believe it’s the only sustainable way.

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