Moose_Antlers 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's never going to sync. You're suggesting that a man speaking in Russian is going to have the sync up lip movements with an AI translator? Nonsense. They used an AI translator and voiceover so you don't have to read subtitles. You can listen to audio. It's a convenience. Just as an aside, Putin understands English very well, like most Europeans, but he's not comfortable representing his country speaking unless it's in Russian or German (he served many years with the KGB in the country). You'll see him respond to English questions without waiting for a translation, but he'll always respond in the two languages he knows best.

Either you trust the translation or not. Without a source, it's impossible to assess other than to listen to the message and see if it's consistent with other things Putin and his administrative team have said.

Moose_Antlers 2 points ago +2 / -0

I realize this is 11 hours in and 95 posts deep, so you may or may not read this. You have asked a big question and unfortunately, it requires a big answer, though I'll try to be concise. Do excuse the formatting. I've got limited tools to try and make this more readable.

Who is Q?

You know this already. Q is a small group of >10 individuals. Their identities are unknown, and if things go to plan, will never be known. Q+ is widely suspected to be Donald Trump based on his "air Qs" gestures during rallies and an autograph signed Q+ one time. The others are high ranking, likely older people with experience in computers/hacking, communication/marketing, and psychological warfare. They're people who can craft a message to capture hearts and minds and people who can deliver that message effectively.

What is their mission/"the Plan"?

The plan is to use techniques designed for color revolutions to affect a similar political change in our country. The enemy is the "cabal." It is constituted of politicians and bureaucrats from both parties who hold positions of power such that they effectively control every major lever of power in this country from public policy to science, healthcare, economics, land management, etc. These people are united in that they have been corrupted/bought out/controlled by an oligarchy of some 100-400 of the wealthiest families on the planet who use them to execute a controlled demolition of the United States in order to render it submissive to a global communist state that these same people intend to control in the same way (from the shadows). The goal is to replace them with the citizen government our founding fathers envisioned.

How the hell do they plan to do this?

The tactics are those of a color revolution. Use "influence operations" in which secret truths are revealed and/or false, but helpful information is disseminated. For ethical reasons, I think the Q team avoid disinformation (lies) directed at We the People. It would undermine our trust in them anyway. They do, however, utilize lies against the enemy to distract, mislead, or confuse them. The idea is that by revealing to Americans that they have already been conquered and subverted by this cabal, that they will "wake up," and resume our responsibility to govern ourselves.

We tend to focus on the ~5,000 Q posts made on 4chan, but the operation was much wider than that and included leaks to major media outlets, and more "forward-facing" organizations, particularly including social media, new media, alternative media. Twitter won Trump the 2016 election. Blogs, forums, social media memes, and podcasts won him 2020 and will win him 2024 as well. It's a very wide organization with "assets" all over the major media.

Why has Q not posted in [x] time?

Q's done. Q was a Trump era operation. When Trump left, Q was wrapped up and made to disappear for fear of retaliation. Remember who controls all the levers of power. The ghosts who comprised Q vanished into the ether. Those people are still deeply committed, angry as hell, but know they must hide for the rest of their lives. If we ever hear from them, we'll have no idea it is they who are speaking to us. Q is now a history lesson, not an active operation. Post-2020, the new strategy is to utilize those who Q successfully awakened and created as assets to take their own roles in waking people up. Every time you watch Tucker Carlson lay out truth you literally would never hear elsewhere, every time you watch Crowder's "change my mind" or Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens go viral yet again with simple, honest conversation, every time a new meme like GME or Outlaw Trump or dozens of others crops up, this is the continuation of the effort. It's not Q anymore. It's bigger, broader, and you can step up right now yourself to be a part of it in whatever manner suits your talents and commitment. That's all that's being asked of any of us.

The key here is that We the People are the cavalry who are riding to the rescue. It's us. All of us. Any American patriot who wants his country back, who wants to fight for those wonderful ideals we were all taught in school or on our citizenship exams for naturalization.

Do you belong here/want to be here?

Yes, you belong, but only you can answer if you want to be here. For me, I find that much of what gets posted here is bull. Like with all media, I look for the signal amidst the noise, and occasionally hear that here. I define that as some fact or truth which is useful and which I can't find elsewhere. I have extremely demanding standards for evidence because when I discuss politics with people, I'm expected to show the same professionalism and careful thought I do in my line of work. I sometimes find data I can't find elsewhere here, so I keep coming back. I get frustrated with the "low energy/low effort" stuff, chasing Twitter feeds, the paytriots who just link their own content on sketchy clickbait websites, etc. You have to recognize a lot of that in enemy efforts and much of it's AI-generated at this point. No point in arguing against it. Ignore and move on.

It's up to you to find your own reasons to stay or not. As with all things Q, it's up to you to use discernment and make up your own mind as a free human being. I wish you nothing but the best, fren, from a fellow patriot.

Moose_Antlers 2 points ago +2 / -0

We have to be a bit more discriminate with language. Are these women being "trafficked?" OnlyFans isn't trafficking. It's voluntary self-exploitation. These women go to great lengths to exploit themselves. These are the women who buy thousands of dollars of camera equipment to see up personal film studios in the apartments and local gyms where they film themselves wearing next to nothing doing suggestive things. And that's just the stuff you can talk about in polite conversation. The other stuff is literally porn - all voluntary.

This new website is voluntary, too. It's no different than the sugar daddy websites or the so-called "escort" services. They sell it like it's just good company with a beautiful, engaging woman, but everyone knows what's intended to happen at the end of the evening to earn that paycheck. It's like the casting couch in Hollywood. Those girls KNEW what the bargain was. They either made the deal and got their payment in the form of a starring role, or they rejected the offer and never worked as an actress again.

This is NOT trafficking. There's a huge difference here. Yes, it's exploitative. Yes, it blurs a ton of lines, but ultimately she chooses to do it. That doesn't happen in trafficking. If a girl's being trafficked, she's being forced to do it. There's physical violence, emotional abuse. Many times these girls are deliberately exposed to addictive drugs just to make them dependent and easy to control by the trafficker. This is a crime. It's clear, black and white. There is no gray area here.

You might debate the OF and other garbage with a libertarian and have them say it's ok. You would NEVER find a libertarian who says this kind of coercion and force is ok.

To me, it's all exploitation. The sheer temptation of providing a luxury lifestyle and ludicrous amounts of money is itself the coercive element to a normal woman weighing her options of that vs a shitty 9-to-5 in a call center or slinging coffee for Starschmucks slaving for barely enough hourly to pay rent. But my point is there's a difference.

Moose_Antlers 2 points ago +3 / -1

People only write this garbage when they don't understand what Q was all about. It's not a damn club. There's no membership. There's no leader, no structure, no "initiation" other than you simply making the choice to be curious and look at the information. There are no rules other than "look and make up your mind for yourself." There is no secret military force that's going to come save us all from the commies.

Ultimately, Q is messenger. His plan is to make people aware of the system of lies that obscure our understanding of reality. It is up to us to look and discern which are the lies and which is the truth. To the extent that the cavalry is coming to rescue our world and our way of life, it is we who are the cavalry. We're the ones who are going to rescue ourselves because we don't want to be slaves to these "they" people anymore.

Anyone who thinks that has been unsuccessful needs only attend a Trump rally or look around the world at dozens of countries who are rejecting the systems of control. Yes, we lost in Brazil. Lula cheated Bolsonaro and won. But Milei is fixing Argentina. Geert Wilders is stopping the climate agenda and the mass immigration agenda cold in the Netherlands. Nigel Farage gave the UK back its sovereignty. The Tories are doing their damnedest to hand it back to the EU, but for now, it is still their own. Poland toes the line on Ukraine but that's because of centuries-old animosities. They have rejected "they's" plan to fundamentally change their society with LGBT and mass immigration. Hungary and Slovakia, tiny central European countries still today stand defiant of the EU in defense of their own sovereignty. These aren't countries who can afford to defy, and yet, they do.

West Africa has thrown off the yoke of their French colonial past all across the Sahel. Multiple revolts have removed puppet leaders and ordered the removal of French and American troops from their lands. The entire Arab world is ready to pounce on Israel. The strongest economic warfare we could muster has failed to crush Cuba, North Korea, Iran, or Russia. All are resurgent and they're building an alternative to the Almighty Dollar via BRICS. Even the Saudis, our real best ally in the Middle East, have signed on. They stopped their 14-century war with the Shi'a ayatollahs to do it, too. And Israel. Israel's lies are being exposed to the world. For the first time in their entire existence, they're being held to the moral standard they have claimed for themselves, and they've been found pitifully wanting. The ICC has now declared a genocide and put out an international arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu for his part in the slaughter in Gaza. The once untouchable Israel teeters, and it's the Jews themselves leading the charge for regime change, peace, and justice in Tel Aviv.

The world is waking up, and it's not going back to sleep. Q is not dead. Q has succeeded and faded back into the shadows like any good spook after a successful mission.

Moose_Antlers 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's false. They were indeed eventually approved for adults. IIRC, they're still under EUA for pediatric populations, but for adults, they're official.

Moose_Antlers 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. It means that the company has provided the proof that satisfies the requirements for approving a drug or medical device. Just because the COVID vaccines were approved under extreme panic and corruption does not mean that is is the usual course of business. You might cite adalimumab (a $56,000/yr drug for Alzheimers that didn't work). That's fair. They approved it out of sheer desperation because so many people suffer and there is no treatment. They approved it for hope, but many do NOT get approved. Ever looked at the process? There's a reason it costs over $1 billion to bring a drug to market. There's a reason that 2,000+ page documents are common to submit as part of a NDA (new drug application). There's an enormous amount of information that is required to get FDA approved.

You want safety. This is what it takes to deliver. You want more safety? The price will go up. The barriers to entry will go up. And you'll be seeing the same sort of big corporate dominance. We collectively set the demands that created this.

How would you fix it? Spend even an hour or two thinking about this and you'll find it gets messy quickly.

Moose_Antlers 3 points ago +3 / -0

She's nuts and what she says speaks for itself. She's hardly the first whackjob Marxist professor to go on a public rant like this after getting arrested for trespass, disorderly, or whatever else.

I understand the skepticism. I have no idea who Amy Mek is. I don't care. Like I said, the evidence of this lady's own words speaks for itself. She's talking as if education is an entitlement. It's not. She's talking as if these kids will be homeless if not in college. They won't be. She's talking about gov't money like a typical bureaucrat: use it or lose it, that is, there's no concept of trying to save money or spend it wisely so the taxpayer doesn't have to foot such a large bill in the first place, because in her mind, it's gov't money and since it's in the budget, it must be spent. Her words themselves tell you who she is and how she thinks. She's the kind of whackjob who's teaching kids pure Marxism.

Moose_Antlers 2 points ago +2 / -0

In her defense, she probably hears voices like that in her head regularly.

Moose_Antlers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Of course, these people never link to the actual documents. It's just clickbait. I'm not interested in chasing internet hype, let alone rewarding the jerkoffs who sell that crap with clicks and attention.

Moose_Antlers -1 points ago +1 / -2

I know there's a lot of skepticism, but I happen to have a degree in molecular biology and a real interest in infectious disease. H5N1 doesn't cross over to humans much. When it does, it seems to be a one-off type of scenario and humans don't spread it to other humans. But the catch is that it kills 30%+ (varies from outbreak to outbreak) of the people it infects. That's Black Plague level numbers, and if you don't know the history of how it absolutely decimated Europe but also the Near East and Africa, you should read about it. It's society-crushing. It's totally destabilizing.

If I were one of these scientists, I'd absolutely want some sort of prework done on a vaccine. Anything, just in case the worst did happen. We're really just a mutation or two away from that happening.

Why a vaccine and not a treatment? Because of the way viruses infect. It takes only a few viral particles to trigger an infection, but once it gets into a cell, it'll turn that cell into a virus factor. They make thousands of copies before the cell's defenses kick in and kill the cell. The growth is exponential. By the time you ever start feeling symptoms (that is, by the time you're starting to mount an immune response), you've got thousands to millions of cells infected already. When you give antiviral drugs, it slows that way down, but you're already well into the infectious phase by the time you'd ever think to see a doctor and get a prescription for Tamiflu. The result is that no antiviral really works terribly well for acute infections like this. Even the best of them, which are most effective in the test tube antibody tests, reduce your course of symptoms by a day or two. Your body still has to the lion's share of the work.

The best solution is to prime the immune system because it's your best defensive tool. This is the thing that's going to save your life. Tell people to eat healthy, exercise, get out in the sun, sleep 8hrs/night, and reduce their stress (all proven to improve immunity). But also have scientists trying to anticipate this problem in case the worst happens.

And most importantly, we should have laws that specifically bar panic-driven medical tyranny. We should consider those things and what an appropriate public health response looks like before people's good intentions and general ignorance gets abused again.

Moose_Antlers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah. I was trying to figure that one out too. Nothing obvious came to mind. Perhaps it's meaningful to the person she encoded the message for? She's Venezuelan by ancestry, so I thought about possible Spanish interpretations, but my Spanish is too limited to try and guess without context.

I'm mainly taking it to mean that the tranny who owns the Pageant wants her to wave the rainbow flag and she's not interested - but of course it could be 100 other things too.

Moose_Antlers 8 points ago +21 / -13

This is why I still check in with this site from time to time. Most of what gets posted here is crazy talk, but every so often, you run across a gem of a post like this. Really nice catch, Anon!

Moose_Antlers 8 points ago +9 / -1

This is overblown. The Russian army is responding to a recent drone strike where Ukraine flew a Cessna turned into a bomb 800km into Russia and blew up a refinery. Yes, they're a lot like the 9/11 bombers, those glorious Ukies, aren't they?

Anyway, Russia has ~2,000 soldiers involved in this two-pronged push out from a town called Belgorod in the general direction of Kharkov. Yes, I'm going to use the proper spelling instead of the FotM Ukrainian version. I'm old school. Belgorod is a small city, but an important logistics hub right on the border that's been bombed repeatedly with the same sort of tactics (suicide drones onto predominately civilian infrastructure, crowded markets, buses during morning commutes, etc). Russia has responded harshly to several of these, including most recently an attack that left over 100 civilians dead. Russia sent a cruise missile for every dead body in against Ukraine's biggest city's electrical grids.

So, ~2,000 soldiers, lightly armed, minimal use of armor, are pushing out. Ukraine's ceding the territory, which is basically a bunch of farmhouses, in order to withdraw their troops to more defensible positions. They're still 100 miles from Kharkov, and Russia's not even close to bringing the kind of equipment and men needed for a real push. It appears to be a largely symbolic move, or a move designed to force Ukraine to further spread its forces along the 900km-long front.

Russia will grab whatever it can grab, and if Ukraine pushes back, they'll give the ground back and retreat for now. Right now, they're much more concentrated on clearing Donetsk province, and some of the heaviest fighting is in a town called Chasov Yar, just past the city of Avdeevka. Both were heavily fortified and major logistics hubs, so Ukraine's fighting for that ground hard - one of few places it's not just retreating for now to save lives.

My guess is Putin will secure the entirety of the four breakaway provinces, push up to the Dniepr River and re-evaluate from there. An assault on Kharkov isn't quite yet in the cards.

Moose_Antlers 34 points ago +34 / -0

Niger is one of several West African countries that have recently undergone military coups d'etat. The elected governments were seen as puppets of the French and people there have simply gotten beyond frustrated with what they called neocolonial rule. These are typically former French colonies, French speaking, use currencies called the franc, which are tied to the French banking system, so it's a monetary control apparatus, a bit like how the dollar works post-Bretton-Woods.

Anywho, Niger's military revolts and seizes power, and they want the perceived colonial empires out, including the Americans. We have bases all over Africa as part of what DOD calls AFRICOM which are there primarily for anti-terrorism missions and humanitarian missions. None of these bases are terribly big or imposing, but symbolically, these nations want all aspects of control of their countries to be in the hands of Africans.

So, both the French and Americans have been asked to haul their soldiers tf out of the country, and they weren't polite about asking. Naturally, these are valuable assets that we didn't want to give up, and even if we did, we can't just pull up stakes and be gone tomorrow. Biden did that in Afghanistan. It was a frigging disaster. So, both countries have drug their feet complying.

Russia's in a much more welcome place diplomatically, and Russian army as well as Wagner mercenaries have been invited into a lot of these countries to provide training, securities, to buy weapons, etc. So, in this particular case, the Americans were basically surrounded and locked into their base, and Russian troops ended up stationed in the same base. They were forced together by the Nigerian (is that the right adjective for Niger and not Nigeria? :shrug:) gov't to try and get the Americans to leave.

This was the result. No one really wants to fight but a handful of election-stealing globalist nutjobs at the tippy-top.

Moose_Antlers 4 points ago +4 / -0

We should have learned torture is a bad thing back during the Bush administration. The tactic itself doesn't yield useful information and does carry the risk of making you look like the villain. Honestly, these kids are usually dumb enough to talk quite freely if you just pretend like you're on their side. James O'Keefe proved that by honeypotting dozens of people thinking they're on dates to happily brag about the immoral crap they do for a living.

Moose_Antlers 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is just cosplaying really. If the cops want to break this kind of thing up, they can easily do it. Tear gas that formation and see if they keep linking their arms while trying to wipe their eyes. So much of this garbage is dependent on the belief that the police aren't serious about intervening. These kids don't realize that the cops are usually held back by orders from above to not move in and clear a protest.

On one hand, there's an argument for public safety that gets made, since any time the cops move in, they have to do it with enough manpower to be able to effectively clear the crowd + reserve to make arrests behind the front line. No police chief would order cops to move in to a situation they felt they'd get overwhelmed by the crowd because of the risk of safety to his own men and to the general public if it touched off a broader city-wide riot. On the other hand, they've got woke blue city leadership holding them back as well because of their political sympathies. But the truth is the cops are well-funded and often have large reserves of military-grade tactical gear they can use from bullet-resistant vests to armored personnel carriers, as well as a whole panoply of "less lethal" tech.

These kids think they're being given training of some sort of value. It's a bit like the boy scout who just learned first aid thinking he knows enough to be a doctor or the kid who just made it through the first week of boot camp thinking he's a special forces operator.

Moose_Antlers 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's been going on for a lot longer than that. This is a Jewish writer for a Jewish publication bragging about this. It's not just the current regime, this has been Uniparty standard for as long as DHS has existed.

Moose_Antlers 6 points ago +6 / -0

In this case, just as it was in 1940, this is the smartest move they could make and will save many lives. Make fun of them all you want, but they shouldn't be rushing headlong into this fight any more than they should have openly fought the blitzkrieg in spring 1940. This surrender thing is a really dumb ass meme, frankly, especially if you consider the price they paid in WWI. Fighting a losing battle solely for the sake of belligerence isn't bravery or honor. It's just stupid and wasteful. Glory doesn't mean much for the dead.

Moose_Antlers 12 points ago +12 / -0

Russia's not even close to using it's full military power in Ukraine. Everyone knows it. This is a pretty simple conversation. You put your French soldiers in Ukraine and we're going to kill them. We're very good at that. You know this because your mercenaries have found out how good we are at this. We let that slide because they were mercenaries, but if you put your Foreign Legion into this conflict, we're going to consider you to have committed an act of war against us. We will respond accordingly, and you know we can hit you.

It's a very simple conversation to have with any European country. Not one of those has the capacity to stop Russia if they determine to attack. None of them.

Moose_Antlers 8 points ago +9 / -1

We probably shouldn't be making too many French jokes here. The Foreign Legion is famously well-drilled and is comprised of tough men and good fighters.

This is important because it won't make much difference. The Ukrainians are tough and brave fighters as well. No, the current batch aren't well-trained. They're trained in combat, and that's a brutal teacher, but the previous two armies (the original 2022 one and the one for the 2023 summer counteroffensive) were well trained by NATO. The training and equipment are not the missing elements here that will turn this into a success.

Ultimately, Russia has been very efficiently about utilizing its satellites and drones to give crystal-clear real-time images of the battlefield. They've used that to coordinate artillery, air, and missile assets with ruthless efficiency. They've become extremely adept at killing basically anything that moves within their range that's seen as "worth killing." Anything armored gets blown up instantly. Any type of major troop movement is instantly smashed. This is why the Ukrainians have resorted to small unit tactics, sending in men in batches of 2-4 at a time in a highly dispersed and decentralized way. The targets are seen as too small or not worth wasting costly shells, bombs, and missiles to eradicate. It forces Russia to send in their own infantry, leveling the odds somewhat.

Russia has adapted to this over the past many months with aggressive use of snipers and grenades dropped from drones. Again, they see everything that moves on the battlefield, so it's just a matter of bringing in the right asset to clean up whatever Ukraine advances with.

These French troops aren't going to fare better. NATO has operated with the exact same overhead surveillance capabilities, and with the best equipment money can buy, all the latest toys from the MIC. It hasn't been enough. These Frenchmen are going to walk into a buzzsaw of a combat-hardened, combined arms force that the Russians have assembled.

They're being sent in on a suicide mission. So, I have a tough time with the French surrender jokes. If they were smart, their commanders wouldn't even put them there. They're not prepared to fight this any more than any army in Europe was prepared for blitzkrieg in 1940.

Moose_Antlers -5 points ago +1 / -6

Taxation is not theft. It's part of the bargain we make as citizens. Don't want to pay taxes, renounce that citizenship. Otherwise, I agree with everything you said.

Moose_Antlers 7 points ago +7 / -0

The 20% are likely dual-citizens or people with divided loyalties. They're people who want to fly a Star of David or a Mexican flag instead of an American one. Elon's point still stands. Make your choice. You don't get to pick two.

Moose_Antlers 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, but if you look at a lot of those self-centered jerks, they join the fraternity because they want to be better people. They want to be part of something bigger than themselves. Like a lot of lost kids, they're looking for inspiration, for community, brotherhood, etc. They want a family feeling that they may never have had at home, especially if their parents were married to work or they were only children.

Lots of people join for different reasons. I had good friends in undergrad fraternities. There were the occasional d-bag losers like in any group, but most of it was just a bunch of guys looking to belong and to better themselves. My professional fraternity in grad school certainly had elements of that. All of us just wanted to be better people. We wanted to dedicate ourselves to something. We did a lot of charity work.

Don't crap on the frat boys just because some of them drink and party too much.

Moose_Antlers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eyes closed and not looking? Ole boys networks are still in play. These just happen to be non-WASPy ones. Congress doesn't look much more diverse.

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