djmarcone 3 points ago +4 / -1

having kids young = more energy but less $ having kids old = less energy but more $

Also the problem with having kids older, is the kids are younger when you get old and die = harder on them

djmarcone 3 points ago +3 / -0

caffeine and sugar are both very addictive.

There's even some talk beginning now that nicotine by itself is not actually addictive.

I have my doubts, but it's interesting.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

isn't it true that this activity is legal per the predominant religious documents in that part of the world?

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

could be re: a climate emergency lockdown. The Bidan regime already floated that idea just recently.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

don't forget the story from at least 10 years ago, a school got in BIG trouble because they issued laptops to students but equipped them with RATs. Remote Access Tools. Basically a legal, purchased and "official" piece of malware that is undetectable and gives full and complete access to the laptop at any time from any where. (you can buy them legally but hackers use or make them all the time for nefarious purposes)

Including the webcams.

They were taking pics using the laptop webcams at a periodic interval and keeping them on the school's server.

Of underage students. Who kept the laptops, open, in their bedrooms when they were at home at night.

Yeah they got shut down real quick.

Cover yer webcams people. The light doesn't necessarily have to be on for it to be working.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

someone dies:

A thinking person: Was it the jabs?

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

the problem is if Trump has to go spend time in Jail, if he had SS protection he would survive it.

If he can't legally have SS protection it will be a huge issue, the contractors won't be there with him or prevent him from going in the first place.

Unless he is .... elsewhere.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

well, he also said that Christians have a deep seated fundamental obligation to support Israel no matter what

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

before, when politicians would piss off the people it was an adult thing. It was mostly subtle. the politican made choices that affected adults, and that adults cared about.

how massively do you have to fail in order to piss off even little kids, so much so that they now a) know who TF you are, b) know what you look like c) know when you will be around and d) are pissed off enough to go and flip you the bird.

he's even pissed off the little kids.

THATs an accomplishment.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

what about MAGA women? Gun toting conservative women?

djmarcone 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the website is farners-only or only-farmers or something like that.


A friend of mine married a girl he found on only-farmers. It's a dating website for country girls.

She is inheriting a farm.

The tip is to find a farmer whose kids don't want to take over operating the farm and/or marry into a farm.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

how much did they just waste putting the crown on his head?

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still think that Obama is "The Big Guy" and JB is being thrown under the bus to protect BHO, as was ALWAYS the plan.

BHO is the puppet master right now, this is Obama's 3rd term.

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

"have a good day, honey, I'm going to drop Junior off at the Grooming Center, I mean, Daycare"

djmarcone 4 points ago +4 / -0

other than collusion for some reason or a coordinated attack, nothing.

Except the major carriers probably rent fiber from large internet brokers, who may be all the same company. So if there is a comms outage on a fat pipe vendor, maybe that's it.

Or satellite disruption maybe.

I've not seen anything personally but I have some customers who are having trouble.

djmarcone 1 point ago +1 / -0

some say they are here to vote some say they are here to be counted by the census, which increases seats in congress etc some say they are here to fill the ranks in the US military - service is citizenship. some say it is a foreign invasion to destroy the country from within

There is evidence for all 4

djmarcone 2 points ago +2 / -0

my wife and I were leadership at a charismatic church and the pastor for some reason decided he needed to wash our feet, those on the leadership team.

They made it into some sort of deep spiritual and humbling ceremony and all that, putting all kinds of heavy symbolism into it about how the pastor was there for us and how he was there to serve us and all the church people and all that.

All I took away from it was that it really tickled.

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