moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s certainly a strange combo. Maybe he thinks they are poising the air. Not far fetched to think. I went to a BBQ restaurant last week, been eating there all my life. A table of about ten people and one person wore a mask until the food came. I didn’t expect to see someone wearing a mask here. It’s mostly rural country people. I just can’t understand why people think masks work.

moodyblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just saw a video of a guy limping on social media. I’m dying laughing because I can relate.

  • Threw out my back sleeping and tweaked my neck sneezing I'm one strong fart away from paralysis.*
moodyblue 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is hilarious. It’s got to AI, better use of it than anything I’ve seen. Trump riding an eagle like a horse. He’s dancing like he does on stage. The eagle grabs Biden instead of a fish.

Trump riding an Eagle

moodyblue 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think a lot of people from GAW comment on social media post. I have seen multiple comments that sound exactly like what’s said here. I follow several accounts on instagram that have same content here.

moodyblue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Love anything he does. His movies are great classics.

moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds about right, rain for days and none for a few weeks. In my area we usually have heavy rains at least once a month. At least storms and rain make good sleeping. I love sleeping during the day when it’s a heavy rain.

moodyblue 3 points ago +3 / -0

He’s listening to damned good music!

moodyblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

I go in spurts of book reading so I get that.

moodyblue 9 points ago +9 / -0

I appreciate you prayer warriors. I feel asleep praying after about thirty minutes of serious talking to Jesus. My dad called this morning mamma was talking a little, a little confused and complaining. The complaining is great. When she stopped complaining a few weeks ago we got worried. She’s being transferred to a bigger hospital for observation and testing. Thanks again frens. Your kindness means so much.

moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

We had bad storms and a lot of rain last weekend. Most of the east coast from Mississippi River east had storms. They usually break up over the mountains aren’t as bad for us. Some areas had very bad storms. We had lots of heavy rain for a couple days. Of course it hits on the weekend. Stay dry fren.

moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you heard of this book?

In 1893, an American lawyer named Ingersoll Lockwood wrote Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey. It tells the story of a wealthy young man, Baron Trump, who is bored with his life of luxury and sets off on an adventure. Though written nearly 130 years ago, it reads as if it was written for today’s Trump family. These parallels have caused some conspiracy theorists to claim that U.S. President Donald Trump is a time traveler who inspired Lockwood’s tale. Of that I’m dubious, but if Mr. Trump were to read and learn from this story, he and the country could benefit in many ways.


moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

I probably do also but my rattled brain doesn’t remember🤣 I got a call from daddy today. Mama was saying she was fine when asked how you doin? She was a little confused but that’s progress. Being transferred today to ECU hospital in Greenville.

moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks fren. They kept her in ER last night and transporting her today when a bed opens. Only bed in the hospital is one in ICU. They are thinking it’s trauma maybe it took two years to set in. She hasn’t adjusted well moving out of her home. If it’s trauma could be from most of her adult life. She went through a lot with my dad drinking and he was verbally abusive. Even after drinking he’s like that. Not with me because I walk out, he knows I don’t put up with it. I was at his house with a blow up between him and my brother. I spoke to him a couple days later about the argument. I said, y’all friends now? He thought I was crazy. I said yall were arguing the other day. Him, we were just having a conversation. Both parents are narcissists. It’s a miracle I’m not certifiably crazy. I appreciate you🩷

moodyblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have an account just for that reason. Only time I get on is going to a post from here. I love reading the comments. I do the same on instagram, comments get crazy between the woke and awake.

moodyblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks fren for that information and prayers. I believe my prayers are heard. I’ll keep doing it my way. I do love to hear some of the prayers here. But some people are wordsmiths and most aren’t. I know I’m not😀

moodyblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your welcome. I can eat a chicken grilled chicken liver, that’s my limit. My high school friend’s mom made me try beef liver. One bite and that was a big no. When I was a child my dad grilled the liver and gizzard when he cooked chicken. I recently cooked one in the pan and it was so good. I agree supplants are better. You’d have to eat liver or other organs several times a week.

moodyblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do that all day long. Talking to him and talking to myself as well😆 I haven’t started answering myself yet. Thanks

moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have great email support. I’ve emailed a few times giving details of my symptoms and medical history. I started out on liver as adding one at the time. The only thing I don’t like, 6 capsules is one serving of liver. I’ve been taking my time reading reviews on their site. Many give details of their medical conditions and how much they take. It’s just reference but helpful. I don’t intend on taking all their supplements and especially at full doses. For one it’s very expensive but you get what you pay for. Second I don’t want to take boat loads a pills a day. If you start these start slow. They say if you do too much too fast you will be sick, bathroom, detoxing too fast. Good luck


moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don’t meet your heroes. I’ve several country artists in fan meet & greet before concerts. I’m sure some were faking it. Others I believe it was legit. Some guy artist gave bear hugs to every female from young to old.

moodyblue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks fren, I’ve had a lot going on today and missed it.

moodyblue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks fren. I need to learn to pray like this. So simple but beautiful! Still pretty new at praying.

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