rayw_wwg1wga 1 point ago +1 / -0

A positive take on the situation given we don't have all the info. It could very well turn out to be incorrect but what else do we have?

rayw_wwg1wga 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it's all gonna go quietly behind the scenes, then what is all this for?

rayw_wwg1wga 36 points ago +36 / -0

Happened on November 3rd 2020

rayw_wwg1wga 26 points ago +26 / -0

For many awake patriots, this is already way past the precipice

rayw_wwg1wga 3 points ago +3 / -0

POTUS when he was announcing for 2024 run, he said he was disappointed that so many people haven't felt the pain yet

rayw_wwg1wga 1 point ago +5 / -4

You think the Ashkenazi are a LARP?

No, I said the Ashkenazi's propaganda riling regular people to support "a side" is the LARP, the usual playbook of keeping people divided and not focused on the real enemy, fighting and killing each other. Many birds one stone.

rayw_wwg1wga 2 points ago +6 / -4

Sounds a whole lot like how Soros showed zero remorse for murdering Jews

rayw_wwg1wga 2 points ago +4 / -2
  1. 1948 - Ashkenazis force UN to kick people out of Palestinian land and create Israel, citing Holocaust and "it's always been our land since beginning of time"
  2. Palestinian people, are rightfully upset with outsiders occupying their land, forcing them out of their homes
  3. Ashkenazi's through the CIA / MOSSAD creates Hamas to have a figure for Palestinians to rally behind ("freedom fighters"), but in reality it's controlled opposition (sauce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgy6B_QOYAM)
  4. Ashkenazi's have their endless money-maker installed in the middle east solidly - never-ending conflict. Propaganda to rile people up on both sides (Arabs, everyday Jews, and everyone else). "Hamas = terrorists" etc.
  5. 2023 Oct 7 - The Israeli military "knew of the Hamas invasion" and were told to stand down (reminiscence of Benghazi, anyone?)
  6. Israel gets perfect excuse to "use any means necessary" to "eliminate Hamas" but in reality they're just hiding their crimes.
  7. Palestinian people who just want to live their lives and not be bombed into oblivion, protest the genocide - and some more extreme people see no other option other than to support the "freedom fighters" - except what they don't know is the "freedom fighters" is controlled by Israeli government...so you can't win either way.

So it's just one giant LARP (where we, ordinary people, get suckered in and some even die) to keep the Ashkenazi's in charge, and powerful. And keep ordinary people fighting each other, while they get more powerful and rich, while also achieving their de-population, one world government agenda all at the same time.

rayw_wwg1wga 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah then they'll 180 and say Trump secretly undermined "our democracy" by having control of the military even though "Biden" "won" the 2020 election to flip the script back...

rayw_wwg1wga 2 points ago +2 / -0

He also admitted to receiving "a massage" from one of Epstein's victims...

rayw_wwg1wga 9 points ago +9 / -0

The executive order about sanctioning those involved in election fraud. "Biden" keeps extending it.

Same with the China tariffs.

rayw_wwg1wga 1 point ago +1 / -0

J6'ers got J6'd for way less. Just the mere mention of taking up more would be enough to get J6'd.

rayw_wwg1wga 3 points ago +3 / -0

Counter point would be communist China. Millions killed by the regime through policy and starvation. You know, the Great Leap Backwards and the Cultural Devolution. And the massacre of thousands of students who protested the tyranny in 1989. And millions of Hong Kongers in 2019 are now effectively J6'd... Etc etc

And that regime is still in power 70+ years later. Very much in charge and alive. Most people don't believe the regimes propaganda but it just turned most people into pragmatic machines with no moral boundaries.

"What's beneficial to me is what's right" It's how you get rampant counterfeiting and toxic chemicals in food. Dead babies from fake infant formula etc.

If the Q plan fails, I'm afraid our country would go down the same path.

rayw_wwg1wga 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sometimes, neither of them are "good guys".

Our government is full of bad guys, but so is many other governments, including China. Not trusting our government doesn't mean we can trust China.

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