redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

I Like the division by religion in the article reference by Elon Musk when referenced by Ariel: https://waitbutwhy.com/2015/03/7-3-billion-people-one-building.html

All Muslims and Jews packed shoulder to shoulder in Brooklyn .... But I hate they get in the way of me seeing many of you guys in Queens.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

weaponizing capital markets for stealth subversion. Well done, laying it down like this.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, the opposite of these things is not whiteness. In order to end white supremacy, all these things must end.

In effect: South Sahara Africa before 14th century.

Respect authority .... yes and no. Yes, as long as authority is acting within the bounds of lawfulness. No, as soon as my rights are trampled on.

redtoe-skipper 5 points ago +5 / -0

dunno. since F16's can carry nuclear, and Nato has agreed for Ukraine to carry out strike in Russian soil with these F16's, and the depletes nature of the stockpiles for conducting a war, Russia aiming to bring in several countries on it's side, including Afghanistan, allowing afghan fighters to join in the Special Military Operation, it seems, there is a gearing up to be prepared for a nuclear eventuality.

also, the Russian move clearly does not encompass the CCP hordes.

it would not surprise me if a cw2.0 and a nuclear scare together, combined with the destruction of the food supply, rule of law, mass immigration, a rising sharia law influence, push for more control systems, targetted prosecutions, create such a precipice.

as long as there seems to be a plethora of choices there is no precipice. when the only choice is jump or fight, that is the precipice.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

what about all the animals being vaxxed with this crap? or rather, the meat, eggs and milk you are consuming?

it seems to me, they will soon claim the birdflue virus sprang to plants, especially plants produced for human consumption.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always have to giggle when they use the word populist.

it means: someone focussed on people.

what is the opposite of populist? technicists? technocrat? or simply nihilist ideologue? death cult member?

when the People do something, .gov will yield. E.S.T. ( every single time)

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

with what? Two days ago, European NATO countries had only 5% of their stockpile left..... with hardly any replenishment.....

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

let's bring it up to 17..... 4 more precedents, and we have the Trump Precedent.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

do something is the reason everything is going to shit: better looking incompetent than guilty.

of course this is a stupid view, bit that is that . yet, a lot is being done. the question is: what is the onject pursued?

what can you do?

in the latter case, you know what you can do: that what is under your control to do.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not quite ...

"Senatus" is a color: Sienna. https://wikiless.org/wiki/Sienna?lang=en It is somewhat earth reddish. Like henna, Qenna -> Jealous [God]. as in Phoenix/Punic. Or a listing: apples pears and prunes.

"Senatus Populus" are both nomens or nouns, two nouns hitched together, like rain and bow: rainbow.

Que indeed means and.

Romanus, this is somewhat of a question, is it a nomen or adjective so, Roman or Roman-like.
So it may be taken as: senate nation and roman

but, by the same token, it may hold something else entirely: Phoenix/Phoenicia, Nation and Roman[-like]? Wouldn't that be a joke of the ages.

It might fit if the first appearance of 80BC is to be believed. The Punic Wars were till 146BC.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

The constitution did not provide it, Mark, as the Act of 1789 predates the Constitution. The CONSTITUTION orders x or y, is a correct phrase. Otherwise, it should be said: The constitution provides (pro vide) for the right to carry and bear arms to not be infringed. No, it is an order, a duty to be carried out and binds the fed .gov including the executive.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your comments so far have been very succinct and enlightening, not so much about the topics you respond to, as well as how you are trying to stir the pot.

Glowing becomes you.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

They should be glad, the dollar still buys this stuff thanks to gold / silver price manipulation. Otherwise, a multiplication of 50,000/2,000 (real price/manipulated price) is in order: We are talking: 332,500,000,000.

redtoe-skipper 12 points ago +12 / -0


The doctrine is based on an older concept: The King can do no wrong, meaning, The King is inviolable to to be held harmless against all suits. These fall on his employees at all times.

Typically, this is an English thingy, and everywhere the King is the head of state. And old rag of a system, to quote a very nervous House-drinker.

At any rate, it should not apply to the Federal .gov, as the We the People and the States, who were created by the people, have created a servant to their interest. So, except may be for external purposes, the sovereign doctrine does not apply.

Rather the other way around. Hence, the privacy protections in the 5th and other amendments.

redtoe-skipper 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, in terms of ideas:

Libertarian means: ANTI WEF. If you do not belief me, perhaps you will belief Klaus Schwab.


The remarks are @ 10 minutes into the video.

Let this sink in. IF libertarianism is the ANTI-system to the WEF-system, the anti-system to the ideology of the Church of Schwabism, what is it what Schwab sees and is spouting about like an old grumpy with a large prostate? It is an idea called: Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is based on the non-aggression principle: Trade with everyone, ally with non.

Think about it. If the High Priests of the Schwabists is an enemy of freedom, an enemy of non-aggression, how do you think he go about it?

Infiltration? Subversion? RE-direction? War? Anything goes, right?

Let's hear from this mentally perverted zealot from his own mouth: https://iv.melmac.space/watch?v=SjxJ1wPnkk4

This is how it works. A plan hatched and executed over decades. Slowly, relentless.

Exactly! Why? So, you will be crushed from all sides. As Trump would say: everything woke goes to shit.

And this is what can be observed with the libertarian party, a once proud bearer of the free torch, falling to woke ideology.

Min-arch-ist: it could be argued: Thomas Jefferson was a minarchist, In plain english: small government, best government is who governs least (in the words of Judge Nap)

But, what many libertarians forget, is that for freedom to reign, virtue is required. Look at all these so called libertarian investor Billionaires. When looking at these people, one could be forgiven to be confused of what libertarian actually means.

That is why, I think, Trump made overtures to bridge a gap, not towards those totally brainwashed WEF-cult members, but those people who genuinely hold in high honor both freedom and virtue.

  1. Deregulation
  2. Smaller government
  3. Clean House
  4. End the Endless wars, no new wars. Peace through strength.
  5. Solve the debt situation
  6. Solve the money & currency situation
  7. Close the border, evict the invaders.
  8. Lower tax-burden
  9. And recognition that taxation is theft; Inflation is theft.

As I said below, it is often difficult to allow for a transition period in order to arrive at a point desired. Many Libertarians are blind towards how to move from A to F. If something does not conform to rule 1, it is rejected, due to philosophical & political puritanism Practical solutions often escape them.

But I think for those listening through the Object Oriented Programming instituted by the, what seems to be, loud woke part of the crowd, there is a bridge.

Trump as the Pontifex (=bridge builder) Maximus.

redtoe-skipper 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will happen.

If I have to go by Andrew McGuire, it will make major moves later this year, 3rd quarter.

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

far is a relative word, an opinion dependent on the views of the individual. A child will not want to walk to the mall, because it is far, except when there is a fair ...

This is how flexible far is. It means nothing, other than saying: I don't like it.

Consider this:

  1. How far is it?
  2. What is the distance between here and the destination?

In the latter situation you decide what far means. Either, you work with facts, or your work with opinions. In the latter case, you can never check it, and the potential for fraud is clear and present.

redtoe-skipper 3 points ago +3 / -0

How far they have come. From Ron Paul onwards in 08, it went downhill since. This is not a libertarian but a woke commie. That organization called Libertarians are not worthy of the name anymore. What a disgrace. This is not good at all.

And ... I agree with Trump: they really do not really want to win.

I am sure, there are quite a few people within that environment, who are also deeply disgusted by such display of cult-mentality, and will make a choice for Trump.

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