posted ago by rayw_wwg1wga ago by rayw_wwg1wga +20 / -1

It is well-documented that Hamas was created by Mossad (evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgy6B_QOYAM) like Bin Laden was created by CIA (evidence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone). (Though, official narrative is to "counter Arafat" and "counter the Soviet Union" respectively, and how they "went out of control, beyond the scope of intent")

Doing some connecting the dots, you'll learn that they did not "go out of control" - so whoever they support - Israeli government, Hamas, Palestinian government, in other words, they're all one in the same.

So how do you trust / support Hamas to "stop Zionism" if Israeli government is the puppeteer behind Hamas? And vice versa, how do you trust Israeli government to eliminate Hamas if they're merely their puppet?

It's like trusting the arsonist to put out the fire.

Mind = blown