Anosha 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m very interested in Justin Amash’s sudden drop out of the 2020 election cycle. That seemed potentially Q-y to me, given that he was the most transparent legislator I ever heard of.

Anosha 9 points ago +9 / -0

The libertarian party is notorious for not being able to get a coherent platform together. This speech took place under a huge banner that read “become ungovernable”. Expecting to get any kind of united political action together with a group of people who see that as primary is never going to be a workable political strategy. Not even criticizing, just pointing it out. Extremely interesting that Trump spoke to them.

Anosha 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depend on Jesus Christ. Pray to Him and tell Him what you told us. Beg for the help you need. He WILL help you (and it almost certainly won’t look like you would imagine). May God help you!

Anosha 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is thriving business here in Russia. The competition in markets puts Main Street USA to shame. Would be interested in knowing what you’re talking about more specifically.

Anosha 7 points ago +7 / -0

As a tech person, I read through the article and the analysis it linked to. This disrupted but didn’t destroy anything. I think this is a normal consequence of the huge amount of technological leverage being used. This company was wise and had a backup strategy outside its main cloud vendor. Some wouldn’t have been so fortunate.

I am always interested in the covert angle but I see nothing significant here having seen the details, which include human error (probably both at Google and at the company) and an unexpected setting in a publicly available 3rd party script.

Anosha 3 points ago +3 / -0

So it’s not understood yet that Raiklin is tied to Flynn, who is tied 1) to Obama according to Trump and 2) to Roger Stone who is a) the handler of Alex Jones who Q told us is Mossad and b) tied directly to NXIVM and c) less directly to Wexner and Epstein? I know Q isn’t posting right now but there’s important information about what’s going on right now that can help us avoid the raft of shill operations targeting us. Heads on swivels anons! This isn’t over!

Anosha 2 points ago +2 / -0

For them this is already litigation, you are in a process that has legal ramifications for you both. Now that you’re this far, I would encourage you to find legal counsel. They might be able to get you more money or reinstatement than you could negotiate yourself, and it shouldn’t be too hard to get someone to do this on contingency now that you’ve gotten past the first huge hurdle. Please consider it. I have been through this type of situation and it really helps to have counsel.

Anosha 2 points ago +2 / -0

71 is a mirror of 17. Definitely doesn't point away from this being a spy job.

Anosha 2 points ago +2 / -0


  1. There were and are many reasons. My wife and I both have health challenges that we attribute to vaccine injury from the childhood schedule as it was a generation ago when the liability-free regime was just getting started. We have chosen not to vaccinate our children, but in our area it was already impossible for them to attend any school without undergoing the entire set of shots in rapid succession! And we researched and found that every single state was tightening the restrictions in this area. There were other significant reasons as well, but this one is the simplest to explain. We’re Orthodox Christians and my wife is of Russian-speaking descent from a century ago, and she had long wanted to move.
  2. For us it’s far, far better. I would certainly agree that it’s different and that not everything is perfect! We experienced the difference as a massive upgrade. I wonder what the people’s complaints were. A lot of people experienced the crisis of the 90’s (inflicted by the deep state) and think of that as what Russia really is.
Anosha 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a video of Donald saying it was “cute” that he was interested in getting involved, and that he was 17. “Cute” is a very interesting choice of word since it sounds a whole lot like the 17th letter of the alphabet.

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