Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even the shrieking leftist loons admit the verdict would get tossed by an appellate court - but they think it won't matter because that could take years and the election would long be over by then. The left knows full well they can't beat Trump in a fair, open election.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would be less concerned about an "impending" terror attack and more worried about what could happen AFTER the election. If Trump wins the left has been threatening a hot civil war. I could easily see terror cells conducting attacks on the US to halt a Trump presidency. The left would absolutely go scorched earth rather than see Trump back in office.

Or else if Bi-Dumb "wins" again those military aged males flooding into the US would be used to enforce diktats from their socialist slave masters. Used to quell protests or potential uprisings. Or later on as the political left's own private merc force in case other means of persuasion fail.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would make perfect sense. I bet also they offered her a cushy admin job or even to be the next senator from GA if she was able to get something to stick to Trump.

Deplorable_in_PA 0 points ago +1 / -1

Skanky Horseface didn't "extort" Trump at all. Team Trump did the calculus, realized it was easier to slide her a check to get her to sign an NDA and not have to deal with her. Trump's lawyers got her to sign the NDA BEFORE it was announced he was running for president.

Skanky of course was pissed off as hell she was bound to the NDA. She could have made way more money going on TV, writing books, etc trashing Trump. Instead her NDA payoff is peanuts in comparison the millions she could have made had she not signed it.

Deplorable_in_PA 6 points ago +6 / -0

The left is going to try and pull that stunt again. They get illegals to show up and register to vote in exchange for cash, gift cards, etc. If the illegals don't vote, no problem. They only want the ballot to be out there to stuff ballots later.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course it is. Remember the BLM riots? Most of the rioters who got arrested looked like total tweakers who probably got paid in drugs and a free meal to riot. And the BLM riots brought in hundreds of millions of dollars to the DNC via BLM.

My folks live in a woke community and they reported seeing hundreds of commie dirtbag tweakers show up driving cars with out of state plates or being bused in. Large mobile food vans pulled up. Absolutely someone is organizing this and paying agitators.

Deplorable_in_PA 7 points ago +7 / -0

NGL...it would be seriously badass to see Trump convicted, go to prison, win the election, and sign his own pardon. And then have Marine 1 land in the prison yard and have Trump walk out in an orange jumpsuit and get on board.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be very interesting to follow the money trail on this issue. I would bet there are NGO's, fake charities, etc that are involved in the squatting problem.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is stupid. I can't remember any job I've had in the last 10 years that didn't require a criminal background check. Why is Sheetz being singled out? Does Potato Joe want to lose in PA?

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I'd buy Shapiro as the nom to replace Potato Joe. Gavin Gruesome would get his ass handed to him in a general election. Too easy to pound on what a dumpster fire California is under his "leadership". Not seeing Mooch either. She's not very likable and Obama wasn't missed either.

I could easily see a "moderate" dem governor without a lot of baggage being the nom, especially in a big swing state like PA. I don't see Shapiro winning, but its more believable that he could at least run down the margins enough for any needed "water main breaks" in heavily dem precincts of Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Philly.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something's up. My guess is they are being deployed ahead of a possible attack or at least credible threat of an attack.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amazing. If they are still able to hate Trump after the last 3 years, their dedication to stupidity is just astounding.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Disagree with one point. The media going full commie occurred long before Trump was elected. We say in 2008 with Obama where the media decided to throw any pretense of objectivity out the window to shill for the DNC.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +2 / -1

Trump was brilliant in his response - kick it back to the states and let voters decide. The left desperately wanted him to come out in favor of a national ban. That way they could reframe the election to be about MuH bOrSHunZ instead of about inflation and the border.

Deplorable_in_PA 29 points ago +29 / -0

Supposedly their internals show a bloodbath in November. In some groups they are seeing 20+ point swings for Trump. Word is even some solid blue states are now considered "competitive" and may even be in play.

The dems may even have to stuff ballots to hold onto solid blue states, let along in swing states. You can only have so many "water main bursts" until people start asking questions and demanding answers.

Deplorable_in_PA 4 points ago +4 / -0

The screeching left was trying to get Trump to admit he would try to enact a national ban on abortion. Likely to galvanize their base and try to re frame the election about Muh Borshuns rather than discuss inflation, the border, etc. They know inflation and border are huge losing issues for them.

Trump was smart enough to sidestep the issue by claiming it should be up to individual states - which it should be. Pence had the butthurt sads over Trump NOT calling for a national abortion ban and decided to weigh in on it to bolster his cred among evangelicals. This after he knows full well were it not for Trump that Roe would still be established legal precedent.

Deplorable_in_PA 6 points ago +6 / -0

This, exactly. Roe would still be established legal precedent were it not for Trump pushing through nominees against intense backlash. Anyone here think Pence would have had the stones to stand behind Kavanaugh during the fake sex scandal bit? Of course not. Were it up to Pence and the other neocons Roe would still be law. Trump delivered when all the other neocon cowards like Pence have failed.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

And I bet this is the same situation here. Pretty white girl in an all black school? I could easily see her being resented and hated by a lot of the girls, especially fat or unattractive ones.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I bet that's why they haven't released the girl's records. It would blow apart MuH nArrUTiv. When this all came down and the girl's aunt starting saying Maurnice was an honor student, spoke 4 languages, was taking AP classes, etc I was skeptical. But school records would prove that right or wrong. That's why they don't want to release her records.

And what's amazing is that they thought they could lie about it and get by with it, no one would bother checking her school records. But maybe that's why Maurnice did the things she did. She has probably had nothing but shitty adults in her life since she was a baby.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

I went to college and got a degree, but if I had a "do over" I would have definitely considered learning a trade. A LOT of companies I've dealt with are having a shortage of machinists, maintenance techs, etc.

Deplorable_in_PA 4 points ago +4 / -0

9 year old girl. Shit. That's just plain awful.

Even if the boys weren't trannys I would bet that an investigation would show an increasing escalation of events that were ignored by the school. Every school shooter, rapist, etc starts out "small" and escalates. My guess is the school decided the boys were "special" and things were just plain ignored or swept under the rug. And then this happens. I hope the parents of this girl take the school district and principal to the cleaners over this one.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not as crazy as you might think, fren. Word is even solid blue states are shaping up as being "competitive". States like NJ, NY, and CA. Trump is seeing 20-30 point shifts in certain demographics that traditionally vote dem. The poll numbers cited by OP were certainly jibe.

Deplorable_in_PA 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't want to jump to conclusions about it being intentional or not...but I really do question what "they" would have to gain by collapsing a bridge in Baltimore. Yeah, sure, I could see a bunch of no-bid contracts to favored cronies for rebuilding the bridge and cleanup. But I don't see this as advancing any political agenda

Deplorable_in_PA 5 points ago +5 / -0

Tyson has always been an Asshoe company anyway. They have had a bad rep for a long time for hiring illegals and screwing over small chicken farmers. I had no idea Aidell's was owned by them, I will immediately stop buying Aidells.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

No woman sits like that. Women sit with their legs closed in because they have a lower center of gravity due to wider hips. Men spread their legs for balance while sitting. Dead giveaway right there.

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