EyesWideShutN0M0r3 6 points ago +6 / -0

But why are they all on board? Who runs them all? If people would ask the simple questions and research the truth, well lets just say, the particular group pushing this filth would be expelled from all countries. If people don't wake up then this group will enslave us all.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you haven't done so, all one has to do is go down the proper rabbit hole. The same group has funded every uprising, war and mass migration for decades. They are part of one group that wants to control it all and wants to genocide the white Christians. They view these the white race as a threat to their birth right. When you know, you know.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of my children took me to see the new Apes movie. Have not seen anything in a theater in a long time with the exception of Sound of Freedom. I felt horrible because I slept through a good portion of the movie. I have not looked at entertainment in any positive way since at least 2000 or so. That is when my awakening started.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think God my parents didn't, my husband didn't, my kids didn't and my grandchildren didn't. My brothers did however and one is now dead at 50. One child has an other half that got it too so I sit waiting for them to drop and I worry about my child getting cross contaminated from being so close to the other half. But prayers and faith get me from day to day that the detox for the other half has had some effect.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw this once before. Good link but people still need to understand which group is behind the systematic destruction of the west.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 8 points ago +8 / -0

They need to be kept in camps right now so it is easier to send them back. If you keep them out of camps then they go wherever and cause chaos wherever they go by committing crimes. I know many people who have said that since these people are not being tracked then it is easy to take them to the nearest train station, if you get my drift. I agree that keeping them in camps is for their own good but all these demands are shit. These people are criminals, they made themselves and their children criminals when they crossed our border illegally. Demands be damned. Lock them up and give them the same treatment as any other prisoner in the system. Then when Trump is back in office, ship their asses back to where they came from.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 2 points ago +3 / -1

No money should be supplied to Isreal for anything. This could be part of the plan, Isreal is being saved for last.......

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well the Jews can now control the satire as well.....early life doesn't talk about his roots but then again they have all went in and changed their early life sections.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good or bad? Thing is, a power grab that goes to the 1% is bad wherever you are. The plan for one particular group has been to own it all. Before anyone celebrates this we need to know if Russia is truly for their people or if they are controlled opposition.

by QDay
EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love it when the truth is allowed to flow.....

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wish this site would allow the truth to finally come out. It's time that people start waking up to who is behind it all. Every time I try to post something on here I get shut down. It's time people!!!

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 3 points ago +4 / -1

Once you know, you can look at someone to see it. I mean honestly, the nose, earset and eyes tell you everything you need to know.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 6 points ago +6 / -0

This right here is why I will die before giving up my guns or my right to carry a gun. Prayers for all the victims and their families.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am so happy that I have always had well water. We test it independently every few years because we know how much crap the deep state is polluting our world. So far so good. I ever take water from home to drink in restaurants and while I travel. Been a chore to do this at times but well worth it.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's not juicing anymore, at least the tribulation he will face now will be true justice.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can make your own or you can support your local farmers. Most apple orchards that sell their own products tend to make their own cedar as well. Just a suggestion for those that may not have the time or know how on making their own stuff.

EyesWideShutN0M0r3 22 points ago +23 / -1

Just waiting for them to destroy the Dome of the Rock. Then the fun truly begins, keep your faith in Jesus and God through it all.......

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