FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

that number stations continue to broadcast suggests they aren't being destroyed.

How do you know those ones are being used by the deepstate?

The location of radio signals can easily be triangulated with our current tech, let alone the advanced tech Q/NSA have, Then they can just aim one of their satellites at it to see where it is and if anyone is nearby who set it up. However I'll concede comms through tv shows and media events like i'm claiming have a similar problem where the NSA knows who the writers are that do the comms, and therefore knows they're a blackmailed puppet. The deepstate just thought that no one noticed these types of comms and didn't realize Q has been around for decades at the top of military intelligence knowing how they operate.

Also I meant to add in my previous comment, Q did mention about Nellie Ohr trying to use HAM radio, so I do partially concede your point. The deepstate probably do use number stations aswell, but my main claim is that number stations are quite vulnerable, and doing comms through media and events like this chase bank explosion is a lot more efficient and secure, and the message goes world wide instantly, but number stations have a limited range, good luck sending a number stations message from America half way around the world to Soros without the NSA being Sus about it. (Do tell me if I am misunderstanding how number stations work, If it's a mesh network where number stations automatically rebroadcast the message they receive to more number stations, then I'm wrong, and that would be quite a good method)

Have you heard of Decoding Symbolism? He does great digs of comms in movies, TV & news events. I don't agree with all of it, some of the stuff I don't understand and seems a bit of a stretch, but most of it is fascinating and plausible. Check out this one about Nuclear events in the news preceding both Epstein & Hugh Hefner's death.

Q doing their own comms and Q proofs in this manner also teach us how the deepstate comms work.

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Either side can trace the radio signal, find the number station and destroy it. Or just sit waiting at the numbers station and arrest whoever comes to use it. I'm not sure how number stations work, even if they are unmanned, the signal/message has to originate somewhere and they could trace the source. Hillary isn't going to be able to stay below the radar if she has a number station in her backyard.

Q has confirmed that comms like this exist, remember when Obama did the RED charity comms saying "Meet me in Seoul"



Obama also doing comms in the Jimmy Kimmel vid. He says "Big Red" instead of santa. And jokes about handing over the alien files, As Q said Obama was shopping for a new handler, so probably meant he was advertising to hand over his own blackmail files to a new puppet master or something


FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

What an old hag, Epstein and his ilk can rot.

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because with encrypted messages, even if the NSA can't crack the message, they can still see who the message is being sent to, but by putting the message in plain sight, they don't know who the recipients are.

100s of Millions of people have seen this video of chase bank now, but if it was some ad on craigslist, then maybe only a few 1,000 people would see it, and the NSA can track who saw it and narrow down the list.

It could also be the White hats sending threats to the deepstate.

FlyingScotzman 2 points ago +2 / -0

CQ = Chongqing, that drop was also another Q proof a while back

FlyingScotzman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ye i agree, it's more just an Easter egg for Anons, unless something relating to "tracker" becomes important soon. It still helps add to the mountain of Q Proofs for normies.

"Tracker" - The vid is 30 seconds long and here is Q#30


FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds cool but how on earth can it be self custody

FlyingScotzman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting, thank you, and the first episode of Mr Robot aired just 8 days after Trump announced his run for Presidency, it's mind blowing how many tv shows and music artists are involved in comms, both black hats and white hats, Like Mr Beast and the rapper NF are doing white hat comms regarding the Ohio train crash. What a surreal world.

Edit: And the creator of Mr Robot is the one that did the recent Obama produced cyber attack movie "Leave the world behind".

Edit: 45 episodes in total

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol, does anyone have the other version of "You BLINK"

FlyingScotzman 1 point ago +1 / -0

More efficient to have them on your house so the car doesn't have the extra weight.

FlyingScotzman 0 points ago +1 / -1

He's a Patriot, he's the perfect redpill for people on the left who will never listen to right wingers, but will begin to listen to him once he's vindicated on the vax.

FlyingScotzman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Trading Places has 9/11 symbolism in it. The character is in front of the Twin Towers saying "Nothing can prepare you for the unbridled carnage you are about to witness." Then 2 minutes after this scene, the clock hands point to 9 and 11.

FlyingScotzman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Epic, this Q drop was also used in a Scavino and Pompeo proof.

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