GimmeMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, because just like Sinema, he'll continue to caucus with the demonrats. This is just a stunt until he joins the Republican party or at least caucuses with Republicans.

GimmeMemes 12 points ago +12 / -0

The ability now for the NRA to sue the NY government and specific officials for infringement of the NRA's first amendment rights. Maybe NY gun stores and private citizens can join in and make it a class action lawsuit?

GimmeMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Frogs aren't called 'Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys' for nothing!

GimmeMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the traitorous RINO senator who stuffed all those evil amendments in the bill needs to be voted out or recalled ASAP.

GimmeMemes 4 points ago +4 / -0

Follow the link above to open the post in X.

Left click on the document in X to open it.

Right click on the document and select 'open image in new tab'.

Go to the new browser tab and left click on the document to enlarge it.

This method will work on a PC running Windows, I have no idea if it will work on an iThing.

GimmeMemes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many arterial blockages are caused partially or completely by calcium deposits, not cholesterol or other substances. Vitamin K2 will gradually remove calcium deposits from areas they are not supposed to be (like your arteries) and move the calcium to places it is supposed to be (like your bones, teeth, and muscles). Vitamin K2 also helps to regulate blood clotting so that your blood doesn't clot too much or too little.

I have no idea what his 'arterial cleanse' method is, but try taking Vitamin K2 every day for a few months.

GimmeMemes 12 points ago +12 / -0

Many arterial blockages are caused partially or completely by calcium deposits, not cholesterol or other substances. Vitamin K2 will gradually remove calcium deposits from areas they are not supposed to be (like your arteries) and move the calcium to places it is supposed to be (like your bones, teeth, and muscles). Vitamin K2 also helps to regulate blood clotting so that your blood doesn't clot too much or too little.

I have no idea what his 'arterial cleanse' method is, but try taking Vitamin K2 every day for a few months.

GimmeMemes 9 points ago +9 / -0

It means that if your body weight is 100 pounds, don't dose yourself as if you are 100 pounds, dose yourself as if you weigh 110-150 pounds. The label instructions will tell you how much to dose per pound of body weight.

GimmeMemes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully the hazmat team will clean out all the RINOs while they're there.

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