HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agreed, if the election happens they'll steal it. The other possibility is the election doesn't happen because things got too ugly so they "suspend" it. Either way, the DS cannot allow Trump back in, period, end of story.

The big question is what kind of crap we're going to have to go through leading up to, and after, the election.

HBalzanya69 10 points ago +11 / -1

Unfortunately, I think it's going to be option D, all of the above.

No matter what your opinion on Juan O Savin' is, he made a good point about the reason why we have to have faux WW3. His contention was that the missile launch detection system was required to switch control of the military from CISA to Cheyenne Mountain.

My prediction is that, just like Hawaii when they had that missile launch, the whole world will be getting something similar on their phones nearly simultaneously. This moment will be the pinnacle of the scare event in my opinion. However, there will be no nukes attached to those missiles so the damage will be far less than it would be otherwise.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

One has to wonder if this isn't done with the intent to disarm the DS elements in these countries to minimize what arms they have left to use on their people when shit hits the fan.

Those would be the vehicles they'd use to break up mass protests and perform crowd control.

HBalzanya69 5 points ago +5 / -0

If I recall correctly, it was on the way to the summit in Singapore. The sub was a Deadman sup that had been sitting there for weeks which knew the exact departure time.

Knowing the info, Trump left east rather than west which would have been the provident choice.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately, android devices pick up air tags when exposed for extended periods of time and report them to the user. They could then easily find you with your air tag data.

HBalzanya69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. Gold has been pursued and horded for thousands of years by many different nations and cultures. It's all been taken from us "non-elites" with both incentives (cash for gold) and removal of the gold standard.

Since gold's industrial use (vs things like silver) is not very large, it's not as mobile as other precious metals and, because of that, it's far more likely to be hidden off ledger. I believe there is FAR FAR more gold out there than we could even consider and that the pricing of it may fluctuate wildly for a long time to come.

I'm not a finance guy by any means, but knowing what I know about the precious metal situation, I'm far more interested in silver than gold for the reasons mentioned above.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

That first meme was quite the lead. It was hilarious but hurt a little bit at the same time.

Thanks again for your hard work on these, first thing I do Sunday morning.

HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

RFK is the use of controlled opposition by the white hats against the black hats. He is the third party candidate the assholes, in the past, have used to "justify" stealing elections from republican candidates over the decades. This time the white hats are using him to mess with the democrats/black hats.

HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's still in jail last I checked. I didn't know this but the pieces of shit in the federal system can keep prosecuting you until there is a unanimous verdict either way while you rot in jail. That means they only have to put one crazy person on the jury and they can keep you in prison indefinitely, not to mention try you multiple times until you run out of money.

The judicial system is a rancid hell hole.

HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Whether you agree or not, both sides want this to happen.

Black hats:

Want to create WW3 by stoking violence and division by way of Israel vs Palestine. People start accepting it and picking a side, then they have the ethical justification they need to kick off the nukes. After the war is over and most of the planet messed up, there plan is to come out and say "Oh my, religious differences cause big problems, lets all worship this new one world religion that combines all the "good stuff" from all the religions." This has been there plan for over 100 years, three world wars, one world government and religion.

White hats:

Bringing awareness to the to the fact that jews (real or "fake") run most of the world through varying power structures emanating from the 13 bloodline families. It's a reveal of the "man behind the curtain" scenario that is our current power structure. This will have the normies already aware of the topic so when the jewish connection of people in power getting arrested starts popping up they'll realize, hey maybe there's something to this.

The bottom line here is that there are two jewish lineages, and the ashkenazi side of it are bunch of satanist assholes who adopted themselves in. That's not to say they are the only bad ones but pretty much anyone who follows the Talmud as a guide to life is, at a minimum, a very misguided person and, at it's worst, is a sick genocidal asshole.

Here are some Talmud highlights: (they have names for us non-jews, Goyim or Gentile)

-Soferim 15 - "Even the best of Goyim should be killed."

-Gad Shas 2:2 - "A Jew may violate but not marry a non Jew girl."

-Sanhedrin 54b - "A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old."

-Baba Kamma 113a - "Jews may use lies to circumvent a "Goy" Gentile."

-Kethuboth 11b - "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

-Libbre David 37 - "If Gentiles knew that the Talmud teach Jews to destroy them they would kill us openly. Never communicate the Talmud with Gentiles."

That anti-semitism you're complaining about might have a more solid basis than you realize.

HBalzanya69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sandy Hook lawsuit "loss" was to establish a precedent case to go after anyone else who tried to talk about it.

Alex Jones is a sheep dog, he is paid to control the sheep giving them just enough room to think they're free until a few stray too far then, WOOF, you're back in the herd. In my opinion, that almost makes him worse than the MSM idiots who KNOW they are lying but don't care or get off and it.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Money itself doesn't control people's lives and living standard by itself. Scarcity (supply and demand) is how control is achieved. This is done through taxes, market manipulation, and controlled production.

Take countries that crazy unit exchange rates against the dollar, some of them are billionaires that only equate to thousands of dollars US. It's all about finacial control of which currency is simply a subset.

Get rid of the over lords and it'll fix most of the problems.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uh yah, do you have a warrant? No, then go get one. Come back with a warrant, I don't answer questions.

The authority figures in this country are all varying levels of stazi assholes. You don't say a damn thing to the FBI, ever.

HBalzanya69 6 points ago +6 / -0

From my understanding this timeline, the great awakening, is timeline 1 even for the DS assholes. The timeline they have been, or tried, to usher in is timeline 2. Even they acknowledge that we are destined for great things instead of their planned mass extinction event.

HBalzanya69 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well that or it'll be real aliens and we'll just laugh and muse at "how real it looks" because we think it's blue beam. Imagine how confused they'd be, these darn humans think we're a joke!

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, originally looking for "their" god particle which was a nice way of saying "find a way to bring hell to Earth." Cern was frequently sabotaged by the white hats, there are many interview of Cern scientists that were lamenting all of the misfortunes and failures they were having.

HBalzanya69 6 points ago +6 / -0

My take, the white hats control CERN and spent that time "correcting" it to make it's affects positive instead of negative. Firing the facility up during the eclipse marks the beginning of the great reversal in which things really to to hell before flipping back the other way.

Can't imagine the black hats letting it sit while getting their butts kicked the way they have been.

HBalzanya69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting theory:

White hats disable nuke which is what caused power failures at the port. Ship left, blacks hats know ship will not explode, black hats hack and try to crash ship, power struggle ensues, black hats ultimately win, ship crashes, bridge collapses.

In that case, the bridge collapse is, unfortunately, collateral damage. That said, it would seem most of the major ship crashes have been white hat ops which points in the opposite direction.

Either way, war is messy and there are casualties. Doesn't make it any less sad and unfortunate, regardless of who did it.

HBalzanya69 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's crazy too because this is all happening despite the Biden show's best efforts. The bloodbath is going to be when the new Trump admin pulls the rug out from underneath these dickheads by removing the unfair carbon credits and other BS incentives. All the manufacturer's that put too many eggs in the EV basket are going to be ravaged.

The best part about this whole thing is the issues that are leading to the EV revolution crashing and burning are the same issues that killed it...100 years ago. Charging infrastructure, range anxiety, battery capacity/longevity, etc. These all led to ICE cars kicking the crap out of the electrics 100 years ago and yet here we are...again.

HBalzanya69 1 point ago +1 / -0

It did to my understanding. He can do whatever he wants now in terms of posting to other platforms.

HBalzanya69 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ever heard the saying that civilization is three meals away from collapse? When people started running out of food, and the food banks ran out of food, people would riot and loot. Civilization would collapse and millions, if not billions, would have died from the fallout of that civil unrest.

HBalzanya69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman perhaps? After miltary intervention people will want to see separation of civilian gov. VP will be someone like Kari Lake or similar I believe to give that "good politicians going after the bad ones" concept a proper face for the normies.

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