J4224H 5 points ago +5 / -0

The book called Plunder (by Brendan Ballou) will walk you through the steps that are used by private equity and hedge funds to:(1) buy a company utilizing a large amount of "BORROWED" debt, (2) sell the company's land and buildings (and keep the proceeds from these sales), (3) charge extremely large "annual management fees" against the existing management, (4) reduce the pay of ALL current employees, (5) reduce/eliminate healthcare coverage of current employees, (6) reduce/eliminate retirement accounts/pensions of current employees, (7) periodically/annually charge a "one-time dividend" forcing management to borrow additional money from banks to pay the dividend to the new hedge fund or private equity, and (8) reduce services/goods offered by the original company. When the company fails, then the new owners close the company and sell whatever is left..... It is a very sick plague on US businesses... (please note: I have NO relationship with the author of this book and I do not know the author of this book).

J4224H 2 points ago +2 / -0

This did not look normal/correct - was that Biden or AI?

J4224H 26 points ago +26 / -0

This was a tremendous amount of work especially if you are not formerly trained (i.e. law school) to read dense legal documents. In addition, the tracing of the lineage of a document to its predecessor is a real difficult task! Major hat tip to MAG768720!

J4224H 2 points ago +3 / -1

Often, we are told to look for the "key" or "keys". It is believed that the Vatican City (from the air) is/looks like a "key". From the air, is this building another one of the worlds "keys"?

J4224H 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. Are these filaments also found in vaccinated blood?
  2. If the answer to #1 is yes, then: Why are these filaments in unvaccinated blood? Shedding from the vaccinated?
  3. If these filaments are NOT found in vaccinated blood, then where/how are these filaments in non-vaccinated blood?
J4224H 3 points ago +3 / -0

Following on jhanna1701's comment, I am focused on the the following statement: "You can count the people who have the FULL PICTURE on two hands." This type of structure allows you to scale an operation/"operations" to 1000's or 10,000's of people with each person or group having a specific task(s) without ever leaving yourself open for a systemic failure. Individual tasks or items can be compromised and fail or aborted without sacrificing the whole. No one but the two "hand full" sees the entire picture.

J4224H 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can drive the crime statistics down in a THREE step process: (1) arrest no one, (2) do not count (or record) the ones you have arrested, or (3) count and record the ones you arrested BUT put it in another system under a "different report" that no one externally know about its existence. Item #3 allows EVERYONE to make a factually true statement when they say "we have counted and recorded all activity." However, the "true counts will never be seen by the public."

J4224H 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am praying for grandma anon and all those who love her!

J4224H 4 points ago +4 / -0

If Trump loses the Immunity case at the Supreme Court then Biden, Obama, Bush, and Clinton can/will ALSO lose their IMMUNITY! ALL can be arrested, arraigned, indicted, and tried in a court of law AFTER they leave office! They ALL LOSE PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY!

J4224H 3 points ago +3 / -0

The building sold for $1 AND the buyer had to assume ALL of the debt that the seller owed. The article did not state the dollar amount of the debt the buyer also absorbed in this transaction.

J4224H 17 points ago +17 / -0

All of us get things wrong and we get other things right. We are all human. Be be at peace.

J4224H 5 points ago +5 / -0

White Shoes = White Hat Victory...

"Nike is a prominent figure in Greek mythology and is considered one of the lesser-known goddesses. She was often worshipped by ancient Greeks who sought victory in various aspects of life, including sports, battles, and competitions. Nike was believed to bring success and good fortune to those who invoked her, and her image was often seen as a symbol of inspiration and motivation.

As the goddess of victory, Nike played a significant role in Greek mythology. She was a companion of Zeus, the king of the gods, and was often portrayed as accompanying him in his battles. Nike was also frequently depicted as a charioteer, driving the chariot of Zeus and bringing victory to those who followed him."


J4224H 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. For the last year, the vast majority of "new jobs" added to the economy are from the "government". Where in the government are all of the jobs being added - that data is not disclosed.
  2. Who generates all of this data - thousands of people living and working in the DC swamp.
  3. When we are operating in an election year and a democrat is the president, the preponderance of the government statistics related to the economy, job creation, etc. are always favorable with "up-side surprises". The exact opposite situation is true in an election year when a republican is in office.
  4. After an election, when a democrat becomes president taking the place of a republican, the economic numbers that were suppressed during the prior year election year are then revised upward giving the new democrat president "upward economic momentum" and is hailed as suddenly turning the economy around!
  5. The EXACT opposite happens when a republican is elected after following a democrat president. All of those "great economic numbers during the election year " get revised down" and the new republican president gets blamed for generating "bad numbers", etc.
  6. How does the SWAMP number creators WIN? Great question! They win in two ways: 6a.They get democrats elected as president as they generate strong numbers for their guy. 6b. The DC swamp number generators have up to two years to revise numbers to get them correct. You see continuous revision of numbers every month, every quarter of every year. Do you think the stock market cares about number revised downward two years ago? So after two years of revisions the number are finally "closed" and the numbers are correct! See - the swamp got the numbers right and they claim they are accurate!
J4224H 13 points ago +13 / -0

Praying for you and all of those around you who are suffering...

J4224H 17 points ago +18 / -1

A literal sign for "a white hat" operator?

Somewhere or some alternate party in the world has reached out for:

  1. A sign of a surrender or truce?
  2. A sign for a ceasefire, and/or for a negotiation?
  3. More than one of the above.....
J4224H 5 points ago +5 / -0

Merry Christmas.

J4224H 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sending prayers to Qtoad's father and to all members of the extended family...

J4224H 12 points ago +12 / -0

Please bless "mother" and all of those who love her.

J4224H 19 points ago +19 / -0

Bless "my brother" and all those who love him. Bless him for a successful recovery.

J4224H 5 points ago +5 / -0

Due to the fact that everything related to Fetterman is so blatant, "over the top" and "in our face", I think he may be a "White Hat".

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