Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm wondering the same. Snakes in the bushes perhaps

Kunkussion 0 points ago +2 / -2

That's nice and all but you're actually only half correct. Hoarding is defined more as unnecessary use or possession of finite resources which creates scarcity in a general sense, which as of what his context, and yours as well, qualifies for that definition. Don't cherry pick shit

Kunkussion 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's okay, I'm not meaning to seem that serious if I am. I'm more or less throwing stones for the sake of banter. I just considered the context of what you wrote and it appeared that way, so apologies on that

Kunkussion 1 point ago +2 / -1

We see them, or have been attuned to it by now. At least the possibility of a connection. But this isn't one.

Kunkussion 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you day drunk? I think you are intoxicated

Kunkussion 2 points ago +3 / -1

No it's not. It's disinfo meant to divide us. And you appear be trolling

Kunkussion 3 points ago +7 / -4

When you know what? Theres nothing here. It's not even shaped like the bomber. It's a collapsible stage for ease of transport. Go away

Kunkussion 6 points ago +6 / -0

As you know, that's willful ignorance, the most devastating disposition that halts us advancing as a species and as a society. So that's usually my response when others claim something is somehow impossible yet they don't even attempt to consider the falsely accused and want to act Jerry Springer about it.

Kunkussion 5 points ago +5 / -0

OG fam seconds your post. I knew from the beginning Q was not one person, this op is not a fucking comic book. You are right on all points, and why I have to practice patience myself with those who are not fully achieved their own understanding of things. Not mad at them at all, but we don't stop digging and we don't define absolutes and give the media bait. And we do need to split up this forum into sub groups, it would REALLY help

Kunkussion 6 points ago +6 / -0

You're not debating if climate change is real, because it most certainly is. The climate constantly changes naturally. You are debating if it's man made or not. Which, actually, it also is, by HAARP, cloud seeding, radio transmission and other weather modifications carried out by the government and NGO research corporations and universities. If they say you are being conspiratorial, isn't it the same to be if we believe our "emissions" could even put a dent into the earths atmosphere, as it is to believe that they are manipulating it themselves? That should stop the argument. Better yet, ask them if they believe that universities are breeding new species of insects (which they are), and how that affects the "climate", because it does.

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes but for tens of thousands of years one was obtainable and one wasn't.

Kunkussion 5 points ago +6 / -1


In agreement, crypto has the same sustainability as electric cars. The same weakness, the same autistic following, the same manipulation ability (no, nothing ever in this world besides God himself is outside of the realm of tampering), and the same deception of hope. But there are people including mods on this board who will persecute you for having this opinion, so tread lightly, unfortunately.

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

They kek at the unruly impatience we have lol

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

That fireplace is all I could watch for several months when I lost my mind. I think that's even the same one

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're bound to the Federal reserve with the issuance of a social security number. You have to pay them unfortunately. The only way to buck the IRS is to do it in mass numbers, which will be very hard to organize. I'm disabled too but I know for a fact it's a lot easier to keep them off your back doing the best you can. I would just seek out assistance with a tax specialist/attorney. See if you can get a free consult, and tell them everything you can.

Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

There could have been a giant hill possibly at the time and it was carved out. Or if not that, what's so hard about believing, like what you are saying, they were able to make sandstone blocks out of a slurry and casted in place? It's always been odd how people think it was impossible but don't understand our history has been heavily redacted and it's misdirection to create alien theories about this. These people were highly intelligent.

Kunkussion 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can't just say anti Jewish can they.. there are no living people of any semitic tribe anywhere, therefore it's impossible for anyone to be anti semitic. I truly don't think anyone is anti Jewish either, except for some radical Muslims (C_A plants) and plebs that don't understand the difference. But it's a trigger word still for the half faith evangelists who hang the flag of remphan at their temples they call churches. Saying that doesn't mean I'm anti Christian either, as I am one and I love anyone finding faith, but it's hard to enter an establishment that holds support to the very people that are destroying this nation (the NWO government).

Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

You aren't as bad off as you think you are. Im being honest. I've been to worse, thinking that what you were going through now was bad in my past, and I did go down the dark road, and even still with how bad it has been for me, meeting people in the hospital and watching what they were facing was its own sort of wake up call. The only thing you have really lost is your confidence. And no pastor, friend, job or living situation can improve that, or anyone on this board really. Only you and God. Only you can tell you that you can't do it.

And this might sting a bit, but your relationship problem sounds like it stems from the same issue. I think you both want it to work, but you are looking at the incidentals rather than the big picture. This is really hard to do when you are both conflicted and trying to figure things out. Some things don't have an answer nor do they need it; it just needs to be forgiven and forgotten. Everyone is struggling, in debt, stressed out and arguing over dumb stuff. So are me and my wife. I'm time conscious and analytical and she's more of living in the moment and simple minded, and both of those can have their negatives, so we constantly clash. But the quicker you can forgive, and the more you focus on being humble Rather than stressed will be the antidote you need. Marriages take much more work than they used to. Try limiting communication and just stick to the basics. Give small gifts and hugs more often, and don't elaborate on pain. Just slow down and live.

Oh how I wish I would have had this same advice when I was where you are before I lost what I did. The fact of the matter is that I kinda did, but I was just too ignorant to it and really really screwed up. But I hope it can help you.

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