MolonLabe1965 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is true in theory...however, if you think anyone is going after the left the way they have gone after Trump, you have go to be smoking something really good! Never happen because our side are...for lack of a better term...PUSSIES!

MolonLabe1965 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah...I have never felt good about this guy. In every interview I have watched him, I just feel he is an opportunist charlatan. Even telling a scumbag like cuomo that he wishes him health kumbaya, kumbaya, kumbaya crap is just disgusting.

MolonLabe1965 8 points ago +8 / -0

I feel so bad for our country at this point. Biden the pedo is such an embarrassment! The liberals in this country should be ashamed of themselves, but I suppose without God, you cannot have shame!

MolonLabe1965 4 points ago +4 / -0

They must have a drone in there to get that footage? That's crazy! Wonder what kind of drone was used...DJI?

MolonLabe1965 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have been saying this quote for years now..."Liberalism is a severe mental disorder and the only cure is deportation or incarceration!"

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +2 / -0

Spot on! Yep...and this is why I don't use the word "Gay" to describe the homos anymore...I only use the word "Sodomite."

MolonLabe1965 18 points ago +18 / -0

Doesn't matter if Hamas would do this or not. Either way those Palestinians died because of the US and Israel...doth of which created and funded Hamas from the beginning. Hamas, Isis, Hezbollah were all a creation of our CIA and Israel. It's always the same when it comes to terrorism...the CIA and Israel create it for the benefit of the Zionist State and keep the American public under the thumb of the Patriot Act which has led to how many hundreds of innocent Americans being thrown in prison with NO due process?

MolonLabe1965 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure...thanks for reading...

For several years now, I have questioned exactly how our Country was actually founded because I have...in my research...always run up against a very disturbing dichotomy. There were two opposing forces that were clearly evident in the founding of our nation. We of course had the Puritan, Biblical, Christian forces of men and women who came from the tyranny of Europe in search of a land where they could worship freely. But, at about the same time you had a very sinister, occultic force at work as well.

This would have been people like Sir Francis Bacon, the Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt)...which led to it's infiltration of the Freemasons and thereby influenced most of our Founding Fathers. If you have ever looked around the structures in Washington D.C. you are faced with the fact that it's all very occultic and Masonic in nature. This is very un-Godly and Anti-Christian, yet...it played an important and arguably prominent role in the growth and structure of America.

It's very difficult as a Christian to rectify this scenario and come to the conclusion that America was founded as a Christian nation. I suppose on the one hand it was, but on the other hand it wasn't? Again...difficult...not surprising...but difficult.

Over the years as I have watched out government at work, it has become quite clear that indeed...our Constitution was not doing what it has been said it was designed to do...put our Federal Government in a cage and keep it there...as Washington was quoted as saying, "Government is a troublesome servant and a fearful master!" However, most have falsely believed that this problem with our current Constitution is a relatively recent problem...for instance the John Birch Society has always taught that our Constitution served well until about the late 50's, early 60's. It was then that our Government began to stray and it has just become worse since that time.

However, as I did more research I found this not to be the case at all. In fact...our government has operated pretty much the way it operates now from almost the very beginning. Now maybe the debauchery wasn't quite to the level it is now of course, but the political corruption and extra Constitutional abuse sure was! Probably the two most dramatic, historical occurrences to make my point were when our very own government used the force of the military upon...in one case...WWI vets in the "Bonus March" incident of 1932. And then when Lincoln used his powers extra Constitutionally as President to keep the southern states from seceding and ultimately Lincoln interned American citizens. In both cases, the Constitution was unable to control the tyranny of an out of control Federal Government and the argument can be made that our Constitution actually created both of these scenarios.

Then there was this constant reference by several of our Founding Fathers (very much in contrast to what George Washington warned against in his Farewell Address) to the American Empire? In fact Benjamin Franklin and many of his contemporaries only referred to America as an "Empire" from the very beginning. But even more disturbing is historically the United States of America has stationed its militarily in more countries on the planet than any nation in the history of the world and the government overreach in this regard was evident from very early on in our nation's history beginning with it's very aggressive destruction of the Native American tribes in the 17 & 1800's. Understand, I am not making a moral judgement in this case...I am just stating what happened...right or wrong.

I guess what I am saying is that from a 40,000 foot view it appears our nation from beginning to now is being controlled by the same "SPIRIT" and it runs through our entire history. If I am completely forthcoming, that "SPIRIT" is the spirit of Freemasonry and the Occult. In fact it's the same spirit that seems to be at work in and through the entirety of the Liberal Democrat Party and most of the Republican Party as well. It is a spirit of the end justifies the means and there are no rules, no law, only what's best for "The Conspiracy" as, over the years, the John Birch Society and John F. Kennedy would put it! Now the evidence serves a very difficult pill to swallow...namely that our Constitution was put in place to help this "Conspiracy," not protect against it.

I began to fear this was the case well before I actually read most of our Founding Documents to be honest. Anyone with even a smidgen of historical honesty can tell something wasn't right from the very beginning. That being said, however, I had never read any book or document that even hinted at this until I read the Anti-Federalist Papers and then ultimately the very well researched and well written book "The Secret Founding of America" by Nicholas Hagger. I would absolutely suggest you read this book. Although he minimally touches on what happened during the Constitutional Convention, he was the first person who actually felt as I do...that the Constitutional Convention that led to our current Constitutional ratification of 1787 was indeed a "Masonic Coup" for the express purpose of giving the appearance of freedom, but would ultimately create what Francis Bacon called "The New Atlantis." This has been done by structuring a Constitution that would facilitate a very strong and powerful Federal/Central governmental structure and yet because of the "Bill of Rights" appear as though freedom in America would be unparalleled to any other type of governmental structure. This was the biggest argument the Anti-Federalists had against the newly suggested Constitution...namely that there was way too much power put in the hands of a Central governmental structure. Another interesting point to ponder is the fact that during the initial debates over the entirely new Constitution, there actually were no "Bill of Rights!" It was men like Patrick Henry who argued that the without a "Bill of Rights" the Constitution would not be ratified by the States. Indeed he was correct...the ONLY reason the Constitution was ratified was because the "Bill of Rights" language was forced into the Constitution! Can you imagine where we'd be if the Constitution had originally passed mustard without them? No Second Amendment, No First Amendment! Hell, it's taken Congress (our Government) 237 years (as of today actually) to finally completely destroy the Fourth Amendment! But, truth be told, it was not destroyed, it has never really stopped the "Conspiracy" from forcing Americans to self-incriminate. We have been doing this from before 1913!

Finally, it's key to understand that the original mandate of the First Constitutional Convention was to tweak the Articles of Confederation to simply allow more power to control commerce and economic fluidity between the States. The Articles were what made America free and other than the Bible, there has never been a more freedom oriented document ever written. But because of the masked agenda's of Freemasonry and it's willing accomplices Hamilton, Madison and Jay, an unmandated and entirely new Constitution was ratified. Again, reading the Anti-Federalist Papers is an eye opener to exactly how the Convention was literally "Subverted" and the "Coup" was done. Another good book to read is "How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America" by Brion McClanahan.

Again, I am not saying I support another Constitutional Convention, but I am saying that we definitely need some strong, freedom supporting Amendments and backstops to further ensure the Constitution can hold our elected officials accountable, take away any incentive to even be an elected official, and reword the Second Amendment in such a way that it can in no way be misinterpreted!

MolonLabe1965 7 points ago +7 / -0

Have to respectfully disagree with you on the Constitution fren.

Our Constitution as written is deeply flawed and is a BIG PART of why America is in the situation it is in...and it was designed to do the damage it has led to.

NO ONE ever talks about the Anti-Federalist Papers! Why is that? These are the written arguments against the adoption of our current Federal Constitution. You know who wrote most of the Anti-Federalist Papers? None other than Patrick Henry! No man was more in love with freedom and there was no greater Patriot than Patrick "Give me Freedom or Give me Death!" Henry. You know what Patrick Henry called our Constitution? He said it was, "Masked Aristocracy!" He was 100% correct and now 237 years hence, everything Henry and his Patriots who were against ratification of the current Constitution warned would happen...have happened...in spades and far worst than they warned us!

Patriots of our time need to consider that maybe...just maybe there was a "Conspiracy" to move our new nation away from the Articles of Confederation. Knowing what we know now about Freemasonry, the Rothschilds, the Cabal, etc...is it beyond our capacity to think that maybe The Convention of the States was subverted by simply convincing people of one big lie...that the Articles were too weak and the need for a strong central government was necessary for the nation of states to survive. Meanwhile the Articles had taken us from a bloody revolution and popped us out the other side with dept, turmoil and a new nation that had defeated the greatest military power to have ever existed in the world up until that time. No form of government would have worked any better than the Articles of Confederation under those same circumstances...but this was ignored and the lie of the "Weak Articles" was hammered home...similar to the way umpteen other lies are hammered home to us today...and readily believed I might add!

This stuff is never even researched today! How many on this site...some of the most well researched individuals on the planet today...have even read the Anti-Federalist Papers or the Articles of Confederation? Probably less of a percentage than those who know our current form of government is NOT supposed to be a Democracy, but a Constitutional Republic?

Now...don't misunderstand me, I am not for a ConCon. However, if we are to survive into the future under the current Constitution...there had better be some serious amendments...the biggest being rather pointed language that basically states..."If you introduce legislation or publicly hint at introducing legislation that's proven in a court of law that you have violated your oath of office...you will get charged with treason and executed if found guilty." Right now...our Constitution is so weak in so many areas...and because of the way parts of it are written...it can be so crazily interpreted...that it's no wonder no one is held to account for violating their sworn oath. Again...the Anti-Federalists predicted this and tried to warn us!

Our Constitution is anything but a Stone Foundation...

MolonLabe1965 3 points ago +6 / -3

To rely solely on Q, Trump or some Plan to save the world is un-Biblical and quite foolish if you ask me.

Gen Flynn never gave me a good feeling...something about him is off. Doesn't give me the willies like Mike Pence, but similar...I don't trust him. Being honest...

I have been curious about Q and the Plan and still believe that it may be real (I don't believe in coincidences either)...but like Biblical Prophecy...you never know what it means until it has happened because (contrary to what most Darby Zionist Evangelicals believe), prophecy isn't our crystal ball into the mind of God! Usually, it's God's warning to us...either get it together or you will end like Egypt, Babylon, Sodom, Gomorrah and Jerusalem to name a few. Case in point, in Matthew 24 Jesus told the disciples what was going to happen to Jerusalem prior to their passing. They really didn't understand what he was really saying because to them it seemed an impossibility to even consider. However, a few years later Jerusalem was ground to dust by the Romans. Jesus prophecy in Matthew 24 didn't make sense until after the fact. Even today most Zionist Evangelicals misinterpret Matthew 24 as something that still has yet to happen? They obviously refuse to deal with verse 34. Anyway...

Our only hope is in Jesus Christ! There will be no apocalypse...that happened in 70AD at the hands of Titus against Jerusalem and ushered in the New Covenant of Christ. The message of the Gospel is what is going to defeat the NWO, globalism, drain the swamp and take care of this sinful world. Jesus told Peter that the gates of hell wouldn't defeat the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now maybe Q, Trump and The Plan are "Part" of God's plan to win over the world to Christ, but it would only be a part. The actual mandate is for believers to stop hoping to be raptured out before the bad stuff starts happening and start fighting evil right now where and when we see it! Look forward to being with Jesus...yes...but at the same time fight the good fight here on earth! Find ways to share the Gospel and pray, pray, pray...but mostly get your own house in order...let's get on the same page as believers and try to be better followers of Jesus and set the example? Lord knows I need to pay attention to this more than anyone!

MolonLabe1965 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good point...you cannot get any lower hanging fruit than this! The cops probably went straight to the bar to high five and pat themselves on the back over this one meanwhile...their boss, the DA, and all the Judges are satan worshipping pedophile cannibal fks and it's these same cops who do their bidding and/or on in on it themselves! Hell, the entire LA County Sheriffs Dept have been fingered as pedos and every book I have read including and especially The Franklin Coverup demonstrates virtually all government/law enforcement officials are culpable. Another difficult but good read on the subject is Pedophilia & Empire. It's very long, but the reason is because the documentation is immense! I am starting to believe that being a pedo is a prerequisite to becoming a civil servant at ANY level! How else can you explain 800,000 children missing each year in the US alone?

I am convinced they show this stuff and have the occasional Amber Alert to make the normies think they are fighting the horror of what satanism, liberalism and atheism are doing to our children! Meanwhile...99.9999% of the hardcore go untouched and promoted within the ranks!

MolonLabe1965 1 point ago +2 / -1

Actually, Jake Sullivan is no longer with us...he was executed in Gitmo last year and his double is simply going through the motions as part of the movie we are all watching...this is what I think is happening! So...no need to worry about this guy...let's just keep on Romancing the Stone! Not sure if that last line makes sense, but it sounded good!

MolonLabe1965 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok...ok...I overreacted...but the reason why is because for some people it may be harder to separate reality from their desire to worship anything or anyone but Jesus. We all tend to want to put our faith in everything but the One in whom we should put our faith in and I have witnessed over and over again when this happens, the person who it is put on the pedestal (regardless of whether they themselves think they should be there) eventually gets a hard lesson in humility and I just don't want to see that happen to Trump. The man already has quite the ego...everyone knows this...but we do need him and so we need to make sure we keep the man in the proper perspective. So joke or no joke...I do think this God/Emperor thing is a little over the top.

MolonLabe1965 1 point ago +2 / -1

GEOTUS? Some of these posts are just insufferable! I voted Trump twice and will do it again because he's the best HUMAN for the job...but for those of you who think he's god...your idea of a god is setting the bar extremely low!

MolonLabe1965 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah...I get that...and you are absolutely correct, but I am also talking about virtually ever cop out there nowadays...most look like bully thugs and act the same! Even when driving their vehicles...they drive slumped down in the seat like some chicano hoodlem! It's embarrassing!

MolonLabe1965 4 points ago +5 / -1

It's very sad when the bozos doing the arresting look more like gang members than the bozo they are arresting. I just have absolutely no respect for law enforcement anymore. Most of them act and look like the thugs they are supposed to protect us from!

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok...I guess I am out of the geopolitical loop at this point...my question...and forgive my ignorance...my question is, "What was this false flag event supposed to draw our attention away from?" Serious question? Did something else happen (legislation pass, Biden fall down again, Kamala going to say something stupid)? Just curious if anyone has found anything?

MolonLabe1965 7 points ago +7 / -0

When I first heard what happened in Russia, I knew flat out it was the US/Israel carrying out a proxy attack against Russia via some terrorist organization. The US has been saying as much for weeks now! Our fn demoncrap government is going to get us into an all out war with Russia before the election if it's the last thing they do. These people are crazy psychopaths and I am just not sure how The Plan is going to work if we are all just a bunch of burned out cinders!

MolonLabe1965 2 points ago +3 / -1

Bravo...love Candace! ben shapiro is just a fast talking Khazarian knuckle dragger who needs to go back to his fake homeland and pretend to be a good little Jew boy! I always wondered why he talks so fast...he always reminded me of a heroine addict that needed his fix!

MolonLabe1965 0 points ago +1 / -1

The main point I was making is that once we get good people back in office (deep state actors flushed out) and and the remaining liberals are marginalized from existence, the FBI and all the other ILLEGAL law enforcement agencies should be completely erased and cease to exist. I don't care if there are good people in these agencies or not. In my book, even the "good ones" are just there leaching off the American taxpayer. The "good ones" need to find other vocations outside of government because their jobs will go away permanently.

I feel this way about all other local police as well. They are very militarized and Un-Constitutional! The only law enforcement agencies we should have is the local Sheriff (land based law enforcement) and a Navy...to protect our country from external invasion and nuclear threat. Add to this, what we already have...the most well armed citizenry in the history of mankind and as long as we have the Bible as our source for moral guidance and put God in His rightful place in this whole thing, our country and lives will thrive.

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