Oblakhan 10 points ago +11 / -1

We stop following MOSSAD Jones.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can call them globalists, you can call them commies, you can call them Nazis. It doesn't matter. What matters is its the same damned people over and over again.

They killed off the Czar and his family. They created the Holocaust (fake in my opinion). They run Israel, and they are hell bent on the destruction of Russia and the USA. If not for Trump, Putin, and the whitehats they would have succeeded, and you are right they still haven't given up.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Plan to Save the World was what brought me into the movement with full commitment.

Looking at the video it is surprising to see how all the things Joe M. told us have been brought into the light. He named many of them like big pharma before they ever made a move that exposed them. When he mentions that good guys it is telling that he shows General Flynn and Admiral Rogers.

I have passed these videos continually since finding them years ago. It is nice to see them put together.

Oblakhan 9 points ago +9 / -0

Grab the thirty pieces of silver and haul ass for your hole.

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Biden raised $25 million it was through crooked corporations and foreign money. Biden can't raise shit out of the American people.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

The people allowed to stay on Jewtube have always been and will always be paytriots.

Those that aren't paytriots fled to Rumble and Bitchute long ago. They left the cabal's money on the table and walked away because they are righteous patriots not money hungry opportunists.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

The thing is the crime that he didn't commit but was found guilty of, might not warrant jail time. However, the didn't want him found guilty to let him go. In my opinion they believe if they can get him behind bars they can give him the Epstein treatment and get away with it.

Don't be surprised if they try.

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is fucking stupid, and it is designed to make the retribution against the criminals look like revenge.

We don't need a list of Democrats. We just need prosecution of all the players regardless of their affiliation. I think it very likely some of the first prosecuted will be Republicans just to show the people that there are guilty on all sides of the political aisle.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it won't.

It will take going back to the gold standard, and removing the cabal's money printing machine, the Federal Reserve, as the controller of our economy.

The Feds role is to inflate and deflate our currency for their masters. It is how they have come to own almost everything. Thomas Jefferson warned the people of this country of exactly what would happen if you let the banksters get control of the money creation.

Oblakhan 8 points ago +8 / -0

Times seem strange, but I'm not really sweating it.

I am old. Old enough to know what comes comes, and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it, but wait and see.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you slip one in?

You cheat Biden into place but the Ho is not his VP.

Some other scumbag such has Newsome or some celeb like Oprah or Tom Hanks is selected as VP, and as soon as he is hailed as Pres and takes the oath he either steps aside or is taken out by some "crazy gun toting Trump supporter".

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

The judicial system is corrupt because the people that appoint the justices are corrupt, or in the case of elected judges the same scum that gives you two choices of the same flavor of puppet also give you two choices of the same flavor of puppet for your judicial positions.

Getting rid of the cabal of evil power hungry elites is the only remedy.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I too would be leery of a vaccine correction. I think a lot of the anons would be, at least until we could see proof positive of the result in the long term.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many of us that refused the vaccines believe that they included genetic corruption of our DNA.

If they have become sophisticated enough to insert corruption someone may know how to insert correction. In my opinion that correction might produce an ascension to a higher form of human. Maybe a form that existed in the past.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Much of the variation we see in genetic types is due to a random occurance in genetices known as crossover. It is when genes that are linked on one chain of a chromosome are severed and reconnect with the other side of that chromosome. This occurs in the formation of sex cells.

That one in a million births might create a moron or it might create a genius. What if there has been / is being manipulation that stops that process or makes sure that those rare individuals are weighted heavily toward the stupid scale? What would happen to humanity if the barriers were removed? How fast would change occur?

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope he throws out a couple of those in the debate. kek

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, she want badly to stick her 'exonerated' spin on it, but he wasn't having it.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope the real Biden down in Gitmo has a TV in his cell. He deserves to watch this train wreck in his honor.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is the typical soy boy pussy they have been breeding for for the last few generations, and I am better fitted for my generation of boomers when men still had some balls, and didn't around crying about how fucked they are.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

They should just close that Target and any with the same problems. Keeping them open and losing money goes against basic business practices.

The only reason they could have for leaving them open is pressure from their big lenders. Those lenders do not have a companies best interest in mind. The are the ones pushing DEI, and other faggotry into public companies regardless of it's impact on profits. Minority stock holders should be lining up class action suits against the hedge fund and index fund giants for destroying their investments.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +6 / -2

Stop fucking crying.

Get maddog mean, and get armed and get ready for what could be coming.

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