RC22 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't believe an interview was ever done, I think players wrote out a fictitious transcript and the "biden is too feeble minded to be prosecuted" was dreamed up before the transcript was written.

RC22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 2 young girls wearing " Hiden from Biden " t-shirts was a hoot.

RC22 11 points ago +11 / -0

I like the guy. He has put a stop to a lot of woke crap in his state.

RC22 1 point ago +1 / -0

He has a score to settle with the deep state too. At least we know we can trust him.

RC22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Donnie the Kid.

RC22 1 point ago +1 / -0

ZH article says up to four years "Judge Juan Merchan will now decide Trump's sentence on July 11 - days before Republicans are set to select him as the 2024 nominee. The crime has a maximum sentence of four years in prison. That said, Merchan could also opt for home confinement, probation, supervised release, fines or community service." https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-jury-says-it-has-verdict

I'd like to see him sentenced to four years community service in the White House as President :)

RC22 3 points ago +3 / -0

I want Paxton as VP with Trump.

RC22 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just watched a 1930's film, before the laws were passd to allow FBI to chase bank robbers across state lines, they were not allowed to carry guns and could not make ANY arrests of ANYONE without a local or state warrant issued to them.

RC22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seems like he should have been tried and convicted of one of these "Predicate" crimes separately first, before this case was ever brought to trial. This creates a loophole around due process. The jury gets to convict him on one of these predicate crimes with no chance to defend himself or bring evidence to prove his innocence of the predicate crime. Innocent until proven guilty is being tossed to the wind in this case. The idea that everyone should agree whether he is guilty of some Predicate crime without a full blown trial around that crime is just so wrong. They couldn't prove guilt on these crimes before the statutes of limitations ran out is the reason he was not not prosecuted on them, and now a jury with no trial can just declare him guilty of one of these crimes?

RC22 8 points ago +8 / -0

Didn't she campaign on the promise to get Trump? She should be barred for life.

RC22 7 points ago +7 / -0

On May 10, 2024, ABC News reported that in Voigt’s official resignation letter, she claimed that Rose is “actively building a culture of fear and control, the antithesis of women’s empowerment, that is causing a toxic workplace that is unsafe for future titleholders and employees.”

“It is important that I make this abundantly clear: the toll that this treatment, experience, and abuse has taken on me will have long-lasting impacts on my health,” Voigt added, per ABC News. “This is unfortunately not something that will magically disappear. I know the harsh reality of that fact, and I will not continue to allow myself to feel victimized anymore.”


RC22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden in Diapers was supposed to be Classified Top Secret Stuff. They are trying to find the leak. Just doing their job.

RC22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't like it. I saw the recent eclipse here in Ohio. Perfect timing. Like a Swiss watch. God put that moon up there for a reason. What happens if the Power Plant melts down? We have no business putting a base on the Sun either :)

RC22 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Bergmann told investigators she was given the boy’s phone number by his mother in December when his family invited who they thought was a beloved teacher with them to the Afton Alps for winter break."

Obviously taking the teacher with them on the family vacation was a big mistake.

That is a strange twist.

RC22 2 points ago +2 / -0

This War is Us vs Them. From the article:

"Here’s how I see the battle lines being drawn:

TEAM TYRANNY Their base: Elites, billionaires, the ruling class, the biowarfare industrial complex, intelligence agencies, and bougie technocrats.

Institutions they control: WEF, WHO, UN, BMGF, World Bank, IMF, most universities, the mainstream media, and liberal governments throughout the developed world.

Economic philosophy: The billionaires should control all wealth on earth. The peasants should only be allowed to exist to serve the billionaires, grow food, and fix the machines when necessary. Robots and Artificial Intelligence will soon be able to replace most of the peasants.

Political philosophy: Centralized control of everything. Elites know best. The 90% should shut up, pay their taxes, take their vaccines, develop chronic disease, and die. High tech global totalitarianism is the best form of government. Billionaires are God.

Philosophy of medicine: Allopathic. Cut, poison, burn, kill. Corporations create all knowledge. Bodies are machines. Transhumanism is ideal. The billionaires will soon live forever in the digital cloud.

Their currency: For now, inflationary Federal Reserve policies. Soon, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that will put the peasants in their place once and for all.

Policy vehicles to advance their agenda: One Health; WHO Pandemic Treaty; social credit scores; climate scores; vaccine mandates/passports; lockdowns and quarantine camps; elimination of small farms and livestock; corporate control of all food, land, water, transportation, and the weather; corporate control of social movements; and 15-minute cities for the peasants.

Military strategy: Gain-of-function viruses, propaganda, and vaccines.


Our base: The medical freedom movement, Constitutionalists, small “l” libertarians, independent farmers, natural meat and milk producers, pirate parties, natural healers, homeopaths, chiropractors, integrative and functional medicine doctors, and osteopaths.

Aligned institutions: CHD, ICAN, Brownstone Institute, NVIC, SFHF, the RFK, Jr. campaign, the Republican party at the county level…

Economic philosophy: Small “c” capitalism. Competition. Entrepreneurship.

Political philosophy: Classical liberalism. The people, using their own ingenuity, will generally figure out the best way to do things. Decentralize everything including the internet. If the elites would just leave us alone the world would be a much more peaceful, creative, and prosperous place. Human freedom leads to human flourishing.

Philosophy of medicine: Nature is infinite in its wisdom. Listen to the body. Systems have the ability to heal and regenerate.

Our currency: Cash, gold, crypto, and barter. (I don’t love crypto but lots of smart people in our movement do.)

Policy ideas: Exit the WHO. Boycott WEF companies. Repeal the Bayh-Dole Act, NCVIA Act, Patriot Act, and PREP Act. Add medical freedom to the Constitution. Prosecute the Faucistas at Nuremberg 2.0. Overhaul the NIH, FDA, CDC, EPA, USDA, FCC, DoD, and intelligence agencies. Make all publicly-funded scientific data available to the public. Ban insider trading by Congress. Support and protect organic food, farms, and farmers’ markets. Break up monopolies. Cut the size of the federal government in half (or more).

Our preferred tools to create change: Ideas, love for humanity, logic and reason, common sense, art and music, and popular uprising.

What would you add, subtract, or change in each of these lists? "

RC22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Luckily they all wear skirts and put lipstick on after shaving their beards.

RC22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would love to be filled in on the details, I see in the title has something to do with a PR visit.

RC22 7 points ago +7 / -0

"🚨 Members of Congress are Terrified of Intel Agencies Planting Kiddie Porn on their Computers — Intel Committee Members and a High Ranking Sr. Elected Official Admitted it’s Happening "

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