TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every time I see his face, I can only picture him blowing satan like the little pasty joo bitch he is...

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look, I don't care if you're into hamsters and duct tape as an adult. Just STFU about it... don't parade it around for everyone, especially children to see and emulate - in fact stay completely free and clear from any child. Unfortunately, kind hearted "hormonally challenged" gays have to take the brunt of this stigma because the statistics don't lie. Sorry... not sorry.

Keep your activities in the closet where they belong. You don't need, and you're not going to get, nor should you expect, hetero people to "celebrate", validate and confirm your preferences or pronouns. In reality, I think most gays would agree with what I'm saying.

"Why do they talk like that?" So they can easily identify one another... and there's a whole bandana code thing as well from what I've heard. I stopped wearing bandanas 20 years ago, except for covering my head while welding...

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

🎶Because I'm just like Qs clock, when I tik and I tock...🎶

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just like Europeans, Americans don't care who you're banging, as long as it isn't children.

The entire thing is just another example of shit flinging by agent provocateurs in the media industrial complex and intelligence agencies. This is resoundingly clear in light of what was said in Germany nearly 100 years ago, and the uncanny parallels to our current state if affairs. RE: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnaUFom/buy-a-history-book-published-20-/c/

Smart patriots know this and just want them to do their job, but human nature being what it is, and predictably so in double digit IQ populations, it's used to push a narrative and swing the pendulum to the desired side in the court of public opinion. Hellgelian dialectic optional.

TaQo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Operations (X) 10: Marker and Comms

Three years ago, I provided the DROPS indicating that Trump would be arrested and revealed military WIRES showing Italy, Russia, and the EU sharing the same information. This pointed to Trump's imminent arrest and the military's plan to save him. It was all a setup, with the military charter aware of these events as part of a placed plan.

Current Operations: You are now witnessing critical stages of military operations designed to expose a military coup orchestrated by the deep state cabal. These indictments, guilty verdicts, and the weaponized judicial system of the U.S. government will lead directly to Obama and his lawyers, who are funding these operations alongside the Clintons, the CIA, and globalist entities like the Carnegie Endowment.

Understanding Military Comms: To grasp the planned movements, you must first understand the public-facing military communications.

Key Meetings and Financial Plans:

Just two days before Trump was indicted on 34 counts, he met with Elon Musk to discuss cryptocurrency and the future financial system of North and Central America, which will be backed by precious metals. This followed Musk’s meeting with Xi's top officials in China and subsequent discussions between Putin and Xi about a new world financial system and BRICS.

Musk, positioned by Trump as USSF commander, discussed the U.S. multi-trillion-dollar crypto system being prepared with Trump. This alliance includes Trump (U.S.), Modi (India), Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia), and Xi (China), all working to dismantle CIA control and globalist influence.

World Alliance Military Operations:

These operations are designed to dismantle the globalist control over the CIA and corrupt military intelligence. Xi plans to incite a civil conflict in China to bring down the CCP, and later, a staged fallout between Russia and China will target the CCP’s collapse.

Financial Backing:

Musk, alongside global elites, investors, and Cheyenne Mountain, is backing Trump to create a new financial system for North and Central America, saving the Western Hemisphere and ushering in a golden age. The U.S. military, empowered by Trump, is covertly orchestrating the collapse of deep state institutions and financial systems (CIA, DARPA, Rockefeller, JP Morgan operations).

This is part of the devolution plan and continuity of government operations leading to a significant near-death civilization event, near civil war, and near nuclear war, culminating in the end of the storm and restoration of presidential powers under new governance.

Operation X and Military Comms:

Operation X, the Great Awakening movement, is significant this year, with critical military communications indicating planned operations:

  • 2019 Military Wires: Full military world operations begin when Twitter is X'd out.

  • 2023 Military Wires: X appears over the U.S. (X Eclipse path 2024) initiating Marker 10 and beginning operations to destroy deep state servers, starting with CIA bases.

  • Red Skies 2024: USSF operations will target NATO/CIA supercomputers and servers in Ukraine and Poland.

  • 2022 Military Wires: Disease X operations infiltrate global health organizations to expose gain-of-function funding, leading to military intervention and tribunals after 11.3 military operations laws of war initiations.

The Bigger Picture:

You are witnessing a meticulously planned effort to save the world. Q's references to watching a movie highlight this, though the war is real, and the news is fake. The war was won before it began, with Biden playing a role orchestrated by white hats. All events, including Trump's indictments and prosecutions, are part of exposing the deep state's coup initiated through Crossfire Hurricane and ongoing election interference.


TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure if I'm the only one who thinks this, but ...I think it would be valuable if, like this fantastic daily thread, we also had a "Notable" or "Noteworthy" thread that linked noteworthy information, in line with our focus and work here at GA. (At whatever frequency is deemed appropriate... once a week? As things filled up?)

I'm not sure who would decide what is or isn't, but I think it would be a great addition, especially for those if us who might be taken away for work or family duties, only to come back and have missed a vital piece of the puzzle.

Just a thought... Can I get a witness? 🤔

EDIT: Well duh... I guess we already have that covered with Unleashed?

RE: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKnZKCnp/unleashed-53124apologies-for-the/

TaQo 3 points ago +3 / -0


(I thought we had a Trump train animated gif ???🤔 )

All aboard!!! The Trump Train!!! Doot doot!!!!

It's not stopping for ANYTHING! Nothing can stop the Trump Train!!!

Sounds crazy you say? That's because it's LOCO motion, Esse!!!!

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Posted links of what I could find so far...

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry but speculative doomer posts like this are bullshit. Nobody needs to hear this shit.

You know there's a Plan. You know he's protected and insulated. You know this entire trial was part of the movie, and mission accomplished to set precedent for the real criminals. You know he's going to appeal and the stack of errors, illegal proceedings and bullshit that went down far outweigh anything that he may have done.

What were you hoping to accomplish by posting this? 🤔

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah yes.... Switzerland. "Don't dare look at us... we're "neutral" - you keep looking to the left and to the right while we sit here and loan each side the money... and wash and hide the money, in a Swiss account..."

Open your eyes and dig on Switzerland...

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah... I member too... There was something regarding covid and iron in conjunction with 5G, and a story about WH placing a device on all 5G towers to nullify the harmful effects of 5G interacting with nanites/metallic components of the jab that would kill people. Sorry I don't have sauce.

TaQo 12 points ago +12 / -0

Wow! In light of this revelation, I need to go back and shine light on everything that has been artificially wrapped in contrived shame, repeatedly maligned and obscured from us.

It's particularly interesting regarding this "democracy" and the two party tag team rope a dope we've been getting played with for way too long. To hear it spelled out nearly 100 years ago, while pointing out that their struggle has endured for 120+ years already, points to the magnanimous undertaking involved in "The Plan".

Mrs said this was posted before but I missed it... thanks for the repost u/JohnTitor17 !!!

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

This needs to be printed by the thousands and air dropped in every city...If we can't do that, I guess we'll have to leave some scattered around Good Will stores, KFC and Red lobster...

TaQo 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is absolutely bangin... Faceplant needs this in as many threads as possible before I get banned again lol

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh I don't disagree at all with wanting that to happen... it's just the aftermath that concerns me.

I want to see the usual suspects yanked out if their beds and into the street at 0dark:30 - No trials...no deals...an absolute rein of justice...The Great Purge.

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

How dare you mock a hide and seek champion like that....

TaQo 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think you're right. I'm imagining Sr with a noose around his neck, eyeballs and tongue hanging out. Think about it... it'd have to be both shocking and unambiguous for them to react and show strong emotions that quickly.

I also think there were different messages for different people. Others didn't respond that way, and...you know if Big Mike showed Obongo the same pic as Jeb etc, he'd probably freak out a bit...the candy thing bush/Obongo shared comes to mind regarding long history and history would stir up reactions. Others are too nonchalant...

TaQo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember when Hunter placed a line of Skittles on his pecker?

Pepe Farms remembers...

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