UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

This thoughts crossed my noggin as well. Let's face it, all the circuit breakers protecting the USA republic have been corrupted and failed in one way or another (financial, medical, legal system, etc.), and literally it appears one man is calling the shots right now. HOWEVER, if that was the case, J6 would have been a lot bloodier. Fauci, Hillary, Schwab and a host of other known bad actors would be running loose causing further chaos and blood would be running rampant all over ours and other nations. Locally I've worked with a lot of other good people I've met in the past three years to out a lot of bad actors I never would have known about.

Get out there and expose, expose, expose. We were all on several lists in November 2020 and would have been taken out by now. Instead we're part of the grief the Deep State is terrorized by just learning of all their evil secret deeds and sharing with otherwise good people that have been totally brainwashed.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the non-computer programming types, computers trying to count time (seconds/hours/days/months/years) have to use special algorithms to count in "computereese"(like clock cycles or other means). It varies according to hardware & software, and the timing clocks need a starting point as part of the conversion (like 1/1/1970 for example). Early on, they could only count so high without running out of "bits" (digits) before they'd have what's called a stack overflow. This would impact databases and other items doing calculations adversely (think Y2k and divide by zero errors)...

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

And thaaaaat's an upvote....(for the original Shoney's comment!)

UberLightBringer 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yes, but if you precede the precedent before it becomes a precedent, does this mean Trump preceded the precedent by being a president?? (Humor, the best medicine...)

UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I sure hope all them thar military age males are actually getting sent back with GA&O (Guns, ammo & orders) to take back their original countries...

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly WHICH Obi-Wan moment?? Is there a Baron von Romanov waiting in the wings??

UberLightBringer 8 points ago +8 / -0

We can hope, but I've almost got that post memorized it's been posted so many times!

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

"WE" didn't fail to hold them accountable. The system was corrupted well before many of us were born; litigation would only result in us being in poor health AND broke if we weren't part of their club (that would then just raise everyone's insurance rates). That being said, we ARE now holding them accountable in the very near future, after our military has apparently executed a very well planned operation that gives us a chance to support them.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

#two thousand, one hundred...wait, I've lost count of them...

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need honest lawyers and courts to sue the snot out of them for multiple crimes (wouldn't allow ivermectin prescriptions, forcing us to take us experimental drugs, making us pay for "health care, etc.) to get our money back. Look up "devolution", and trust the plan.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct. It's going to be a tough haul figuring out who we can and can't trust, especially with lives being lost based on the amount of time that's flying by. Cowboy up, patriots. Let's get it done.

UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

When DJT campaigned in Detroit for 2016 as a republican with the phrase "What have you got to lose??", it was beyond ballsy. The town had ALWAYS gone democrat, and everyone was thinking "WTH is he doing??".

With all the cheating that's been exposed (Wayne county actually has their own set of election rules separate from the rest of the state!!), now we know. And the RINO's are in deep sheet and they know it.

UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

The trick with ALL food right now is trying to find something without "natural flavors" as an ingredient. You need to question what that is and start digging, then realize how it's in about everything, THEN start comparing who's better than who...

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +2 / -1

There's a lot of mechanics (both material and structural) that go into analyzing events like this, but yes it appears that very evil people planned and carried out bringing the towers and building 7 down, and the pentagon was a directed missile strike and coverup from what I've seen as well. For starters as far as the airplane vs. building, you have to consider that the strength of a material in the direction of force is a cubed factor (a*b^3). For example a 10mm thick plate 100mm wide will be a LOT stronger if the wide end is vertical as a structural member, vs. if it's laying flat. This is why you see "I" beams holding up building floors with the widest part vertically oriented. When you start getting into the material properties ("compressive force"), that is another aspect to be considered. Concrete has a compressive strength of 2500 to 10k PSI, whereas 2024 aluminum (typically used for aerospace applications) has a compressive strength of ~40 kPSI. but with the cube factor of flooring in the direction of the force, concrete maybe 2" thick above corrugated steel (think of the horizontal floors now having that cubed factor working for them) vs. the planes wall thickness of maybe an 1/8", and you'd have to at best assume the plane had to hit at a perfect right angle to even have a chance to take down the building. This assumes something happening right at the impact. But the aluminum would crumple, and lose that cubed strength factor pretty quick.

The real tell-tale was the building coming straight down. It would be about impossible that all the support beams would give out together in unison. It would be way more likely one corner or side would buckle first, and the building start toppling in another direction, which it obviously didn't.

UberLightBringer 9 points ago +9 / -0

I wonder if the CAA (Creative Artists Association?) is included since they are the clown front for the media side of the OP. They essentially filter out who is & isn't allowed to be in the club. Same thing with any large school system looking for superintendent candidates. The corrupt school board "hires" a consulting company (there's only 2 or 3) to do a candidate search, who then only selects from known red-nose select individuals

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will probably be along the lines of "look, I posted this before and it was censored in no time at all." Now with a second time if it doesn't come down it may actually get out to more people.

UberLightBringer 6 points ago +6 / -0

NEVER give up. Remember this only ends one way. We win. They lose. Semper Fidelis, fren.

UberLightBringer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Simply/sadly incredible how long this fight against such a lot of evil-doers has been going on.

"Win it for Harry!!"

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Expose, expose and expose them all. That's the job right now. Video them, mock them, let the kids know what happens to people this monstrous. Be relentless. The more exposure, the longer (we're 🦜 ng MULTIPLE generations) until anyone even dreams of pulling a stunt like this again.

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +2 / -1

Uh, yeah. Does anyone really believe he hasn't seen judgement yet? Start keeping track of who you HAVEN'T heard from lately. "Enjoy the Show".

UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Using HAARP to see who can connect the dots! (Not kidding, but just don't have a moment to try. Give it a shot, Anons!)

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